Romance of the Rose (Ellis)/Chapter 80

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Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun4550531Romance of the Rose1900Frederick Startridge Ellis


How all the Barons of the host
Together run, for fear that lost
May be their friend, who cruelly
Is beaten by the guardians three.

The Barons.

The call to arms To arms! to arms! brave barons all,
Haste ye to aid, ere worse befall,15800
Now were the faithful Lover lost
Unless God help him, and our host.
He by the watch-dogs, arms fast tied,
Is strangled, bruised, and crucified.

The Author.

He cried for mercy in a tone
So low that scarce they heard his moan,
Yea, verily so faint and hoarse
His voice was, and devoid of force,
That with good reason might they think
The wretch it rose from neared the brink15810
Of death, or one whose throat was bound
With cruel, throttling cord around.

Or sounds it as the voice of one
Who unto death is being done,
Yet know we nought of his estate,
Though seemeth it right desperate,
And nearing death if help come not.
Thence flees Fair-Welcome at full trot,
Who hath to him such comfort been,
And needful now it is, I ween,15820
Fair-Welcome should return again,
To which end all take arms amain.

The Lover.

The Lover hard bestead Most surely to my last long home
I’d gone if succour had not come.
But quickly all the Barons flew
To arms, so soon as e’er they knew
By sight and sound of my distress.
For me, alas! I must confess
That, tangled in the snares of love,
I stood, bereft of power to move,15830
Spectator of the desperate fight
Which ’neath my wondering eyes was dight.
For soon as e’er the guardians saw
This mighty host anigh them draw,
The three a league between them sware,
Good faith to keep, great deeds to dare,
And in united phalanx stand,
Till bowed ’neath death’s all-conquering hand,
A strong and helpful brotherhood:
And I who saw from where I stood15840
Their fierce expression of defiance,
Trembled at this most dread alliance.
The guardians’ league And soon as by the host was seen
This compact and firm league between
The guardians, they a bond likewise
Fast swore, and pledged them to the eyes
To stand together in that place
Till grim death met they, face to face.
With warlike rage their bosoms glow
The guardians’ pride to overthrow,15850
And one and all prepare to meet
The foe, for victory or defeat.
Now hear you how the battle went,
As each ’gainst each his fury spent.