Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/75

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
075:001 I swear by the Day of Judgment. La oqsimu biyawmi alqiyamati
075:002 And I swear by the soul which is self blaming. Wala oqsimu bialnnafsi allawwamati
075:003 Does man think that We will not gather his bones? Ayahsabu al-insanu allan najmaAAa AAithamahu
075:004 Indeed, We were able to make his fingertips. Bala qadireena AAala an nusawwiya bananahu
075:005 No, man desires that he continue committing sins. Bal yureedu al-insanu liyafjura amamahu
075:006 He asks: "When is the Day of Resurrection?" Yas-alu ayyana yawmu alqiyamati
075:007 So, when the sight is dazzled. Fa-itha bariqa albasaru
075:008 And the moon is eclipsed. Wakhasafa alqamaru
075:009 And the sun and moon are joined together. WajumiAAa alshshamsu waalqamaru
075:010 Man will say on that Day: "Where can I escape!" Yaqoolu al-insanu yawma-ithin ayna almafarru
075:011 No. There is no refuge. Kalla la wazara
075:012 To your Lord on that Day is the abode. Ila rabbika yawma-ithin almustaqarru
075:013 Man will be told on that Day what he has put forward, and what he has done. Yunabbao al-insanu yawma-ithin bima qaddama waakhkhara
075:014 No, man will testify against himself. Bali al-insanu AAala nafsihi baseeratun
075:015 Even though he puts forth his excuses. Walaw alqa maAAatheerahu
075:016 Do not move your tongue with it to make haste. La tuharrik bihi lisanaka litaAAjala bihi
075:017 It is for Us to gather it and relate it. Inna AAalayna jamAAahu waqur-anahu
075:018 So when We relate it, you shall follow its revelation. Fa-itha qara/nahu faittabiAA qur-anahu
075:019 Then it is for Us to clarify it. Thumma inna AAalayna bayanahu
075:020 Alas, you all like this world. Kalla bal tuhibboona alAAajilata
075:021 And neglect the Hereafter. Watatharoona al-akhirata
075:022 Faces on that Day will be shining. Wujoohun yawma-ithin nadiratun
075:023 Looking at their Lord. Ila rabbiha nathiratun
075:024 And faces on that Day will be gloomy. Wawujoohun yawma-ithin basiratun
075:025 Thinking that a punishment is coming to them. Tathunnu an yufAAala biha faqiratun
075:026 Alas, when it reaches the throat. Kalla itha balaghati alttaraqiya
075:027 And it will be said: "Who can save him?" Waqeela man raqin
075:028 And he assumes it is the time of passing. Wathanna annahu alfiraqu
075:029 And the leg is buckled around the other leg. Wailtaffati alssaqu bialssaqi
075:030 To your Lord on that Day he will be driven. Ila rabbika yawma-ithin almasaqu


075:031 For he did not believe nor reach out. Fala saddaqa wala salla
075:032 But he denied and turned away. Walakin kaththaba watawalla
075:033 Then he went to his family admiring himself. Thumma thahaba ila ahlihi yatamatta
075:034 Woe to you and woe to you. Awla laka faawla
075:035 Then woe to you and woe to you. Thumma awla laka faawla
075:036 Did man think that he will be left neglected? Ayahsabu al-insanu an yutraka sudan
075:037 Was he not a seed from sperm put forth? Alam yaku nutfatan min manayyin yumna
075:038 Then he was a clot, so he was created and developed. Thumma kana AAalaqatan fakhalaqa fasawwa
075:039 Then He made the two pairs, male and female. FajaAAala minhu alzzawjayni alththakara waal-ontha
075:040 Is One as such then not able to resurrect the dead? Alaysa thalika biqadirin AAala an yuhyiya almawta