Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/To Readers and Correspondents

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Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
4422824Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856

To Readers and Correspondents.

H. Rich.—Your lines to June, though bearing the marks of much poetical ability in the sentiment, are bad specimens of rhythm, and inadmissable.
Smith.—There are several of your name in Boston, and, meaning no disrespect, we would like to have you give a name about which there may be no question.
Payson.—The young men composing the Charles River Boat Association are of the first respectability. The largegr portion of them are clerks, whose confinement in counting rooms renders some such exercise necessary for their health, and so far from its being regarded as demoralizing, it is known to be attended with the best moral and physiological results. We hate the bigotry that could have prompted a question like that contained in Payson’s last paragraph. The spirit that is eternally seeking for evil will never be able to see aught that is good.
Antiquary.—We know nothing more about the house of Creek Square than we have already published. As for the authenticity of the paper found, we never vouched for its correctness, but the antique vessel found within its walls, we still have.
Thespis.—We never heard of such a play as the “Ball of Trenton,” though it may have been some revolutionary production. Dare say it was. But why may not events of the revolution be wrought into dramas, without indulging in the extravagantly patriotic, which disgusts when overdone?
Agricolos.—Your inquiry concerning city farming we will answer by intimating that wild oats are being sowed very extensively. Good resolutions are springing up quite thickly, though in one instance a crop was much injured by a heavy wet that followed soon after.
J. E. B.—Please call and receive your sketch of a “first visit to Boston.” It is hardly enough invested with general interest.
J. B., Portland: writes that the Gazette is a great favorite at the club, and that it is awaited for with impatience. The club should subscribe or purchase more copies. Theatricals, we are happy to hear, are looking up. A pupil of Wyzeman Marshall’s appeared as Parthenia, this week.