Poems (Wordsworth, 1815)/Volume 1/Who fancied what a pretty sight

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Poems Volume I (1815)
by William Wordsworth
Who fancied what a pretty sight
2021050Poems Volume I — Who fancied what a pretty sight1815William Wordsworth


Who fancied what a pretty sight
This Rock would be if edged around
With living Snowdrops? circlet bright!
How glorious to this Orchard-ground!
Who loved the little Rock, and set
Upon its Head this Coronet?

Was it the humour of a Child?
Or rather of some love-sick Maid,
Whose brows, the day that she was styled
The Shepherd Queen, were thus arrayed?
Of Man mature, or Matron sage?
Or Old-man toying with his age?

I asked—'twas whispered, The device
To each or all might well belong:
It is the Spirit of Paradise
That prompts such work, a Spirit strong,
That gives to all the self-same bent
Where life is wise and innocent.