Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/21

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
021:001 The judgment of mankind has come near, while they are turning away unaware. Iqtaraba lilnnasi hisabuhum wahum fee ghaflatin muAAridoona
021:002 When a reminder comes to them from their Lord that is new, they listen to it while playing. Ma ya/teehim min thikrin min rabbihim muhdathin illa istamaAAoohu wahum yalAAaboona
021:003 Their hearts are preoccupied, and those who are wicked confer privately: "Is he not a human being like you? Would you accept this magic while you know?" Lahiyatan quloobuhum waasarroo alnnajwa allatheena thalamoo hal hatha illa basharun mithlukum afata/toona alssihra waantum tubsiroona
021:004 He said: "My Lord knows what is said in the heavens and in the Earth, and He is the Hearer, the Knower." Qala rabbee yaAAlamu alqawla fee alssama-i waal-ardi wahuwa alssameeAAu alAAaleemu
021:005 They said: "No, these are just bad dreams; no, he made it up; no, he is a poet. So let him bring us a sign like those who were sent before." Bal qaloo adghathu ahlamin bali iftarahu bal huwa shaAAirun falya/tina bi-ayatin kama orsila al-awwaloona
021:006 None of the towns which We destroyed before them had believed. Will they believe? Ma amanat qablahum min qaryatin ahlaknaha afahum yu/minoona
021:007 And We did not send before you except men whom We inspired to. So ask the people of the remembrance if you do not know. Wama arsalna qablaka illa rijalan noohee ilayhim fais-aloo ahla alththikri in kuntum la taAAlamoona
021:008 And We did not make for them bodies that do not need to eat, nor were they immortal. Wama jaAAalnahum jasadan la ya/kuloona alttaAAama wama kanoo khalideena
021:009 Then We fulfilled the promise to them, so We saved them and whom We pleased, and We destroyed those who transgressed. Thumma sadaqnahumu alwaAAda faanjaynahum waman nashao waahlakna almusrifeena
021:010 We have sent down to you a Scripture in which is your remembrance. Do you not comprehend? Laqad anzalna ilaykum kitaban feehi thikrukum afala taAAqiloona


021:011 And how many a town have We destroyed because of its wrong doing, and We established after them a different people? Wakam qasamna min qaryatin kanat thalimatan waansha/na baAAdaha qawman akhareena
021:012 So it was that when they perceived Our power, they were running from it. Falamma ahassoo ba/sana itha hum minha yarkudoona
021:013 "Do not run, and come back to that which you were living lavishly in and your homes; so that you will be questioned." La tarkudoo wairjiAAoo ila ma otriftum feehi wamasakinikum laAAallakum tus-aloona
021:014 They said: "Woe to us, we have been wicked!" Qaloo ya waylana inna kunna thalimeena
021:015 So that remained as their cry until We took them all, and they became still. Fama zalat tilka daAAwahum hatta jaAAalnahum haseedan khamideena
021:016 And We did not create the heavens and the Earth and what is between them for entertainment. Wama khalaqna alssamaa waal-arda wama baynahuma laAAibeena
021:017 If We wanted to be amused, We could have done so from what is already with Us, if that is what We wished to do. Law aradna an nattakhitha lahwan laittakhathnahu min ladunna in kunna faAAileena
021:018 No, We cast with the truth upon the falsehood, so it disrupts it, and then it retreats. And woe to you for what you have described. Bal naqthifu bialhaqqi AAala albatili fayadmaghuhu fa-itha huwa zahiqun walakumu alwaylu mimma tasifoona
021:019 And to Him is whoever is in the heavens and in the Earth. And those who are near Him are not too proud to serve Him, nor do they complain. Walahu man fee alssamawati waal-ardi waman AAindahu la yastakbiroona AAan AAibadatihi wala yastahsiroona
021:020 They glorify in the night and the day, they do not cease. Yusabbihoona allayla waalnnahara la yafturoona
021:021 Or have they taken gods from the Earth who can resurrect? Ami ittakhathoo alihatan mina al-ardi hum yunshiroona
021:022 If there were gods in them except for God, then they would have been ruined. Glory be to God, the Lord of the throne from what they describe. Law kana feehima alihatun illa Allahu lafasadata fasubhana Allahi rabbi alAAarshi AAamma yasifoona
021:023 He is not questioned about what He does, while they will be questioned. La yus-alu AAamma yafAAalu wahum yus-aloona
021:024 Or have they taken gods besides Him? Say: "Bring your proof. This is a reminder of those with me and a reminder of those before me." But, most of them do not know the truth, so they turn away. Ami ittakhathoo min doonihi alihatan qul hatoo burhanakum hatha thikru man maAAiya wathikru man qablee bal aktharuhum la yaAAlamoona alhaqqa fahum muAAridoona
021:025 And We did not send any messenger before you except that We inspired him that: "There is no god but Me, so serve Me." Wama arsalna min qablika min rasoolin illa noohee ilayhi annahu la ilaha illa ana faoAAbudooni
021:026 And they said: "The Almighty has taken a son!" Be He glorified, they are all but honoured servants. Waqaloo ittakhatha alrrahmanu waladan subhanahu bal AAibadun mukramoona
021:027 They do not speak ahead of Him, and on His command they act. La yasbiqoonahu bialqawli wahum bi-amrihi yaAAmaloona
021:028 He knows their present and their future, and they cannot intercede unless it is for those whom He is pleased with. And they stand in awe and reverence of Him. YaAAlamu ma bayna aydeehim wama khalfahum wala yashfaAAoona illa limani irtada wahum min khashyatihi mushfiqoona
021:029 And whoever of them says: "I am a god besides Him," then that person We will punish with Hell. It is such that We punish the wicked. Waman yaqul minhum innee ilahun min doonihi fathalika najzeehi jahannama kathalika najzee alththalimeena


021:030 Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the Earth were one piece and We tore them apart? And that We made from the water everything that lives. Will they not believe? Awa lam yara allatheena kafaroo anna alssamawati waal-arda kanata ratqan fafataqnahuma wajaAAalna mina alma-i kulla shay-in hayyin afala yu/minoona
021:031 And We made on the Earth stabilizers so that it would not tumble with you, and We made in it wide paths that they may be guided. WajaAAalna fee al-ardi rawasiya an tameeda bihim wajaAAalna feeha fijajan subulan laAAallahum yahtadoona
021:032 And We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs! WajaAAalna alssamaa saqfan mahfoothan wahum AAan ayatiha muAAridoona
021:033 He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each swimming in an orbit. Wahuwa allathee khalaqa allayla waalnnahara waalshshamsa waalqamara kullun fee falakin yasbahoona
021:034 And We did not give immortality to any human that came before you. If you are going to die, would they be immortal? Wama jaAAalna libasharin min qablika alkhulda afa-in mitta fahumu alkhalidoona
021:035 Every soul will taste death. And We burden you with evil and good as a test, and it is to Us that you will return. Kullu nafsin tha-iqatu almawti wanablookum bialshsharri waalkhayri fitnatan wa-ilayna turjaAAoona
021:036 And when those who reject see you, they take you for mockery: "Is this the one who speaks about your gods!" While in the remembrance of the Almighty they are rejecters! Wa-itha raaka allatheena kafaroo in yattakhithoonaka illa huzuwan ahatha allathee yathkuru alihatakum wahum bithikri alrrahmani hum kafiroona
021:037 Mankind has been created from haste. I will show you My signs, so do not be in a rush. Khuliqa al-insanu min AAajalin saoreekum ayatee fala tastaAAjiloona
021:038 And they Say: "When will this promise come to pass if you are truthful?" Wayaqooloona mata hatha alwaAAdu in kuntum sadiqeena
021:039 If only those who reject knew, that they will not be able to ward off the fire from their faces, nor from their backs, nor will they be helped. Law yaAAlamu allatheena kafaroo heena la yakuffoona AAan wujoohihimu alnnara wala AAan thuhoorihim wala hum yunsaroona
021:040 No, it will come to them suddenly. And they will not be able to turn it away, nor will they be delayed. Bal ta/teehim baghtatan fatabhatuhum fala yastateeAAoona raddaha wala hum yuntharoona
021:041 And messengers before you have been mocked, but those who mocked were then surrounded by that which they were mocking! Walaqadi istuhzi-a birusulin min qablika fahaqa biallatheena sakhiroo minhum ma kanoo bihi yastahzi-oona


021:042 Say: "Who can protect you during the night and the day from the Almighty?" No, they are turning away from the remembrance of their Lord. Qul man yaklaokum biallayli waalnnahari mina alrrahmani bal hum AAan thikri rabbihim muAAridoona
021:043 Or do they have gods that will protect them from Us? They cannot help themselves, nor can they be protected from Us. Am lahum alihatun tamnaAAuhum min doonina la yastateeAAoona nasra anfusihim wala hum minna yushaboona
021:044 It was Us who gave luxury to these and their fathers, until they grew old with age. Do they not see that We come to the land and make it shrink from its edges? Will they be able to win? Bal mattaAAna haola-i waabaahum hatta tala AAalayhimu alAAumuru afala yarawna anna na/tee al-arda nanqusuha min atrafiha afahumu alghaliboona
021:045 Say: "I am merely warning you with the inspiration." But the deaf do not hear the call when they are being warned. Qul innama onthirukum bialwahyi wala yasmaAAu alssummu aldduAAaa itha ma yuntharoona
021:046 And if a breath of your Lord's torment touches them, they will Say: "Woe to us, we have been wicked!" Wala-in massat-hum nafhatun min AAathabi rabbika layaqoolunna ya waylana inna kunna thalimeena
021:047 And We will place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul will be wronged in the least. Even if it was the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it. And We are sufficient as a Reckoner. WanadaAAu almawazeena alqista liyawmi alqiyamati fala tuthlamu nafsun shay-an wa-in kana mithqala habbatin min khardalin atayna biha wakafa bina hasibeena
021:048 And We had given Moses and Aaron the Criterion, a shining light, and reminder for the righteous. Walaqad atayna moosa waharoona alfurqana wadiyaan wathikran lilmuttaqeena
021:049 Those who reverence their Lord, even when unseen, and they are weary for the Hour. Allatheena yakhshawna rabbahum bialghaybi wahum mina alssaAAati mushfiqoona
021:050 And this is a blessed reminder which We have sent down. Will you be deniers of it? Wahatha thikrun mubarakun anzalnahu afaantum lahu munkiroona


021:051 And before that We gave Abraham his understanding, and We were aware of him. Walaqad atayna ibraheema rushdahu min qablu wakunna bihi AAalimeena
021:052 As he said to his father and people: "What are these statues to which you are devoted?" Ith qala li-abeehi waqawmihi ma hathihi alttamatheelu allatee antum laha AAakifoona
021:053 They said: "We found our fathers worshipping them." Qaloo wajadna abaana laha AAabideena
021:054 He said: "You and your fathers have been clearly misguided." Qala laqad kuntum antum waabaokum fee dalalin mubeenin
021:055 They said: "Have you come to us with the truth, or are you simply playing?" Qaloo aji/tana bialhaqqi am anta mina allaAAibeena
021:056 He said: "No, your lord is the Lord of heavens and Earth, the One who initiated them. And I bear witness to such." Qala bal rabbukum rabbu alssamawati waal-ardi allathee fatarahunna waana AAala thalikum mina alshshahideena
021:057 "And by God, I will scheme against your statues after you have gone away and given your backs." WataAllahi laakeedanna asnamakum baAAda an tuwalloo mudbireena
021:058 So he broke them into pieces except for the biggest of them, so that they may turn to him. FajaAAalahum juthathan illa kabeeran lahum laAAallahum ilayhi yarjiAAoona
021:059 They said: "Who has done this to our gods? He is surely one of the wicked." Qaloo man faAAala hatha bi-alihatina innahu lamina alththalimeena
021:060 They said: "We heard a young man mentioning them. He was called Abraham." Qaloo samiAAna fatan yathkuruhum yuqalu lahu ibraheemu
021:061 They said: "Bring him before the eyes of the people so that they may be witness." Qaloo fa/too bihi AAala aAAyuni alnnasi laAAallahum yashhadoona
021:062 They said: "Did you do this to our gods O Abraham?" Qaloo aanta faAAalta hatha bi-alihatina ya ibraheemu
021:063 He said: "It was the biggest one of them here who did it, so ask them, if they do speak!" Qala bal faAAalahu kabeeruhum hatha fais-aloohum in kanoo yantiqoona
021:064 So they turned and said to themselves: "It is indeed ourselves who have been wicked!" FarajaAAoo ila anfusihim faqaloo innakum antumu alththalimoona
021:065 Then they reverted to their old ideas: "You know that they do not speak!" Thumma nukisoo AAala ruoosihim laqad AAalimta ma haola-i yantiqoona
021:066 He said: "Do you serve besides God that which does not benefit you at all nor harm you?" Qala afataAAbudoona min dooni Allahi ma la yanfaAAukum shay-an wala yadurrukum
021:067 "I am fed-up of you and to what you serve besides God! Do you not comprehend?" Offin lakum walima taAAbudoona min dooni Allahi afala taAAqiloona
021:068 They said: "Burn him, and give victory to your gods if you will do anything." Qaloo harriqoohu waonsuroo alihatakum in kuntum faAAileena
021:069 We said: "O fire, be cool and safe upon Abraham." Qulna ya naru koonee bardan wasalaman AAala ibraheema
021:070 And they wanted to harm him, but We made them the losers. Waaradoo bihi kaydan fajaAAalnahumu al-akhsareena
021:071 And We saved him and Lot to the land which We have blessed in for the worlds. Wanajjaynahu walootan ila al-ardi allatee barakna feeha lilAAalameena
021:072 And We granted him Isaac and Jacob as a gift, and each of them We made a good doer. Wawahabna lahu ishaqa wayaAAqooba nafilatan wakullan jaAAalna saliheena
021:073 And We made them leaders who guide by Our command, and We inspired them to do good work and hold the contact-method and contribute towards betterment, and they were in service to Us. WajaAAalnahum a-immatan yahdoona bi-amrina waawhayna ilayhim fiAAla alkhayrati wa-iqama alssalati wa-eetaa alzzakati wakanoo lana AAabideena
021:074 And Lot, We gave him wisdom and knowledge, and We saved him from the town that used to do vile things. They were a people of evil, corrupt. Walootan ataynahu hukman waAAilman wanajjaynahu mina alqaryati allatee kanat taAAmalu alkhaba-itha innahum kanoo qawma saw-in fasiqeena
021:075 And We admitted him into Our mercy. He was of the good doers. Waadkhalnahu fee rahmatina innahu mina alssaliheena


021:076 And Noah when he called out before that, thus We responded to him, and We saved him and his family from the great distress. Wanoohan ith nada min qablu faistajabna lahu fanajjaynahu waahlahu mina alkarbi alAAatheemi
021:077 And We granted him victory against the people that denied Our revelations. They were a people of evil, so We drowned them all. Wanasarnahu mina alqawmi allatheena kaththaboo bi-ayatina innahum kanoo qawma saw-in faaghraqnahum ajmaAAeena
021:078 And David and Solomon, when they gave judgment in the case of the crop that was damaged by the sheep of the people, and We were witness to their judgment. Wadawooda wasulaymana ith yahkumani fee alharthi ith nafashat feehi ghanamu alqawmi wakunna lihukmihim shahideena
021:079 So We gave Solomon the correct understanding, and both of them We have given wisdom and knowledge. And We committed the mountains with David to praise as well as the birds. This is what We did. Fafahhamnaha sulaymana wakullan atayna hukman waAAilman wasakhkharna maAAa dawooda aljibala yusabbihna waalttayra wakunna faAAileena
021:080 And We taught him the making of armour for you to protect you from your enemy. Are you then thankful? WaAAallamnahu sanAAata laboosin lakum lituhsinakum min ba/sikum fahal antum shakiroona
021:081 And to Solomon the gusting winds run by his command all the way to the land which We have blessed in. And We were aware of everything. Walisulaymana alrreeha AAasifatan tajree bi-amrihi ila al-ardi allatee barakna feeha wakunna bikulli shay-in AAalimeena
021:082 And from the devils are those who dive for him, and they perform other tasks, and We were guardian over them. Wamina alshshayateeni man yaghoosoona lahu wayaAAmaloona AAamalan doona thalika wakunna lahum hafitheena
021:083 And Job when he called his Lord: "I have been afflicted with harm, and you are the Most Merciful!" Waayyooba ith nada rabbahu annee massaniya alddurru waanta arhamu alrrahimeena
021:084 So We answered him, and We removed what was afflicting him, and We brought him back his family and others with them as a mercy from Us and a reminder to those who serve. Faistajabna lahu fakashafna ma bihi min durrin waataynahu ahlahu wamithlahum maAAahum rahmatan min AAindina wathikra lilAAabideena
021:085 And Ishmael and Enoch and Isaiah, all of them were patient. Wa-ismaAAeela wa-idreesa watha alkifli kullun mina alssabireena
021:086 And We admitted them in Our mercy, they were of the good doers. Waadkhalnahum fee rahmatina innahum mina alssaliheena
021:087 And Jonah, when he went off in anger, and he thought that We would not be able to take him. Then he called out in the darkness: "There is no god but You! Glory to You, I was of the wicked!" Watha alnnooni ith thahaba mughadiban fathanna an lan naqdira AAalayhi fanada fee alththulumati an la ilaha illa anta subhanaka innee kuntu mina alththalimeena
021:088 So We responded to him and We saved him from distress. And it is such that We save the faithful. Faistajabna lahu wanajjaynahu mina alghammi wakathalika nunjee almu/mineena
021:089 And Zachariah when he called out to his Lord: "My Lord, do not leave me without an heir, and You are the best inheritor." Wazakariyya ith nada rabbahu rabbi la tatharnee fardan waanta khayru alwaritheena
021:090 So We responded to him, and We granted him John, and We cured his wife. They used to hasten to do good, and they would call to Us in joy and in fear. And to Us they were reverent. Faistajabna lahu wawahabna lahu yahya waaslahna lahu zawjahu innahum kanoo yusariAAoona fee alkhayrati wayadAAoonana raghaban warahaban wakanoo lana khashiAAeena
021:091 And the one who protected her chastity, so We blew into her from Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds. Waallatee ahsanat farjaha fanafakhna feeha min roohina wajaAAalnaha waibnaha ayatan lilAAalameena
021:092 This is your nation, one nation, and I am your Lord so serve Me. Inna hathihi ommatukum ommatan wahidatan waana rabbukum faoAAbudooni
021:093 And they disputed in the matter amongst themselves. Each of them will be returned to Us. WataqattaAAoo amrahum baynahum kullun ilayna rajiAAoona


021:094 So whosoever does good work and he is a believer, then his efforts will not be rejected and We will record it for him. Faman yaAAmal mina alssalihati wahuwa mu/minun fala kufrana lisaAAyihi wa-inna lahu katiboona
021:095 It is forbidden for a town that We destroy that they would return! Waharamun AAala qaryatin ahlaknaha annahum la yarjiAAoona
021:096 Until Gog and Magog is opened, and from every elevated place they will race forth. Hatta itha futihat ya/jooju wama/jooju wahum min kulli hadabin yansiloona
021:097 And the promise of truth draws near. Then, when it is seen by the eyes of those who rejected: "Woe to us, we have been oblivious to this. Indeed, we were wicked!" Waiqtaraba alwaAAdu alhaqqu fa-itha hiya shakhisatun absaru allatheena kafaroo ya waylana qad kunna fee ghaflatin min hatha bal kunna thalimeena
021:098 Both you and what you serve besides God shall be fuel for Hell; you will enter it. Innakum wama taAAbudoona min dooni Allahi hasabu jahannama antum laha waridoona
021:099 If these were gods, then they would not have entered it! And all will abide therein. Law kana haola-i alihatan ma waradooha wakullun feeha khalidoona
021:100 They will be breathing heavily in it, and they will not be heard therein. Lahum feeha zafeerun wahum feeha la yasmaAAoona
021:101 As for those who deserved good from Us, they will be removed far away from it. Inna allatheena sabaqat lahum minna alhusna ola-ika AAanha mubAAadoona
021:102 They shall not hear the slightest sound from it, and they will be in what their soul desires abiding therein. La yasmaAAoona haseesaha wahum fee ma ishtahat anfusuhum khalidoona
021:103 The great horror will not sadden them, and the Angels will receive them: "This is your Day which you have been promised." La yahzunuhumu alfazaAAu al-akbaru watatalaqqahumu almala-ikatu hatha yawmukumu allathee kuntum tooAAadoona
021:104 On the Day when We roll up the heavens like the scroll of a scripture is rolled up. As We initiated the first creation, so shall We return it. It is a promise of Ours that We will do this. Yawma natwee alssamaa katayyi alssijlli lilkutubi kama bada/na awwala khalqin nuAAeeduhu waAAdan AAalayna inna kunna faAAileena
021:105 And We have written in the Psalms: "After the remembrance, that the Earth will be inherited by My servants who do good." Walaqad katabna fee alzzaboori min baAAdi alththikri anna al-arda yarithuha AAibadiya alssalihoona
021:106 In this is a proclamation for a people who serve. Inna fee hatha labalaghan liqawmin AAabideena
021:107 And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds. Wama arsalnaka illa rahmatan lilAAalameena
021:108 Say: "It is inspired to me that your god is but One god, so will you surrender to Him?" Qul innama yooha ilayya annama ilahukum ilahun wahidun fahal antum muslimoona
021:109 So if they turn away, then Say: "I have given you notice sufficiently, and I do not know if what you are promised is near or far." Fa-in tawallaw faqul athantukum AAala sawa-in wa-in adree aqareebun am baAAeedun ma tooAAadoona
021:110 "He knows that which is spoken publicly and He knows that which you keep secret." Innahu yaAAlamu aljahra mina alqawli wayaAAlamu ma taktumoona
021:111 "And for all I know, it may be a test for you and an enjoyment for a while." Wa-in adree laAAallahu fitnatun lakum wamataAAun ila heenin
021:112 He said: "My Lord, judge with truth. And our Lord, the Almighty, is sought for what you describe." Qala rabbi ohkum bialhaqqi warabbuna alrrahmanu almustaAAanu AAala ma tasifoona