Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Tragedy of Coriolanus/Act 1 Scene 2

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3912810Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910) — The Tragedie of Coriolanus, Act I: Scene II.William Shakespeare
Enter Tullus Auffidius with Senators of Coriolus.

1. Sen.
So, your opinion is Auffidius,
That they of Rome are entred in our Counsailes,
And know how we proceede.

Is it not yours?
What euer haue bin thought one in this State
That could be brought to bodily act, ere Rome
Had circumuention: 'tis not foure dayes gone
Since I heard thence, these are the words, I thinke
I haue the Letter heere: yes, heere it is;
They haue prest a Power, but it is not knowne
Whether for East or West: the Dearth is great,
The people Mutinous: And it is rumour'd,
Cominius, Martius your old Enemy
(Who is of Rome worse hated then of you)
And Titus Lartius, a most valiant Roman,
These three leade on this Preparation
Whether 'tis bent: most likely, 'tis for you:
Consider of it.

1. Sen.
Our Armie's in the Field:
We neuer yet made doubt but Rome was ready
To answer vs.

Nor did you thinke it folly,
To keepe your great pretences vayl'd, till when
They needs must shew themselues, which in the hatching
It seem'd appear'd to Rome. By the discouery,
We shalbe shortned in our ayme, which was
To take in many Townes, ere (almost) Rome
Should know we were a-foot.

2. Sen.
Noble Auffidius,
Take your Commission, hye you to your Bands,
Let vs alone to guard Corioles
If they set downe before's: for the remoue
Bring vp your Army: but (I thinke) you'l finde
Th'haue not prepar'd for vs.

O doubt not that,
I speake from Certainties. Nay more,
Some parcels of their Power are forth already,
And onely hitherward. I leaue your Honors.
If we, and Caius Martius chance to meete,
'Tis sworne betweene vs, we shall euer strike
Till one can do no more.

The Gods assist you.

And keepe your Honors safe.

1. Sen.

2. Sen.

Exeunt omnes.Farewell.