Romance of the Rose (Ellis)/Chapter 24

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Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun4459288Romance of the Rose1900Frederick Startridge Ellis


Counselled by Love, the Lover makes
Confession to his friend, and takes
Thereby great comfort, seen that he
The case aredeth skilfully.

The Lover seeks a friend I sought him straight, and did unfold
To him my troubled state, and told
At full the amorous lore I’d learned
From Love, and what sore anguish burned3250
Within my breast. I showed to him
The tale complete: how Danger’s grim
Fierce aspect feared me, and how he
Fair-Welcome chased with contumely,
And threatened o’er my back to break
His club, if I should dare to take
The Rose-bud, or should venture in,
With hope my sweet desire to win.
When all the truth my friend had heard
He uttered no desponding word,3260