Primary Christmas Songs/Christmas Greeting

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Primary Christmas Songs (1919)
2634969Primary Christmas Songs1919

Christmas Greeting.

George Haws Feltus.
Wm. N. Macquarrie.
\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 4/4 \key g \major <d b'>4_\p <d b'> <d a'> <d g> << { d4. } \\ { c } >> <c e>8 <b d>2 <d g>4_\f <g b> << { d' c } \\ { g8(fis) e(fis) } >> <g b>2 <fis a> <g b>4_\p <g b> <d a'> <d g> << { d4. } \\ { c } >> <c e>8 <b d>2 <c e>4_\f <d g> <d c'> <d b'> <c a'>2 <b g'> <b' d>4_\mf <a c>8(<g b>) <a c>4 <c e> <b d> <a c> <g b>2 <b d>4 <a c>8(<g b>) <a c>4 <c e> <b d> <a c> <g b>2 <d b'>4 << { a'8(g) } \\ { d4 } >> <d fis> <d d'> << { e2 } \\ { d4(cis) } >> << { d2 } \\ { d } >> \bar "||" <g d'>4^\markup { \italic Joyously. }(<g b>) <g d'>(<g b>) <g e'>4. <g e'>8 <g d'>2 <a c>4 <g b> <e a> <e g> <d a'>2 << { d } \\ { d } >> <g d'>4(<g b>) <g d'>(<g b>) <g e'>4.^\markup { \italic rall. } <g e'>8 <fis dis'>2^\markup { \hspace #3 \italic slower. } \fermata <e e'>4 <e d'> << { c' } \\ { e,8[(fis)] } >> <g b>4 << { a2 } \\ { g4(fis) } >> << { g2 } \\ { g } >> \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " ’Tis4 the day when Christ4. was8 born,2 Birth4 -- day of our Sav2 -- ior, When4 the an -- gels sang4. at8 morn,2 Birth4 -- day of our Sav2 -- ior; Sing4 -- ing now as they sang then:2 On4 Earth peace, good -- will tow’rd men,2 Sing4 of Christ our Sav2 -- ior. Christ4 -- mas, Christ -- mas, Christ4. -- mas8 Day,2 Birth4 -- day of our Sav2 -- ior; Christ4 -- mas, Christ -- mas, Christ4. -- mas8 Day,2 Birth4 -- day of our Sav2 -- ior. } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " Men4 and chil -- dren Join4. in8 song,2 Birth4 -- day of our Sav2 -- ior, With4 the her -- ald an4. -- gels8 throng,2 Birth4 -- day of our Sav2 -- ior; Sing4 for love of Him who lay2 Cra4 -- dled on the cat -- tle’s hay,2 Ma4 -- ry’s Babe, our Sav2 -- ior. } \new Staff { \time 4/4 \key g \major \clef bass <g,, g'>4 <g g'> <a fis'> <b g'> <d fis>4. <d fis>8 <g, g'>2 <g' b>4 <g d'> <b d> <a d> << { d2 d } \\ { g,4(g,8 b d2) } >> <g d'>4 <g d'> <g d'> <g d'> <fis a>4. <fis a>8 << { g2 } \\ { g } >> <c, g'>4 <c g'> << { e8(fis) g4 } \\ { a, g } >> << { g'4(fis) g2 } \\ { d g, } >> R1 R <b' d>4 <a c>8(<g b>) <a c>4 <c e> << { d d } \\ { d8[(d,)] e(fis) } >> <g d'>2 <g, g'>4 <a fis'>8(<b g'>) <a a'>4 <a fis'> <a g'>2 <d fis> <g b>4 <g d'> <g b> <g d'> << { c4. c8 } \\ { c4. c8 } >> <b d>2 <fis d'>4 <g d'> <c, c'> <cis a'> <d fis>(<e g>) << { a(c) } \\ { fis,2 } >> <g b>4 <g d'> <g b> <g d'> << { \autoBeamOff c(g8) a b4(a) \fermata } \\ { c,4. c8 b2 \fermata } >> <e gis>8[(<fis a>)] <gis b>(<e gis>) << { a4 } \\ { a } >> << { b8(c) } \\ { g4 } >> << { d'4(c) } \\ { d,2 } >> << { b'2 } \\ { <g, g'>2 } >> } >> }

Copyright, 1919, by David C. Cook Publishing Co.