Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/90

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
090:001 I swear by this land. La oqsimu bihatha albaladi
090:002 And you remain committed to this land. Waanta hillun bihatha albaladi
090:003 And a father and what he begets. Wawalidin wama walada
090:004 We have created man to struggle. Laqad khalaqna al-insana fee kabadin
090:005 Does he think that no one is able to best him? Ayahsabu an lan yaqdira AAalayhi ahadun
090:006 He says: "I spent so much money!" Yaqoolu ahlaktu malan lubadan
090:007 Does he think that no one saw him? Ayahsabu an lam yarahu ahadun
090:008 Did We not make for him two eyes? Alam najAAal lahu AAaynayni
090:009 And a tongue and two lips? Walisanan washafatayni
090:010 And We guided him to both paths? Wahadaynahu alnnajdayni
090:011 He should choose the difficult path. Fala iqtahama alAAaqabata
090:012 Do you know which is the difficult path? Wama adraka ma alAAaqabatu
090:013 The freeing of slaves. Fakku raqabatin
090:014 Or the feeding on a day of great hardship. Aw itAAamun fee yawmin thee masghabatin
090:015 An orphan of relation. Yateeman tha maqrabatin
090:016 Or a poor person in need. Aw miskeenan tha matrabatin
090:017 Then he has become one of those who have believed, and exhort one another to patience, and exhort one another to kindness. Thumma kana mina allatheena amanoo watawasaw bialssabri watawasaw bialmarhamati
090:018 Those are the people of happiness. Ola-ika as-habu almaymanati
090:019 As for those who rejected Our revelations, they are the people of misery. Waallatheena kafaroo bi-ayatina hum as-habu almash-amati
090:020 Upon them is a Fire closed over. AAalayhim narun mu/sadatun