Public Law 106-113/Division B/Appendix I

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Public Law 106-113
Division B − Appendix I
(S. 1948)
See Appendix Note at end.
503472Public Law 106-113Division B − Appendix I
(S. 1948)



Section 1. Short Title; Table of Contents.

This Act may be cited as the ``Intellectual Property and Communications Omnibus Reform Act of 1999´´.
The table of contents of this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; Table of Contents.
Sec. 1001. Short Title.
Sec. 1002. Limitations on Exclusive Rights; Secondary Transmissions by Satellite Carriers Within Local Markets.
Sec. 1003. Extension of Effect of Amendments to Section 119 of Title 17, United States Code.
Sec. 1004. Computation of Royalty Fees for Satellite Carriers.
Sec. 1005. Distant Signal Eligibility for Consumers.
Sec. 1006. Public Broadcasting Service Satellite Feed.
Sec. 1007. Application of Federal Communications Commission Regulations.
Sec. 1008. Rules for Satellite Carriers Retransmitting Television Broadcast Signals.
Sec. 1009. Retransmission Consent.
Sec. 1010. Severability.
Sec. 1011. Technical Amendments.
Sec. 1012. Effective Dates.
Sec. 2001. Short Title.
Sec. 2002. Local Television Service in Unserved and Underserved Markets.
Sec. 3001. Short Title; References.
Sec. 3002. Cyberpiracy Prevention.
Sec. 3003. Damages and Remedies.
Sec. 3004. Limitation on Liability.
Sec. 3005. Definitions.
Sec. 3006. Study on Abusive Domain Name Registrations Involving Personal Names.
Sec. 3007. Historic Preservation.
Sec. 3008. Savings Clause.
Sec. 3009. Technical and Conforming Amendments.
Sec. 3010. Effective Date.
Sec. 4001. Short Title.
Subtitle A — Inventors' Rights
Sec. 4101. Short Title.
Sec. 4102. Integrity in invention promotion services.
Sec. 4103. Effective date.
Subtitle B — Patent and Trademark Fee Fairness
Sec. 4201. Short Title.
Sec. 4202. Adjustment of patent fees.
Sec. 4203. Adjustment of trademark fees.
Sec. 4204. Study on alternative fee structures.
Sec. 4205. Patent and Trademark Office Funding.
Sec. 4206. Effective date.
Subtitle C — First Inventor Defense
Sec. 4301. Short Title.
Sec. 4302. Defense to patent infringement based on earlier inventor.
Sec. 4303. Effective date and applicability.
Subtitle D — Patent Term Guarantee
Sec. 4401. Short Title.
Sec. 4402. Patent term guarantee authority.
Sec. 4403. Continued examination of patent applications.
Sec. 4404. Technical clarification.
Sec. 4405. Effective date.
Subtitle E — Domestic Publication of Patent Applications Published Abroad
Sec. 4501. Short Title.
Sec. 4502. Publication.
Sec. 4503. Time for claiming benefit of earlier filing date.
Sec. 4504. Provisional rights.
Sec. 4505. Prior art effect of published applications.
Sec. 4506. Cost recovery for publication.
Sec. 4507. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 4508. Effective date.
Subtitle F — Optional Inter Partes Reexamination Procedure
Sec. 4601. Short Title.
Sec. 4602. Ex parte reexamination of patents.
Sec. 4603. Definitions.
Sec. 4604. Optional inter partes reexamination procedures.
Sec. 4605. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 4606. Report to Congress.
Sec. 4607. Estoppel effect of reexamination.
Sec. 4608. Effective date.
Subtitle G — Patent and Trademark Office
Sec. 4701. Short Title.
Chapter 1 — United States Patent and Trademark Office
Sec. 4711. Establishment of Patent and Trademark Office.
Sec. 4712. Powers and duties.
Sec. 4713. Organization and management.
Sec. 4714. Public advisory committees.
Sec. 4715. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 4716. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
Sec. 4717. Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences.
Sec. 4718. Annual report of Director.
Sec. 4719. Suspension or exclusion from practice.
Sec. 4720. Pay of Director and Deputy Director.
Chapter 2 — Effective Date; Technical Amendments
Sec. 4731. Effective date.
Sec. 4732. Technical and conforming amendments.
Chapter 3 — Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 4741. References.
Sec. 4742. Exercise of authorities.
Sec. 4743. Savings provisions.
Sec. 4744. Transfer of assets.
Sec. 4745. Delegation and assignment.
Sec. 4746. Authority of Director of the Office of Management and Budget with respect to functions transferred.
Sec. 4747. Certain vesting of functions considered transfers.
Sec. 4748. Availability of existing funds.
Sec. 4749. Definitions.
Subtitle H — Miscellaneous Patent Provisions
Sec. 4801. Provisional Applications.
Sec. 4802. International applications.
Sec. 4803. Certain limitations on damages for patent infringement not applicable.
Sec. 4804. Electronic filing and publications.
Sec. 4805. Study and report on biological deposits in support of biotechnology patents.
Sec. 4806. Prior invention.
Sec. 4807. Prior art exclusion for certain commonly assigned patents.
Sec. 4808. Exchange of copies of patents with foreign countries.
Sec. 5001. Commission on Online Child Protection.
Sec. 5002. Privacy protection for donors to public broadcasting entities.
Sec. 5003. Completion of biennial regulatory review.
Sec. 5004. Public broadcasting entities.
Sec. 5005. Technical amendments relating to vessel hull design protection.
Sec. 5006. Informal rulemaking of copyright determination.
Sec. 5007. Service of process for surety corporations.
Sec. 5008. Low-power television.
Sec. 6001. Superfund Recycling Equity.


The publishing of this Act, the ``Intellectual Property and Communications Omnibus Reform Act of 1999´´, was in slip form pursuant to section 112, of title 1, United States Code.
The content was originally introduced under S. 1948 prior to its eventual incorporation and enactment as Division B, Appendix I under H.R. 3194, (Pub.L. 106−113, Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. Expression error: Unrecognized word "a".).