Riel letter to Crozier

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Riel letter to Crozier
by Louis Riel

Revolutionary Canadian Métis leader Louis Riel's letter to police commander Crozier in 1885, demanding the surrender of his troops. Riel's lack of familiarity with the English language sometimes results in awkward wording.

86888Riel letter to CrozierLouis Riel

St Anthony, 21st March 1885

To Major Crozier, Commandant of the Police Force at Carlton and Battleford

Major: The councillors of the provisional government of the Saskatchewan have the honor to communicate to you the following conditions of surrender: You will be required to give up completely the situation which the Canadian Government have placed you in, at Carlton and Battleford, together with all government properties.

In case of acceptance, you and your men will be set free, on your parole of honor to keep the peace. And those who will choose to leave the country will be furnished with teams and provisions to reach Qu' Appelle.

In case of non-acceptance, we intend to attack you, when tomorrow, the Lord's Day, is over; and to commence without delay a war of extermination upon all those who have shown themselves hostile to our rights.

Messrs. Charles and Maxime Lepine are the gentlemen with whom you will have to treat.

Major, we respect you. Let the cause of humanity be a consolation to you for the reverses which the governmental misconduct has brought upon you.


  • Rene Parenteau, chairman
  • Chas. Nolin
  • Gab. Dumont
  • Morse Ouellette
  • Albert Monkman
  • Bte. Boyer
  • Donald Ross
  • Amb. Jobin
  • Jean-Baptiste Parenteau
  • Pierre Henry
  • Albert Delorme
  • Dum. Carriere
  • Maxime Lepine
  • Bte. Boucher
  • David Tourond
  • Ph. Garnot, secretary