Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/Special Notices

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Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
Special Notices
4514943Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856 — Special Notices

Special Notices.

Best Remedy Ever Known for the Eyes! All forms of disease cured by pure Nutrition, (the Vital Fluid) without drugs. 28 Eliot street, Boston. No charge for advice. Pamphlets of information sent to you for one dime, by mail, free.

je 7

F. Brown’s Essence of Jamaica Ginger.—This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. In ordianry diarrhœa, incipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it.

Caution.—Be sure to get the genuine Essence, which is prepared only by F. BROWN, Phila., and sold wholesale and retail by the agents, JOHN I. BROWN & SON, 425 Washington (opposite Essex) street.

may 31

Silks, 37½ to 50 cts.—We have marked down 15,000 yards of our Plain, Stripped and Figured Silks, to average very low prices.

F. A. JONES & CO.,
may 31
1, 2 and 3 Tremont row.

Five lbs. Good Black Tea, $1,75—At ALEXANDER WILLIAMS’S Tea Warehouse, 198 Washington st., opp. Marlboro’ Hotel. (Established 1843.) This is pure Oolong (black tea, with a green tea flavor,) and is a bargain. A 5-lb Tin Cannister, 45 cts. Fresh roast and ground Mocha, Java and Cuba Coffee, daily. 6lbs. pure Coffee, $1. Thirty-five varieties of Oolongs, Souchongs, Young Hysons, Old Hysons, Imperial, and Gunpowder Teas, in store—wholesale and retail. Single chests of Tea, for family use, at wholesale price.

4m mch 1

Ribbons Cheap.—Fifteen hundred pieces received from Auction this morning. Wide and Narrow, Plaid and Plain, from 6¼ to 25 cents.

F. A. JONES & CO.,
may 24
1, 2 and 3 Tremont row.

3-4 Wide India Silks, 50 cents.—In all colors. Beautiful goods, and the best bargains of the season.

F. A. JONES & CO.,
may 24
1, 2 and 3 Tremont row.

Astrology.—Nativities read, either brief or minute all day, or Terms sent by Mail, enclosing a stamp for the answer, by THOMAS LISTER, Astrologer, 25 Lowell street.

2m mh 29

M’lle Gabrielle De Lamotte, gives Instruction on the PIANO FORTE, and may be addressed at her residence, 55 Hancock street.

jan 5