Purgatory proved, illustrated, and set forth in a clear light

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Purgatory proved, illustrated, and set forth in a clear light (1795)
by Murtaugh O'Lavery
3280849Purgatory proved, illustrated, and set forth in a clear light1795Murtaugh O'Lavery

Purgatory Proved, Illuſtrated, and ſet forth in a clear Light




Prieſt of the Pariſhes of St. John's, Dromore, and Machrelin.

Upon the death of one of his Parishioners.

Vivit poſt Funera Virtus. Anno 1747.


The Conſecration of a Murderer of Heretick Princes; uſed by the Jeſuits in Popiſh Countries.





Proved, illuſtrated, and ſet forth in a Clear Light.

My Friends,

YOU all know, it iſh a cuſhtomary ting via de Clergy, fen dey are going to preach a Sharmon, dat dey vill be tak a text from ſhum particular plaſh of de Scripture ; but for dat very raſhon, becauſe he iſh cuſhtomary, I vill not do it. For I love to be Shingular: And you know Shingularity in the right, iſh never a crime yet.

And aſh dere are a great many of you gather here upon diſh occaſhon, ſhum vid an honeſt intention, no doubt, to be inſtructed, dan lay yourſhelves open to de conviction of de truth, ſhum perhaps, to make Sheſt of our Holy Decree, and laugh at de fooleries of de Maſs, as dey vill profanely ſpeak: In ſhort, as dere are a great many of you gather here, ſhum Phipſyterian, ſhum Shurch of Engliſhman, and ſhum Roman Catholic, I ſhall preach you a ſharmon in Engliſh, dat you vill all equally underſtand fat I vas ſhay. And de Shubject I chuſe to inſiſt upon as de moſt proper for diſh occaſion, iſh Purgatory : (de moſt Advantageous and beneficial doctrine of our Shurch) de method I ſhall obferve ish diſh:

Firſt, I ſhall prove to you, Dat dere iſh really ſuch, a plaſh as Purgatory, or a Limbus Patrum, where de ſhouls of all our friends, depart diſh life, do go, and are purge from deir remaining ſhins and pollutions.

Shecondly, I vill deſcribe diſh Purgatory to you.

Turdly, I vill ſhow you de Pennance and Purgation of dat Purgatory.

And Laſtly, Apply de doctrine to diſh preſhent occaſion.

For proofs of de firſt ting den: Dat dere iſh really ſuch a plaſh aſh Purgatory, or a Limbus Patrum, where de ſhouls of all our friends depart diſh life, do go and are purge from deir remaining ſhin and pollution: I need ſhay no more, to you who are Catholics, den diſh, Dat it iſh a doctrine upheld by our unerring counſhels, confirmed by de Pope himſhelf, and ſtamped vid de able autority of de Shurch: Fat need you, who believe in that Shurch already, any more proof for a doctrine, den dat ſhe iſn your Oracle, and your infallible Guide. She iſh in de plaſh of your reaſon, ſenſes and underſtanding, and has power to ſhudge and decree, and determine, and dictate, and ordain, in all matters of religion and doctrine, and all dat tend to your bodies and eſtates, and all dat do relate to diſh vorld, or de next vorld to come; fat ever derefore ſhe bid you ſhay, you muſt ſhay, fat ever ſhe bid you do, you muſt do, without ever pretending to tink or ſhudge for yourſhelves as de Hereticks ſhay, dat vid be blaſpheming 'gainſt her moſt holy authority: Nay, it vid be moſt horrid impudence and damnable hereſy.

But for de benefit and conviction of oder denominations, who pretend to ſee vi' deir own eyes, aſh de ſhaying iſh, and thro' de great abundance, of deir ignorance, vid ſhudge for demſelves, in deſe deep matter, I vill ſhow de proof upon which our holy Shurch has vounded diſh doctrine. And firſt, we are told in de ſcripture, ſhum ſere nor noder, Dat all tings ſhall be prove by fire, fat fort dey are ; dat if any mans build 'porr foundation, ſuch as hay, nor ſtraw, nor ſtubble, nor any ſuch combuſtible materials, he vill ſuffer damage nor loſs, and de ſuperſtructure ſhall be burn down, yet he himſhelf ſhall be ſhaved, but ſho as by fire, dat iſh, my friends, de Purgatorial fire of de turd plaſh.

Again, Our Shaviour did raiſe up van Lazarus from de dead, after he had been five nor tree day in de grave till he vas ſtinking again: Now phere was dat man's ſhoul all dat while? Ah, ah, in hell he could not be, for out of hell dere iſh no redemption: In heaven he could not be, for de ſhoys and pleaſures of dat happy plaſh are ſo great, he never vid come back to diſh vicked vorld of ours again, and go into a ſtinking carcaſh dat was moſt rotten in a grave; Ergo, it vaſh in Purgatory, or de turd plaſh.

But again, Between our Shaviour's crucifixion and aſcenſion, it vash forty day, a great while my friends, near ſix veek. Now where vash he all dat while? In heaven he vash not aſcended; in hell he could not be, for out of hell dere is no redemption, as I'll ſhay before. Where den vaſh he; Let any Heretick of you all anſwer dat now : By de ſhoul of de holy prieſt, der vaſh no oder plash for him to be, but our own turd plash, dat ish Purgatory.

But leſt I should tire your patience, I vill conclude dish head vid one proof more, phich is de only article dat ſupports dish doctrine.

And firſt, We are told in de holy Goſpel of St. Sheneſis, shum phere nor noder, Dat we are all corrupted and contaminated vid de pollutions of shin, dat no man liveth and shinneth not, dat dere are none righteous, no not van. Again, we are told in de holy Prophecies of de Evangeliſts, shum where hor noder, Dat no unclean ting shall enter unto de Kingdom of Heaven : Where den shall dey go? All, we hope vill not go to Hell piping hot: For dere are a great many hens, and true Roman Catholicks, but dey are not ſo good as to be fit for dat holy plash therein entereth noting dat ish unclean, neither any ting that defileth. It remains den, they muſt go to Purgatory, where dey shall be cleansht and purg'd from their remaining pollutions and contaminations of deir shins till dey be made fit for de kingdom of heaven: And now let de Propteſtants shay fat dey pleaſe, I tell you, by de shoul of de holy Prieſt, dere is no poſſibility of ever getting to heaven, till dey firſt go dere and undergo deir pennance. It is plain den, de shouls of all our friends depart dish life, as well as dish perſon now deceas, vent to purgatory as de turd plash.

But fither you ever hear fat short a plash dish purgatory ish, and fat your friends vash ſuſſ'ring dere — I cannot tell you never did from me, ash I remember, and by de confcience I know no body elsh vash able to teach you dat doctrine but myshelf, I ſhall derefore take dish opportunity of explaining her a little to you.

And in de firſt plash, It is a very large plash you may be ſure, fen it receives for-purgation all true Catholicks, who are de mot numerous people 'pon face of de earth : Fo beſide all, France nor Spain, nor Italy, no Rome are Catholicks, dere are a great many more, who are diſperſed though de king doms of de vorld; de Propteſtants themshelves phen dey count heads vid ush, find, to de great shorrow, dat we are more than two turds of the inhabitants of Ireland, who a profeſt Catho's beſide a great many more who, for getting into de revenue, and de od advantageous poſts, have call demshelves Proteſtants (and be de Shoul of my dear Goſſ dere are a very great Numbers of dem too) but are true Roman Catho's in deir harts, who will get indulgence from de Pope, have de prieſt, and de adminiſtration of holy oyl at deir dead, and vill get de benefit of Purgatory, and de benefit of de clergy, fo vell as any of you all, and dish make one half of t'oder turd, ſo dat you shee, dere are but a very few who are our hearty enemies, moſt of which are, damn'd black phiggish Phipſyterians, oh, oh, the Devil run away vid dem all.

But here, by de by, you may obſerve phat a parcel of poor-ſpirited, cowardly-hearted and ſons nor whores of bitches are we, to be ſo long keep down by a parcel of damn'd hereticks; if we wou'd but take courage, and begin, dey vill be noting in our hands: but if we ſubmit vid a ſlavish ſubshection to deir heretick government, are hinder to carry arms, made mere ſoles to deir brogues--but by my own shoul we vill have our day about vid dem yet...Our plots vill at laſt ſucceed: de king of Spain, and de king of France, &c. vash picking quarrels vid dem, vid deir depredations, and deir Guarda Coſta's and fat not : aue, aue, aue, by ny shoul dey vill fall on at laſt, and take courage, and ſwinge dem bravely : dey are making great preparation arming fleets and ships, and putting out land forces, dey are very powerful armies, de whole world, ah, and by de holy Shaint Bridget, Europe itshelf is no able to vidſtand dem. Dey will tell you of deir man's of War, and deir and deir Vernons, and de devil know fat, will ſink, and ſtop and deſtroy our ships, leave dem 'pon de bottom of de ſeas, and never let dem put dere leg 'pon Iriſh ground more: dat de king of Spain feared for diſh, and vill pay de convention and not fight: By my ſhoul he vill fight and beat too, 'tiſh de cauſe of de holy Shurch he's defending, and de gates of hell vill never prevail againſt him. Dere vill be ſhiftance enough I'll varrant you, all de Shaints, our holy Moder Shurch, all de Scotch, and, by my ſhoul, de Virgin Mary herſhelf vill fight for us; den we vill ſucceed to be ſure, poſſeſs our rights and eſtates again, and eſtabliſh our holy religion thro' all Ireland, and I myſhelf may be Lord of Trumney, and of Lavry's-Bog, before I vaſh die yet.

But after ſo long a digreſſion, I muſt return to my explanation of Purgatory.

In de ſhecond plaſh for its ſituation; it iſh shult, my friends, in the middle between heaven and hell: from hell on one ſide by a ſmall perer vall only, but from heaven 'pon t'oder by a ſtrong vall of adamant, vid gates of braſs, of which Peter keep de key, who vash himſfelf a true Catholic, for he vash once Pope, and all our popes ever ſince are his ſucceſſors, and all deſcended froin him by a right line of eccleſiaſtick genealogy. You vill underſtand de ting better, when I vill illuſtrate her to you by de following ſimilitude, You all know Mr. Harriſon's houſe 'pon de Miravel, phen you vill go in, dere ish de parlour 'pon one hand dere is de kitchen 'pon t'oder, dere ish de hall in de middle; vell den, de parlour ish Heaven, de kitchen ish Hell, and de hall ish Purgatory in de middle ; when any von like myshelf who ish in de habit of a shentleman, dat ish, who is a Roman Catholick goes in, he vill be shown to de parlour, but before he ish intitled to enter, he muſt wipe, and rub, and clean his foot 'pon a mat, which lie dere for dat purpoſe ; dat ish, he muſt do de pennance and purgation of dat turd plash, dat ish, he muſt have money 'pon his pocket too, to pay his reckoning, or he vill not be admitted into de parlour. Dish ish, he muſt pay de clergy for praying him out of Purgatory, or, by my shoul, Peter vill not let him enter into de kingdom of Heaven: you know yell enough, if a man has money 'pon his pocket, ſpends lavishly, nor pays well, Mr. Harriſon, nor any oder inn-keeper vill be very civil 'pon him, take him into his parlour, show him a great deal of courteſy and good manners, and vill vait upon him vid every ting he'll vant ; but, if he's poor, nor vill not pay, he vill shut de door 'pon him, nor kick him out. It is shuſt ſo my friends vid Peter, if you pay de clergy vell, and ſupport the Shurch, Peter vill come vid his cap in his hand, open de gate and welcome you dere, but if you are poor, nor won't pay, by de holy Croſs! he vill shut de door 'pon you, nor' kick you out.

But again. If any one come into de hall vid dirty or ragged apparel, as de Phipſyterians and all oder Hereticks do, dey vill be immediately trus down into the kitchen, dat ish Hell, my friends ; no queſtion vill be aſk, no excuſe vill be hear, but away dey vill be hurry, vidout repleven, nor benefit of de clergy.

And diſh brings me, in de turd plafh, to conſider de pennance and purgation dat de ſhouls of our dear departed friends do ſhuffer dere, and undergo in diſh turd plaſh.

De ſhevereſt of one of which puniſhments iſh, de ſtink of hereticks thronging through to Hell : de damnable ſtench of de phiggiſh Phipſyterians, which make me curl my noſe to tink 'pon it : but de beſt of it ish, dey are not ſuffer to tarry long, or be ſlow in deir paſſage thro' Purgatory, leſt dey should contaminate de conſecrated plash vid de emanation of deir hereſy.

De shecond punishment is occaſioned by its being ſituate 'pon de very edge of hell: for de plash is all laid vid great flags of iron, and plates of braſs which are ſtrongly heated, by de force of de great fires, at phich de hereticks are roaſting one another 'pon ſpits, dat 'tis great torment to valk 'pon dem. You know phen you vill throw off your brogues by de fire-shide at night, and ſet your bare foots 'pon de ſtone in de harth He vill be very shore, ah, wod'ent he? —By my shoul, yon is five hundred times as ſore as dat. Or, if you wou'd make a truly experiment of de ting, take a girdle and put her 'pon de fire till she be moſt red hot, den ſet her down and clap your bare arſe 'pon her, dat vill be a nearer reſemblance of her ſtill; but vill not come up to her yet. I know it ish a cushtomary ting vid us Catho's to provide againſt our dear departed friends and ſuffering dish torment, by putting a pair of new brogues 'pon der cush in de coffin: which I do confesh may do shum ſervice, dat ish, if dey take care to pay de prieſt vell; For he may pray dem out before de brogue be burn, but if not, de devil a ſmall potatoe he vill ſignify! For you know, if he ſtay long in, de role of de brogue vill ſoon be burn, and den fat better vill he be? It ish better to give de price of de brogue it shelf to de prieſt, and he vill pray dem out sho much ſooner den de brogue vill laſt.

But de turd and greateſt punishment of it ish a great big black ugly devil of a vomans, dat ſtands dere vid an iron flail, and she's be trashing dem thro' all de plash in a moſt terrible manner : And fat ever part of de body vas guilty of de shin, she vill be trashing 'pon dat very part. If he vash drunkenneſs nor gluttony, She vill be trashing 'pon de belly. If he vash teeving, she vill come upon deir fingers vid her long flail, till she vill break all her nuckle again, and if he vash adultery nor fornication; ah, ah, ah! you may gueſs yourshelves who will get his payment ſoundly. In short, she vill be trashing and trashing, till de devil a bit of flesh vill she leave 'pon your bone, and dey vill be roaring and shouting, and curſing deir friends, dat vill give noting to de clergy to pray dem out of dat torment.

Now Now my friends, you all know vell enough, de prieſt hash a diſpenshing power over deſe torments, ſen he pleaſes, dat ish, if he's paid for him; but by my shoul not elſe: for to grant absholution vidout payment, wou'd be quite overturn de shurch: 'Tis de main pillar dat shupports her, nay, 'tish de very foundation 'pon which she is build.

I tink now, my friends, I have prove to you dat dere ish really ſuch a plash as Purgatory; and dat de shouls of all our friends depart dish life, are dere, ſo vell as dish perſon now deceas.

In de shecond plash, I have deſcribed purgatory to you, and turdly I have shewn you phat terrible tings your friends are ſuffering dere, and dat I myshelf, as being a prieſt in dish parish, have a power of releaſing any one from defe torments if I am paid for him.

Who den among you vill give a groat to have dish man's shoul out of Purgatory. Come you mens dere. Vell dere ish one groat make haſte, you are very ſlow.

Vell dere is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ten groat Vill no bodies more give ? Vash dish man's shoul worth no more den ten groat? Aue, aue, aue, a poor ſtory indeed! Phat Phelemy, vill you give noting, nor you Turlogh, arra you devils, are you not all his revelations? Come you, vomans dere, give money, nor yarn, nor butter, nor flax, nor ſomething. Come, Varrid Shaue, Anna and Shuga and all of you. Fat de De vii are you doing ? Fat, no more groats Vel, pho vill give tree pence? Very vell; Vid no body more give tree pence? Pho vill give two pence? Fat, vill no body more give two pence? Pho vill give one penny itshelf? Not one penny more to be got among you? Ah, ah, you are a pack of hard hearted vicked devils! and me preachin sho long, and sho good a sharmon to you, dat you never did hear before, dat coſt me a whole quarter of year in ſtudying him for de good of your shouls: And you vill give noting for de shupport of my body.

I owe Joſeph Usher of Mackrelin for dish coat 'pon my back, and depended 'pon dish day for getting de money, but de devil a one half, nor one quarter I'll get yet; phich if I do not immediately, he vill put me 'pon confinement in de county goal: And den you devils, you shee fat vill become of your shouls.

Now you dat have got not the full groats, 'twaſh better for you to have given noting at all; for de puniſhment of your friends vill not only be ſcorching and ſcorching, &c. but halving and quartering, and tearing in pieces. For you dat give tree pence, I vill pray tree quarters of your friend out, and leave t'oder quarter in for t'oder penny. And, you dat five but van penny, I vill pray one quarter out, foder tree ſhall remain in torment as before. o you dat have no money, borrow you devils, borrow and make up de full groat.

Gloria Padria Whilla Spridus Shanty, Amen.

et me 'ſhee, dere ith, - - - £ 1 13 6

my ſhoul, he vaſh so bad collection, after all that now.} Aſide.


The Conſecration of a Murderer of Heretick Princes ; uſed by the Jeſuits in Popiſh countries.

THOSE that are counted hereticks, by Papiſts, are by law and right deprived of all they have, the Pope can authorize the orthodox members of the church, i.e. his own ſubjects, to take poſſeſſion; and whatever means are neceſſary thereunto, he can legitimate and make lawful, as poiſoning, aſſaſſinating, blowing up with gun-powder, &c.*[1] It is an approved thing among them, a caſe deliberately determined by the infallible head of the church, that the killing of kings and queens, excommunicated by the pope, is no murder, nay that it is meritorious to deſtroy hereticks.

And, as they encourage the murder of ſuch princes as they call hereticks, ſo they have a ſolemn form of preparing an aſſaſſin for his undertaking.

The perſon deſigned for the work is ſecretly introduced into the meditary or oratory there a knife wrapped up in linen is taken out of an ivory caſe, marked all round with various characters, together with an Agnus Dei. Upon this, as it is drawn out of the ſheath, they drop holy water, and conſecrated coral beads upon the haſt, granting an indulgence of delivering as many ſouls out of purgatory, as he ſhall give wounds to the prince, whom they deſign to aſſaſſinate: Then they put the knife into the hand of the parricide, recommending it in theſe words. "Elect Son of God, take this ſword of Jephthah, the ſword, of Samſon, the ſword of David, with which he cut off Goliah's head, the ſword of Gideon, the ſword of Judith, the ſword of the Maccabees, the ſword of the Pope, by which he has delivered himſelf from the hands of princes, having ſpilt very much blood in their dominions, Go and be prudently couragious, may God ſtrengthen thy arm." This being done, they all fall down upon their knees, and the chief of them pronounces this exorciſm: "Be preſent ye cherubim, be preſent ye ſeraphim, ye thrones, ye powers, be preſent, ye holy angels, and fill this bleſſed veſſel with perpetual glory, and every day offer him the crown of the bleſſed Virgin Mary, of the holy patriarchs and martyrs; he is no longer a member of our communion but yours: And thou, O God, who art terrible and invincible, and who in the meditory haſt put it into his heart to deſtroy a tyrant and heretick, and confer his crown on a catholic king, ſtrengthen, we beſeech thee, his hands and increaſe his courage, that he may accompliſh his will, give him an omnipotent mail, whereby he may eſcape, the hands of thoſe who would apprehend him, give him wings, by which his holy members may eſcape the endeavours of barbarous betrayers, pour into his ſoul thy hearing rays, by which his body, without fear, in the midſt of dangers and tortures, may be animated with joy and exultation." After this exorciſm, the parricide is brought before the altar over which is painted the hiſtory of Jaques Clement, a Dominican monk, with the images of angels protecting him, and carrying him to heaven. This the Jeſuits ſhew him, and withal, preſent him an heavenly crown, ſaying, "Regard, O Lord this thine arn, and the executor of thy juſtice, let all thy ſaints ariſe and give him place." After theſe ceremonies; four Jeſuits are deputed to talk with the parricide alone, thefe, during their diſcourſe, are wont often to ſay, that there appears in him a divine ſort of brightneſs, by the radiancy of which they are moved to kiſs his hands and feet, and that he no longer ſeems to them to be a man, but a heavenly ſaint ; they pretend alſo to envy the great glory and bleſſedneſs to which he is now advanced, fighing and ſaying, "Would to God I had been choſen in thy room, that being delivered from the punishment of Purgatory, I might have gone directly to paradiſe." But, if he whom they judge proper to perpetrate the murder be backward and reluctant, then they either force him to make ſuch a vow by nightly bugbears, and monſtrous ſpectres, or animate and introduce him to the enterprize, by contriving apparitions of the Virgin Mary, or angels, or other ſaints, and ſometimes of Ignatius and his followers.


This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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  1. Vid. Bullum. Greg. XII. ſt of July, 1580.