Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/Lesson XXVI

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Examples in the Active Voice.

jiāu-i chhut-hieⁿ-lí,
drive him out of the village. (Tense uncertain).
jiāu-i chhut-hieⁿ-lí liáu,
have driven him out of the village.
chêng-jiāu-i chhut-hieⁿ-lí,
have driven him out of the.
íⁿ-keng jiāu-i chhut-hieⁿ-lí,
had already driven him out of the village.
tie̍h-jiāu-i chhut-hieⁿ-lí,
drive him out of the village.
taⁿ nah-sap,
carry rubbish. (Tense uncertain).
taⁿ tiāu nah-sap,
carry away the rubbish.
àiⁿ taⁿ tiāu nah-sap,
will or about to carry away the rubbish.
i chiang-àiⁿ taⁿ-tiāu nah-sap,
he is about to carry away the rubbish.
i hiēn-chãi tõ-taⁿ-tiāu nah-sap,
he is now carrying away the rubbish.
i chài-thôu thūn-tī,
he carries earth (in a boat) to the ground.
i àiⁿ chài-thôu thūn-tī,
he is going to carry earth to fill the ground.
i chài-thôu àiⁿ-thūn-tī,
he carries earth and is going to fill the ground.
i tò-chúi,
he pour(s) out water. (Tense uncertain).
àiⁿ tò-tiāu chúi,
he will pour out the water.
i tò-tiāu-chúi liáu,
he has poured out the water.
i khí-chhù,
he build(s a) house. (Tense uncertain).
i àiⁿ-khí-chhù,
he will build a house.
i būe-chêng khí-chhù,
he has not yet built a house.
i khí-chhù hó--liáu,
he has built a house.
kuaⁿ-hú phêng-tī-hng,
the magistrate tranquillize (s the) region.
kuaⁿ-hú àiⁿ-khṳ̀ phêng-tī-hng,
the magistrate is going to tranquillize the region.
kuaⁿ-hú phêng-tī-hng hó--liáu,
the magistrate has tranquillized the region.
i chiang-soh khún-pa̍k-gû,
he took a rope and tied the ox.
i khie̍h-pit siá-jī,
he takes a pen and writes letters.
i jiāu-bé chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ,
he drove the horse up the mountain.
i khan-gû khṳ̀-chia̍h-ccháu,
he led the ox away to eat grass.
i lo̍h-mãng tõ-hái pha-hṳ̂,
he lowered a net into the sea to catch fish.
i léng-i pua̍h-lo̍h-kheⁿ,
he pushed him down into the ditch.
chang-thôu lâi-kám-miⁿ,
he took earth and covered it up.
i á-tiāu chhiū-ki,
he broke off the branches of the tree.
i khí-húe-lôu,
he built a fire.
i tiám-húe chiè-kng,
he lit a lamp (lit. fire) to give light.
ji̍t-thâu chiè-kng thiⁿ-ē,
the sun illumines all under heaven.
ji̍t-thâu chiè-kng-nâng,
the sun gives light to man.