Poems (White)/Perfection

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For works with similar titles, see Perfection.
4500344Poems — PerfectionJeannie Copes White
Every petal on the rose
Makes of it a perfect flower;
Every little stream that flows
Swells the lake, or ocean's power.
Every leaf upon the tree
Makes for us the summer shade;
Tiny though the leaf may be,
Deeper is the shadow made.
At the moment of his birth,
Baby then has formed a part
Of his family on this earth,—
Takes his place within the heart.
Every note upon the scale
Forms the music that we hear,
Nor an artist dare to fail
Strike that note upon the ear.
And the race of human kind,
Brothers with a human heart,
Family in a human mind,
Each one has a human part.
Thus a perfect flower make
A protective shade to show,
Deeper ocean, or a lake,
Better family will we know.
All the notes upon the scale
Sounding out in joyous song,
No more discord—none shall rail,—
Harmony has healed the wrong.
Trust must take the labor hand,
He, the elder, guide the feet,
Lead him to a better land;
Let Trust's heart to Labor's beat.
And the Socialistic band
Quench the fire that burns within!
Love your brother in this land,—
Sinners never conquered sin.
Make a family circle now;
All from East to West join hands;
Wipe the sin from off your brow;
Break from off your heart its bands!
Each of us must have a part
In this glorious Symphony.
Heart responsive to each heart,
Onward, lead us, Destiny!