Pounamu: Notes on New Zealand Greenstone/Glossary

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Aho, the cord of a drill.
aitua, an ill omen.
aotea, clouded white jade.
Aotearoa, “the Long White Cloud.”
arero rua, the forked tongue of a tiki.
atua, a guardian deity.
auhunga, light green jade.

E hoa, O friend
e mau ana ki te taringa a te tangata,
which is fixed to the ear of a man.

Hei, neck.
hei-tiki, neck ornaments of grotesque human form.
heoi te mihi, that is all the greeting.
hoanga, stone for cutting and polishing greenstone.

Inanga, grey jade.

Kahotea, dark spotted greenstone.
kahurangi, translucent greenstone.
kaka, the large russet parrot.
kapeu, see tautau.
kara, hard stone other than greenstone.
karakia, spells.
kakariki, the colour green, also a small green parrot and a green lizard.
karanga, welcome!
kaui, the neck cord of the hei-tiki.
kauri, a New Zealand pine.
kawakawa, dark jade without spots.
kia ora koe, may you be well!
kiripaka, flint.
kohuwai, jade with moss-like marks.
kuru, a greenstone hammer, also a cylindrical ear-pendant.
kurupae, the cross-piece of a drill.

Mako, an ornament like a shark's tooth.
mana, supernatural excellence.
manaia, a malignant spirit.
ma te atua koe e tiaki, may God keep you!
mata, the obsidian point of a drill.
matau, a hook-shaped neck ornament.
mere, the war-club.
moria, see poria.

Na tau hoa aroha, by your loving friend.
ngao matariki, the small finishing adze.
ngao pae, the largest adze.
ngao tu, the medium sized adze.

Oha, an heirloom.
ona, his.

Pa, a Maori fort.
pakeha, a white foreigner.
parihi pohatu, a sharp fragment of hard stone.
patiti, a hatchet.
patu, the war-club.
pekapeka, an ornament shaped like a bat.
pirori, see tuiri.
poria, a parrot ring.
porotiti, disk of a drilling machine.
poro toroa, a toggle of albatross bone.
pou, the rod of a drill.
pounamu, greenstone, also the colour green.
puau, a wooden toggle.

Rangatira, a chief.
reinga, the next world.
reke, the butt or pommel of a war-club.
ripi, a backward thrust with a war-club.

Tapu, a prohibition forbidding contact with persons or things considered sacred.
tautau, a long eardrop.
tena koe, there you are.
tika, correct.
tiki, see hei-tiki.
tipi, a forward thrust with a war-club.
tohu, a sign.
tohunga, a priest.
toi, the mountain palm.
toki, the greenstone adze.
toki whakarau, the smoothing adze.
tuaka, the mid rib of a palm-leaf.
tupuna, an ancestor.
tuwiri, a drill for boring holes in jade.

Uri, descendants.
utu, compensation for injury.

Whakakai, a flat ear-pendant.