Rehabilitation Act of 1973

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Public Law 93-112
Rehabilitation Act of 1973
by the 93rd Congress of the United States

Note: This is the original legislation as it was initially enacted. Any subsequent amendments hosted on Wikisource may be listed using What Links Here.

483516Rehabilitation Act of 1973 — 1973the 93rd Congress of the United States

An Act
To replace the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, to extend and revise the authorization of grants to States for vocational rehabilitation services, with special emphasis on services to those with the most severe handicaps, to expand special Federal responsibilities and research and training programs with respect to handicapped individuals, to establish special responsibilities in the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for coordination of all programs with respect to handicapped individuals within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Section 1. Short Title and Table of Contents[1]

That this Act, with the following table of contents, may be cited as the ``Rehabilitation Act of 1973´´:


Sec. 2. Declaration of Purpose.
Sec. 3. Rehabilitation Services Administration.
Sec. 4. Advance Funding.
Sec. 5. Joint Funding.
Sec. 6. Consolidated Rehabilitation Plan.
Sec. 7. Definitions.
Sec. 8. Allotment Percentage.
Sec. 9. Audit.
Sec. 10. Nonduplication.
Sec. 100. Declaration of Purpose; Authorization of Appropriations.
Sec. 101. State Plans.
Sec. 102. Individualized Written Rehabilitation Program.
Sec. 103. Scope of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Sec. 104. Non-Federal Share for Construction.
Sec. 110. State Allotments.
Sec. 111. Payments to States.
Sec. 112. Client Assistance.
Sec. 120. State Allotments.
Sec. 121. Payments to States.
Sec. 130. Special Study.

Sec. 200. Declaration of Purpose.
Sec. 201. Authorization of Appropriations.
Sec. 202. Research.
Sec. 203. Training.
Sec. 204. Reports.

Sec. 300. Declaration of Purpose.
Sec. 301. Grants for Construction of Rehabilitation Facilities.
Sec. 302. Vocational Training Services for Handicapped Individuals.
Sec. 303. Mortgage Insurance for Rehabilitation Facilities.
8ec. 304. Special Projects and Demonstrations,
Sec. 305. National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults.
Sec. 306. General Grant and Contract Requirements.

Sec. 400. Administration.
Sec. 401. Program and Project Evaluation.
Sec. 402. Obtaining Information from Federal Agencies.
Sec. 403. Authorization of Appropriations.
Sec. 404. Reports.
Sec. 405. Secretarial Responsibility.
Sec. 406, Sheltered Workshop Study.
Sec. 407. State Allocation Study.

Sec. 500. Effect on Existing Laws.
Sec. 501. Employment of Handicapped Individuals.
Sec. 502. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.
Sec. 503. Employment Under Federal Contracts.
Sec. 504. Nondiscrimination Under Federal Grants.

Sec. 2. Declaration of Purpose.


Sec. 3. Rehabilitation Services Administration.


Sec. 4. Advance Funding.


Sec. 5. Joint Funding.


Sec. 6. Consolidated Rehabilitation Plan.


Sec. 7. Definitions.


Sec. 8. Allotment Percentage.


Sec. 9. Audit.


Sec. 10. Nonduplication.

In determining the amount of any State's Federal share of expenditures for planning, administration, and services incurred by it under a State plan approved in accordance with section 101. there shall be disregarded (1) any portion of such expenditures which are financed by Federal funds provided under any other provision of law, and (2) the amount of any non-Federal funds required to be expended as a condition of receipt of such Federal funds. No payment may be made from funds provided under one provision of this Act relating to any cost with respect to which any payment is made under any other provision of this Act.

Approved September 26, 1973.


  1. Section 1. was not designated in the original text and has been added here strictly for editorial purposes only.
    In the orginal text, the Act's Short Title citation was given immediately after the Enacting Clause and before the Table of Contents began as below:
    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act, with the following table of contents, may be cited as the ``Rehabilitation Act of 1973´´:

Legislative History

    • No. 93-244 (Comm. on Education and Labor)
    • No. 93-500 (Comm. of Conference)
    • No. 93-318 (Comm. on Labor and Public Welfare)
    • No. 93-391 (Comm. of Conference)
  • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 119 (1973):
    • June 5, considered and passed House.
    • July 18, considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 1875.
    • Sept. 13, Senate agreed to conference report.
    • Sept. 18, House agreed to conference report.
    • Sept. 26, Presidential statement.

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