Poems (Tynan)/The Tree's Double

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4514093Poems — The Tree's DoubleKatharine Tynan
How beautiful the tree shadows he on
The paler green o' the grasses!
October wind stirs them a little and passes,
Cloud-shadows sail above them and are gone.

The trees are like a golden fountain's spray,
Like golden waters raining.
When the October skies and ways are waning,
The trees alone have the heart to be gay.

Yet there 's a blue sky, and the sun is gold,
A gold tree and a bird in it,
A Jenny Wren or a belated linnet,
Singing away though all the nests are cold.

The tree upon the grass has a bird's shadow,
As the live tree its bird,
Shadow and substance joyfully praise the Lord
As well as when the world was all a meadow.

And when the living tree rocks at its pleasure
Its bird in frolic glee,
The shadow bird within the shadow-tree
Dances upon the grass to the same measure.