Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Life of Tymon of Athens/Act 5 Scene 2

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3968547Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910) — The Life of Tymon of Athens, Act V: Scene II.William Shakespeare
Enter two other Senators, with a Messenger.

Thou hast painfully discouer'd: are his Files
As full as thy report?

I haue spoke the least.
Besides his expedition promises present approach.

We stand much hazard, if they bring not Timon.

I met a Currier, one mine ancient Friend,
Whom though in generall part we were oppos'd,
Yet our old loue made a particular force,
And made vs speake like Friends. This man was riding
From Alcibiades to Timons Caue,
With Letters of intreaty, which imported
His Fellowship i'th'cause against your City,
In part for his sake mou'd.

Enter the other Senators.

Heere come our Brothers.

No talke of Timon, nothing of him expect,
The Enemies Drumme is heard, and fearefull scouring
Doth choake the ayre with dust: In, and prepare,
Exeunt.Ours is the fall I feare, our Foes the Snare.