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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 7/July 1875/Correspondence

From Wikisource


To the Editor of the Popular Science Monthly:

DEAR SIR: Last summer, at the Hartford meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a new constitution was adopted, and, under its provisions, a permanent subsection of "chemistry, chemical physics, chemical technology, mineralogy, and metallurgy," was organized.

Prof. S. W. Johnson, of Yale College, was elected chairman of the new subsection for the ensuing year, and the undersigned was deputed to make the necessary efforts to insure a full attendance of chemists and others interested in the application of chemistry. The meeting for the summer will be held at Detroit, commencing the 11th of August, and continuing about a week. It is very desirable that there should be a full attendance in the new subsection, in order to make it a success. Will you be so kind as to call the attention of your readers to the subject, either by printing this card, or by an editorial notice?

Any one who is interested in chemistry, mineralogy, or in any application of these sciences, will be welcome. Hitherto, chemistry has been but little represented in the proceedings of the Association, and the time now seems to have arrived in which some good work can be done.

F. W. Clarke.