
Illinois Verse/Red Grange

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4364827Illinois Verse — Red GrangeAnna Shattuck Palmer
Red Grange
Greatest half-back in the world is Grange,
Play boy of the middle west.
To him came high adventure, romantic, strange,
Tho flamboyant fame was not his quest.

Modest youth,—slim, with auburn hair,
Students, unheeding, passed him by.
In training under Zuppke's watchful care,
Industrious, quiet, earnest and shy.

Marvelous runs on the foot-ball field soon brought
Varsity recognition and praise;
A hero-worship and adulation unsought
From flappers for whom Red was the craze.

Stadium crowds uprose with ringing cheers
When seventy-seven with the ball
Sped for the goal and dissipated fears
That come, however successful, to all.

Like a mighty tide then spread the fame
Of his spectacular career
And from the papers came delighted acclaim
Whenever Grange on the grid would appear.

On our fields the seeds of his success were sown,
National now and spread afar,—
And Illinois is proud to proclaim her own
Red Grange, the noted foot-ball star.