Preces Gertrudianae/To our Lord Jesus Christ

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Preces Gertrudianae: Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde of the Order of St. Benedict (1861)
by St. Gertrude the Great, translated by Thomas Alder Pope
To our Lord Jesus Christ
St. Gertrude the Great3922070Preces Gertrudianae: Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde of the Order of St. Benedict — To our Lord Jesus Christ1861Thomas Alder Pope




Composed of three beads of gold and fifteen of silver.

While St. Gertrude was offering this wreath of salutations in honour of the name of Jesus, she seemed to see them under the form of roses hung around with golden veils, the fragrance and tuneful harmony of which touched the Sacred Heart with ineffable delight. Those which had been recited with devout intention gave forth a most ravishing melody, while those which had been said carelessly uttered a low and wailing sound. And the Lord said to her: Whenever any one prays to me, Hail sweetest Jesus, &c, the depth of the sweetness of my Godhead is stirred within me, and there spreads itself before me an odour of wondrous fragrance, which I shed down on him who repeats these words.


HAIL, most loving Jesus, life-giving Germ of the divine Honour, unfading flower of human dignity, my consummate and my only salvation. Thou art my Creator and my Redeemer, and thou hast so loved me as to leave all thy bliss and thy glory, and to purchase me for thyself with the anguish of thy death.

Five sliver heads.

1. Hail, sweetest Jesus, most precious pearl of the most holy Trinity, with whose price the world has been redeemed.

2. Hail, most tender Jesus, refulgent splendour of the Father's glory, who with the light of thy countenance dost enlighten and quicken thine elect in the heavenly country.

3. Hail, most amiable Jesus, flashing effulgence from the sun of Justice, who dost inflame the hearts of angels and saints with the fire of thy love.

4. Hail, most noble Jesus, living Image of thy Father's substance, who dost make all those who cleave to thee partakers of thy divine nature.

5. Hail, most renowned Jesus, Morning Star of thy Church, who enlightenest the darkness of the world, and scatterest all the thick darkness of sin.


HAIL, Jesus, Bridegroom most beauteous in the charm of thy Divinity, I salute thee and embrace thee with the affection of all thy creatures, and kiss thee with my mouth, thou Wound of love.

Five silver beads.

1. Hail, Jesus, fairer than the sons of men, Orient pearl formed in the ocean of the Godhead of the Father, whose generation no created intelligence can declare.

2. Hail, Jesus, sweeter than honey and the honeycomb, heavenly manna of wondrous sweetness, who dost refresh and satisfy every hungry soul.

3. Hail, Jesus most resplendent, glowing Fire of uncreated love, who dost lighten and hear the burden of human toil and misery.

4. Hail, Jesus most gentle, sweet channel of heavenly streams, who dost take away the bitterness of every soul in anguish.

5. Hail, priceless Jesus, treasure-house of the divine Essence, who dost enrich the poverty of our nature. Amen.


HAIL, Jesus, full of grace, mercy is with thee, and thou art blessed among the sons of men; and blessed be thy most Holy Name, thy Life and thy Passion. O sweet Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners now and in the hour of our death. Amen.

Five Silver Beads.

1. Hail, Jesus, Spouse and Crown of Virgins, we praise thee for ever, whose love made thee Son of the Virgin.

2. Hail, Jesus, Euler of all things, fairer in thy beauty than the sons of men, we acknowledge and worship thee as our most clement Lord.

3. Hail, Jesus, wondrous splendour of the Godhead, wonder of wonders, who dost blot out all the sins of the world.

4. Hail, Jesus, our consolation, who dost lay open to us the treasury of the riches of God, thou true refuge of the poor, and comfort of the afflicted.

5. Hail, Jesus, glory of angels, living Fountain, light of all minds, who dost transcend all joy and all desire. Amen.


O Good Jesus, my love, my joy, and my sweetness, my soul loves thee alone; for thee alone doth my longing spirit pine. For thou art more glorious than the sun, fairer than the moon, more radiant than the dawn, more brilliant than the stars. Thou art whiter than the lily, more ruddy than the rose, more vigorous than the hyacinth, and more fragrant than earth's most fragrant flowers. Thou art sweeter than all sweetness, more tender than all affection, more exquisite than all dainties, beloved above all love. Thou alone art great and to be praised, thou alone art sweet and to be loved, thou alone art fair and pleasant, thou alone beauteous and full of delight, thou alone hast no counterpart or equal in heaven or in earth. Wherefore, in token of my love, I offer thee this wreath of gems, and present it to thee on the golden altar of thy divine Heart, in union with that unceasing melody of praise wherewith the whole company of heaven worships thee. And since this my meagre, barren praise is altogether unworthy of thee, O true Love of my heart, do thou thyself perform the stately solemnity of thy praise; and together with thee let all the ranks of heaven rejoice and sing aloud for that greatest, sweetest blessing,that thou art my God, and that thou dost condescend to be acknowledged, and loved, and praised by me, the refuse and off-scouring of thy creatures. Amen.


This prayer was revealed to St. Gertrude during an unusually abundant influx of grace and light. Our Lord said to her: Whoever repeats this prayer shall receive the grace to know me more intimately, and shall receive into his soul the splendour of my Divinity, even as he who holds up to the sun a min or of pure gold collects therein the dazzling effulgence of its rays.

O Thou most excelling King of kings, Prince of glory, my loving Jesus, thou art the life of my soul; may all the affection of my heart be inflamed with the ardour of thy love, and for ever united to thee. May it sink back baffled and exhausted when it would love aught but what tends to thee alone; for thou art the brilliance of all colour, the savour of all dainties, the fragrance of all odours, the charm of all melody, the soothing repose of all love. O thou overflowing abyss of Divinity, in thee is pleasure most enrapturing, from thee ever-gushing streams of plenty spread around, towards thee a gentle force irresistibly attracts, through thee our souls are inundated with thrilling gladness. O King of kings most worthy, sovereign Lord of all, Prince most glorious, most clement Ruler, thou most mighty Protector, thou art the vivifying germ of human dignity, O most wonderful in thy working, gentlest of Teachers, Wisest in counsel, most kind and effectual Helper, Friend faithful unto death. No union is so intimate, so beatific, as thine, O thou transporting,soothing Lover of souls, most tender and chaste Spouse of thy chosen. Thou art the spring Flower of noble grace fulness, O my brother most fair, ruddy, and comely in thy youth, most winning companion, Host most munificent in thy provision; I choose thee in preference to all creatures, for thy sake I renounce all pleasure, for thee I run with joy to meet all adversity, and in all I do I seek no other praise than thine. I acknowledge with heart and mouth that thou art the root from which these and all good things spring. With the energy of thy fervour I unite my intention to that of thy most availing prayer, that in virtue of this divine union every movement of rebellion may be quelled and crushed within me, and that I may be led by thee to the summit and pinnacle of perfection. Amen.


O Good Jesus, O most compassionate Jesus, O Jesus Son of God and of the Virgin Mary, full of mercy and of pity; O sweet Jesus, have mercy on me according to thy great mercy. O most clement Jesus, I implore thee, by that precious Blood which thou bast shed for sinners, that thou wouldst wash away all my iniquities, and look down upon me, wretched and unworthy, humbly seeking thy forgiveness and invoking this holy Name of Jesus. O Name of Jesus, name of sweetness! Name of Jesus, name most full of delight! Name of Jesus, name most lovely! For what is Jesus but Saviour? Wherefore, O Jesus, for thy holy Name's sake, be to me Jesus, and save me. Suffer me not to be lost, whom thou hast redeemed with thy Precious Blood. O good Jesus, let not mine iniquity destroy me, the work of thy almighty goodness. O Jesus most benignant, have mercy on me in this day of mercy, that thou condemn me not in the day of judgment. O most compassionate Jesus, if thy stern justice incline to condemn me, I make my appeal and my refuge in thy most pitiful mercy. O most loving Jesus, Jesus most ardently longed for, Jesus most gentle and meek, O Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, receive me into the number of thy chosen. O Jesus, the salvation of those who believe in thee; O Jesus, the trust of those who flee for refuge unto thee; O Jesus, the sweetness of those who love thee; grant that I may love thee, and cleave faithfully to thee, and after this most miserable life come to thee in peace. Amen.


That by his most holy life and conversation he would make satisfaction for our transgressions.

O TENDER Jesus, full of pity and of mercy, who never despisest the sighing of the wretched, to thee I betake myself, imploring thy clemency. Speak thou for me, supply thou for me; for I confess unto thee all my sins. By the sinless tears of thy most glorious eyes, wash away all the stains of my sinful eyes. By the gentle pity of thy blessed ears, wash away all the iniquities of my sinful ears. By the thrilling energy of the sweet words of thy blessed lips, wash away all the offences of my polluted lips. By the perfection of thine actions and by the wounds in thy hands, wash away all the offences of my impious hands. By the aching weariness of thy blessed feet, and by the cruel holes of the nails, wash away all the defilement of my sinful feet. By the pure intention of thy most holy thoughts, and by the glowing love of thy pierced Heart, wash away all the guilt of my evil thoughts and of my wicked heart. By the matchless innocence of thy life, and by thy unspotted holiness, destroy all the foulness of my corrupt life. By the priceless fountain of thy most Precious Blood, wash away, cleanse and efface every defilement of my heart and soul, that by thy most holy merits I may be found clean from sin, and be henceforward enabled to keep all thy commandments perfectly and spotlessly. Amen.

Five sublime aspirations to Jesus Christ, which he himself taught to St. Mechtilde.

O SWEET Jesus, I sigh unto thee in union with that glory which flows down from thee upon all thy saints, to make up what is lacking in the glory which all creatures ought to give thee.

O compassionate Jesus, I sigh unto thee in union with the gratitude which rises towards thee from the hearts of thy saints, when they give thanks to thee for the gifts thou hast bestowed on them.

O meek Jesus, I sigh unto thee by reason of my sins and those of all men, in union with that patience with which thou dost support and endure the iniquities of us all.

O amiable Jesus, I sigh unto thee in union with that divine yearning which thou hadst on earth for the salvation of men, earnestly craving every good gift needful to men for thy glory and for their salvation.

O good Jesus, I sigh unto thee in union with all the prayer which has ever gone forth from thy divine Heart, and from the hearts of all saints, for all the faithful, living and departed. Amen.


When, our Lord, at the request of St. Gertrude, had presented this oblation to God the Father, she appeared clothed, in garments of white and red, with ornaments of wonderful richness. And, indeed, this prayer is of singular efficacy, and should be frequently repeated.

O Most compassionate Jesus, since by reason of thine unsearchable wisdom thou knowest the extent of human frailty more clearly and fully than I or any one can know it, I implore thee to have manifold compassion on my manifold frailty, and to vouchsafe to supply all my defects and shortcomings. Offer to thy most gracious Father, O pitiful Jesus, the most becoming silence of thy holy lips, in expiation of all the sin I have committed, and in supply of all the good I have omitted, by vain and frivolous conversation. Offer, O good Jesus, the modesty of thy most holy ears, for all the sins I have committed by hearing. Offer also the reserve of thy eyes, for all the stains which I have contracted by wandering and forbidden looks. Offer the caution and deliberation of thy Hands and thy Feet, for all the sins which I have committed in my daily actions or in my daily walk. Lastly, O most loving Jesus, offer to his glorious Majesty thy deified Heart, for all the sins which I have committed by thought, will, or desire. Amen.


St Gertrude said to our Lord on Master Day: Teach me, O thou gentlest Teacher, how I may most devoutly praise thee in the Alleluia. She received this answer: You may well and suitably praise vie by uniting your intention in the following manner to that of the heavenly host, who unceasingly sing Alleluia to my glory.

I PRAISE thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all-transcending praise wherewith all thy saints extol, in rapturous harmony, the thrilling influx of thy Divinity into thy deific Humanity, new that it is transfigured in unfading glory, in reward of the manifold bitterness of the Passion and Death thou didst endure for man's salvation.

I praise thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all-transcending praise, wherewith all thy saints extol the ravishing delight of that glad everlasting spring, wherein the eyes of thy Humanity feast in the green pastures of the one, whole, supreme, and undivided Trinity.

I praise thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all-transcending praise, wherewith all thy saints extol that most tranquil delight with which the ears of thy deified Humanity are soothed, in the ineffable endearments of the ever-adorable Trinity and the unwearying praises of angels and saints.

I praise thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all-transcending praise, wherewith all thy saints extol the entrancing fragrance which exhales from the Bosom of the most Holy Trinity, for the refreshment and delight of thy sacred and immortal Humanity.

I praise thee, O my Jesus, in union with that all- transcending praise, wherewith all thy saints extol with one accord the magnificent, the incomprehensible, inestimably precious influx of the Divinity into thy deific Humanity, which, now immortal and impassible, receives, in lieu of those corporeal sensations which it lacks, a double delight and joy from the divine influx.


This brief salutation was very familiar to St. Gertrude, because it made reparation to our Lord for the outrages he receives from men. Wherefore you will do well to follow her example, and repeat it frequently before the Crucifix.

HAIL, thou quickening germ of divine honour. Hail, unwithering flower of human dignity, thou most loving Jesus. I salute and embrace thee with all the joy and delight of thy Divinity, and with the affections of all mankind; and I commend myself to the sweetest Wound of thy sacred Heart. Amen.


When St. Gertrude had recited this prayer 5466 times in honour of all the Wounds of our Lord Jesus, he appeared to her in vision, having on each Wound a rose flashing with a golden splendour, and greeted her tenderly, saying: Behold, I will appear to thee in this refulgent form at the hour of thy death, and I will cover all thy sins, and adorn thee with a glory like that with which thou hast adorned my Wounds by thy salutations; and all who use this or any similar devotion shall receive the like favour. In order to make up this number, and become a partaker of this promise of Christ, you may say the following prayer five times a day for three years, adding the oblation which our Lord directed St. Mechtilde to repeat after each division of five.

Glory be to thee, most gracious, sweetest, most benign, sovereign, transcending, effulgent, and ever-peaceful Trinity, for the roseate Wounds of Jesus Christ, my chosen and only Love.


To be said after each five repetitions.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, accept this prayer with that surpassing love with which thou didst endure all the Wounds of thy most holy Body. And have mercy on me, and on all sinners, and on all the faithful, living and departed. Grant unto them grace and mercy, remission of sins, and everlasting life. Amen.


Which the Holy Ghost taught to St. Mechtilde, and which she had neither heard nor known before.

HAIL, most precious Wounds of Jesus, in the omnipotence of the Father, who decreed you; hail, in the wisdom of the Son, who endured you; hail, in the goodness of the Holy Ghost, who through you accomplished the work of human redemption. To you I commend myself, in you I hide myself, into you I plunge myself, that in your shelter I may be secure from the destroyer. Amen.


While St. Mechtilde was meditating in the bitterness of her heart how negligently she had served God, our Lord said to her: To compensate and make good all thy former negligences, salute my Heart in the divine Goodness, as follows:

HAIL, sweetest Heart of Jesus, most tuneful instrument of the Holy Trinity. Hail, Heart of Jesus, flowing with honey, living stream of all goodness and all grace. Hail, loving Heart of Jesus, most noble treasury of the riches of God. I bless and salute thee a thousand and a thousand fold in the divine Goodness, that thou art the Fountain and Source whence all good and all mercy stream forth. O noble and precious Heart of Jesus Christ, I salute and adore thee, through the mutual complacency of the worshipful Trinity, in the abundance of all graces, wherewith thou dost evermore inundate all holy and devout souls, whom thou hast so often bedewed and inebriated with the torrent of thy divine pleasures.

O Heart of Jesus, Heart most sweet; Heart of Jesus, Heart most precious; Heart of Jesus, Heart most worthy of love; O Heart flowing with sweetness, abounding with pity, overflowing with charity; in thy most hidden recesses I plunge my spirit, and in the great deep of thy mercy I bury all the burden of my iniquity and my negligence. To thee I offer all my labours and my toils, to thee I dedicate all my anguish and my misery, to thee I commend my life, and the end of my life. O Heart, sweet-smelling spikenard, frankincense most fragrant, most worthy and adequate sacrifice; offer thyself upon the golden altar of propitiation, to compensate for all the days of my life wherein I have brought no fruit to God.

I bless thee, O most kingly Heart of Jesus, in that love wherewith the Holy Ghost formed thee of the most chaste blood of the Virgin Mary. I glorify thee, O sweetest Heart of Jesus, in that love wherewith the Holy Trinity adorned thee with all heavenly gifts. I magnify thee, O gentlest Heart of Jesus, in that love wherewith thou didst glow for all the human race. I adore thee, O most benign Heart of Jesus, in that love whereby thou wast broken upon the cross. I extol thee, O Heart of Jesus, most true and faithful, in that love wherewith thou didst will to be thrust through with the lance, and to shed forth Blood and Water.

Wherefore, O transcendently glorious Trinity, I praise thee, I glorify and bless thee, through that surpassingly blessed Heart, that thou hast willed and desired to bestow on it such manifold gifts and such an abundance of grace: and with all possible love and reverence I offer to thy divine Majesty that Heart, so ravishing in sweetness, and so supremely and alone worthy, through the fulness of divine complacency and the ineffable perfection of manifold bliss, with which thou hast filled it for ever; and I beseech thee, that thou wouldst vouchsafe for his sake to pardon whatever I have done that is wrong, and to supply I have omitted or done and perfect whatever negligently. Amen.


Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy.

Jesus hear us.

Jesus graciously hear us.

O God the Father, of heaven,

O God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

O God the Holy Ghost,

Holy Trinity, One God,

Jesus, Son of the living God, Have mercy on us

Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary,

Jesus, Son of David,

Jesus, most kind,

Jesus, most loving

Jesus, most meek,

Jesus, most gentle,

Jesus, most mild,

Jesus, most sweet,

Jesus, full of pity,

Jesus, most amicable,

Jesus, most merciful,

Jesus, most bountiful,

Jesus, most gracious,

Jesus, most lovely,

Jesus, most noble,

Jesus, most renowned,

Jesus, most glorious,

Jesus, chosen of ten thousand,

Jesus, splendour of the Father's glory,

Jesus, Figure of the Father's substance,

Jesus, Spouse of chaste souls, flowing with delights,

Jesus, vivifying Germ of Divine Honour,

Jesus, unfading Flower of human dignity,

By thy sweetest Name,

By the compassion of thy Divine Heart,

By the union of the Divinity with thy Humanity,

By the love wherewith thou didst come down from heaven and complete the work of human redemption,

By the love wherewith thou didst will to be laid in the manger,

By the love wherewith thou didst suck the chaste breasts of the Virgin Mary,

By the love wherewith for thirty-three years thou didst endure all our miseries,

By the love wherewith thou didst undergo a most bitter death,

By the love wherewith thou didst will thy Heart to be pierced,

By the love wherewith at thy resurrection thou didst glorify thy sacred Body,

By the love wherewith thou hast placed thy Humanity at the right hand of the Father,

By the love wherewith thou dost make glad thy Saints with the comeliness of thy Face,

By the love wherewith thou dost show thy deified Heart to the Father for us sinners,

By the mutual love of thy Divinity and thy Humanity,

Jesus Christ,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Jesus.

R. Graciously hear us, O Jesus, Saviour of the world.

V. To whom nothing is impossible, save to refuse mercy to the wretched.

Let us pray.

O Most tender Jesus, true Sweetness of all who flee to thee for refuge, receive this my pray which I devoutly offer thee through thy sweetest Name: beseeching thee, by that love wherewith thou didst will to receive that most holy Name and to make it so sweet and so lovely to all the faithful, that by the virtue of that most sacred Name Jesus thou wouldst vouchsafe to strengthen me in all temptations, and to be with me in my last hour, according to they faithful promise: who livest and reignest, &c.