Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Tragedy of Coriolanus/Act 4 Scene 3

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3919547Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910) — The Tragedie of Coriolanus, Act IV: Scene III.William Shakespeare
Enter a Roman, and a Volce.

I know you well sir, and you know mee: your
name I thinke is Adrian.

It is so sir, truly I haue forgot you.

I am a Roman, and my Seruices are as you are,
against 'em. Know you me yet.

Nicanor: no.

The same sir.

You had more Beard when I last saw you, but
your Fauour is well appear'd by your Tongue. What's
the Newes in Rome: I haue a Note from the Volcean
state to finde you out there. You haue well saued mee a
dayes iourney.

There hath beene in Rome straunge Insurrections:
The people, against the Senatours, Patricians, and

Hath bin; is it ended then? Our State thinks not
so, they are in a most warlike preparation, & hope to com
vpon them, in the heate of their diuision

The maine blaze of it is past, but a small thing
would make it flame againe. For the Nobles receyue so
to heart, the Banishment of that worthy Coriolanus, that
they are in a ripe aptnesse, to take al power from the peo
ple, and to plucke from them their Tribunes for euer.
This lyes glowing I can tell you, and is almost mature for
the violent breaking out.

Coriolanus Banisht?

Banish'd sir.

You will be welcome with this intelligence Nicanor.

The day serues well for them now. I haue heard
it saide, the fittest time to corrupt a mans Wife, is when
shee's falne out with her Husband. Your Noble Tullus
Auffidius well appeare well in these Warres, his great
Opposer Coriolanus being now in no request of his countrey.

He cannot choose: I am most fortunate, thus
accidentally to encounter you. You haue ended my
Businesse, and I will merrily accompany you home.

I shall betweene this and Supper, tell you most
strange things from Rome: all tending to the good of
their Aduersaries. Haue you an Army ready say you?

A most Royall one: The Centurions, and their
charges distinctly billetted already in th'entertainment,
and to be on foot at an houres warning.

I am ioyfull to heare of their readinesse, and am
the man I thinke, that shall set them in present Action. So
sir, heartily well met, and most glad of your Company.

You take my part from me sir, I haue the most cause to be glad of yours.

Exeunt.Well, let vs go together.