Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas/Appendix G

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Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas
United States Department of Justice
Appendix G: List of Children Released During Standoff
161664Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas — Appendix G: List of Children Released During StandoffUnited States Department of Justice

Appendix G. List of Children Released During Standoff

Date:   4/20/93
Subject:   WACMUR; MC #80

Reference FBIHQ SIOC telcall to FBI Command Post, 4/20/93.

PURPOSE: To provide a succinct summary and overview of negotiation team efforts to secure the safe release of all children from within the Branch Davidian, Mt. Carmel Complex, Waco, Texas.

RECOMMENDATION: None. For information.



Since the initiation of this matter on 2/28/93, the primary focus of negotiations were directed at the safe release of those remaining inside the Branch Davidian Complex, Mt. Carmel, Waco, Texas.

Upon the arrival of the first Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Negotiator, at approximately 11:30 a.m. on 2/28/93, efforts were initiated to identify the number of individuals remaining inside the compound, to include women, children, and adult males. The focus of negotiation efforts was directed immediately to securing the safe release of all of the children as "innocents" from within the siege location.

This concerted effort began to come to fruition on 2/28/93 at 6:54 p.m., when in response to negotiation efforts, DAVID KORESH authorized the release of children "...if you play (my) message." This brief message was provided to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) officials with a recommendation that the message be aired via a local Dallas radio station per the request of KORESH. As a direct result of this negotiation effort, coupled with ongoing and repetitive requests focused upon the release of all of the children, the following children were successfully released from 2/28/93, continuing through 3/2/93.


1.		ANGELICA SONOBE - WF		01/20/87		02/28/93
2.		CRYSTAL SONOBE	- WF		08/07/89		02/28/93
3.		RENAE FAGAN	- BF		03/17/86		02/28/93
4.		NAHARA FAGAN	- BF		02/26/89		02/28/93
5.		LANDON WENDEL	- WM		01/30/89		03/01/93
6.		TAMARA WENDEL	- WF		07/23/87		03/01/93
7.		JAUNESSA WENDEL	- WF		05/23/84		03/01/93
8.		PATRON WENDEL	- WM		10/01/92		03/01/93
9.		SCOTT MABB 	- WM		09/30/81		03/01/93
10.		CHRISTYN MABB	- WF		07/21/85		03/01/93
11.		JACOB MABB	- WF		12/20/83		03/01/93
12.		BRYAN SCHROEDER	- WM		03/07/90		03/01/93
13.		JAIME MARTIN	- BM		05/31/82		03/01/93
14.		JOSHUA SYLVIA	- WM		11/07/85		03/01/93
15.		NATALIE NOBREGA	- WF		03/20/82		03/01/93
16.		JOANNE VAEGA	- WF		03/01/89		03/02/93
17.		DANIEL MARTIN	- BM		07/12/86		03/02/93
18.		KIMBERLY MARTIN	- BF					03/02/93

During the final stages of the negotiation efforts to effect a total release of all occupants of the compound, DAVID KORESH agreed to release "the rest of the children and women" (3/2/93 at 4:55 a.m.). During the morning hours of 3/2/93, KORESH stated to Negotiators, "Children (are) like hostages because they are too young to make decisions." He also went on to state in response to a direct inquiry by the Negotiation Team, that, "If I (DAVID KORESH) wanted to commit suicide, I would have already done it!"

On 3/2/93, the promised total surrender/exit of all occupants fell through when DAVID KORESH advised that he received a "message from God to wait."

Negotiation Team efforts continued toward an immediate release of all children and women. During 3/3/93, three additional children were released bringing the total to twenty one (21) children:

19.		MARK JONES - WM			06/27/80	03/03/93
20.		KEVIN JONES - WM		01/06/82	03/03/93
21.		HEATHER JONES - WF		10/25/83	03/03/93

It is important to note that for the remainder of this siege, not one additional child was released. Negotiation team members repeatedly addressed the priority objective of affecting a total release of all remaining children. These efforts were undertaken on a daily basis, if not on multiple occasions daily, throughout each day of the siege to no avail.

On 3/5/93, during ongoing efforts to secure the release of the remaining children, DAVID KORESH advises the Negotiation Team, utilizing very stern tone that, "My children are different than those others ..." referring to his direct lineage, verses those children previously released. On 3/7/93, KORESH is asked again to send out children, this time in exchange for a milk delivery (6 gallons) requested by the compound. KORESH advised that, "You are dealing with my biological children now!"

It became readily apparent that KORESH had "thinned the ranks" of the children of those which he did not consider his immediate family and those that represented the direct "line of DAVID (KORESH)

Negotiation efforts to ensure the safety and to secure the release of all of the children included the delivery of approximately six gallons of milk on three different occasions, the last occurring on 4/18/93. Further, two video tapes were negotiated out for a review of the children's health and well being. The FBI Command Post made special arrangements with local and state authorities to house all of the released children together as an inducement to the remaining parents inside the compound to release their respective children. One of the negotiation tactics initiated on 3/18/93, and continued throughout the remainder of the siege, was to portray DAVID KORESH as "hiding behind the children. ". Although this ploy captured his attention, it ultimately proved to be ineffective in accomplishing the safe release of anymore children.

Negotiation efforts and concerns regarding the children continued as a top priority objective throughout the siege, up to and including final pleas over the Public Address (PA) system at the crisis site on 4/19/93. When flames were observed coming from inside the compound, the FBI Negotiators who were forward, at the crisis site, repeatedly broadcast to the occupants of the compound to exit and come toward to loudspeakers. The pleas were directed also at DAVID KORESH to send out the children and "not to end it this way!" These pleas went unheeded.