Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/What Not

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Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
What Not
4502310Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856 — What Not

What Not.

There’s where the Boys fit for College,” said the Professor to Mrs. Partington, pointing to the school in Bedford street. “Did they?” said the old lady, with animation, “and if they fit for college before they went there, didn’t they fight afterwards?” “Yes,” said he smiling, and favoring the conceit; “yes, but the fight was with the head and not with the hands.” “Butted, did they?” said the old lady, persistently. “I mean,” continued he, “that they wrestled with their studies, and went out of college to be our ministers and doctors. “Ah!” said she, “I never knew that people had to rastle to be ministers and doctors before. I suppose Mr. Crampton is one of these ministers, who has been sent home because he has done wrong, and marcy could’t save him. I don’t know about it, but some say he is sent home because he wanted to get cruets for the British army, and others that he wanted to turn all the mosquitos agin us. If he does this, he ought to be sent home, for marcy knows we have enough of ’em now.” They moved on, Mrs. Partington pondering on who would receive the call in place of the British minister, and Ike and Lion striving for the possession of the old lady’s umbrella, which seemed to suffer.