Signs and Wonders God Wrought in the Ministry for Forty Years/Chapter 13

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After closing the meeting at Kokomo, I went to Elwood, to visit the dear young converts there,'and encourage them on their Christian journey. I had a blessed time indeed, and found them all standing faithful and working earnestly for the salvation of those around them.

I held a camp-meeting at Greentown, Xenia, Willow Branch, ten miles from Willow Branch, Millenor's Corner and Greenfield, Indiana.

All these meetings were attended by thousands daily, and thousands were’ converted. A number of church houses were built by different denominations, and a number of churches organized as the result of these meetings.

After closing the meeting in the school-house, near Millenor's Corner, we held a camp-meeting five miles from Alexandria, Ind. We were there over two Sabbaths. This was the most wonderful meeting I had ever held. The congregation was estimated at twenty-five thousand. In the morning, before the preaching, there was hundreds of ringing testimonies of present salvation. I then preached about the Holy Ghost power. Before I got through, the power of God fell on the multitude and took control of about five hundred. Many fell to the ground. Others stood with their faces and hands raised to heaven. The Holy Ghost sat upon them. Others shouted, some talked, others wept aloud. Sinners were converted, and began to testify and praise God. I was overpowered, and carried to my tent. In the afternoon they made a high platform in the grove, so that I could be seen and heard by the multitude. In the strength of God, I arose and stood before the largest congregation I had ever stood before. God gave me a deep subject. I talked nearly two hours. The people all stood. The solemnity of death rested upon the multitude. Some had their bodies healed, and thousands were brought to Christ.

Dr. T. was afflicted with a disease, called diabetes. He felt there was no hope for him. The best physicians had given him up, and he was liable to drop any time. He had lost twenty-four pounds in two weeks, before his conversion. He came twice to the meeting at Pendleton. He was a noted infidel and horse jockey, and would not allow a Bible in his house. I prayed for God to heal him, soul and body, and it was done, and he went home praising God, feeling he was every whit whole.

He had a large practice, but he found a great deal of time to work for God. He has been a fire-brand for God since his conversion, yea, hundreds have been brought to Christ through his labors. He lived many years, and every year on the anniversary of his conversion, he had a meeting in his house, at which there were many conversions. He had great success, became a statesman, and was a power for God. Glory to God for his wonderful works.

Just a word or two from the lips of the father of Sister D., of the vicinity of Alexandria, who, by faith, had been raised almost from the dead:

“For years, with a combination of diseases, my daughter was suffering. Five doctors had given her up to die. For about six: months she lay in bed, most of the time not being able to sit up without being propped up with pillows. It was decided by her physicians that there was no use in giving her any more medicine.

“When seemingly the last moments had come, when she could not raise her head, and had to be helped like a child, and was so light het husband could take her on his hands as he would a child, when fully given up to die, and when perfectly submissive to God’s will, she raised herself up in bed, and was standing on the floor before she knew what she was doing, and then began to walk around the room, a living skeleton. Her husband was very much alarmed, thinking death had struck her, and was looking for her to fall.

“Sister Woodworth was sent for to come and pray for her recovery, but she couldn’t come, but while in a buggy, prayed fervently for her recovery. At the same hour Mrs. D. went into a trance, in which she saw Christ surrounded by a bright light, and a crowd of sinners to the left. She felt herself raised up, arose from bed, walked out and ate a hearty supper. ‘The prayer of those who abide in God availeth much.’”

This sister went into the field as an evangelist, to work for the salvation of souls. We learn that she has had glorious success.

At the close of the meeting near Alexandria, we started on our trip South, stopping for a few days at the beautiful city of Louisville, Kentucky. We journeyed on southward, reaching Memphis, Tennessee, after several days of wearisome travel.


“We remained in Memphis about one month, holding meetings in several of the large churches. I started four revivals; also worked some with the colored people of that city. On our arrival at Indianapolis, Indiana, I found a letter awaiting, calling me immediately to New York City. We went, and for the first time saw the wonderful city—the metropolis of America.

We visited Central Park and many other beautiful places of interest during our stay; also attended Moody’s meetings, and assisted in the work.

As I stood on a street of the busy city and looked at the wonderful works of men, I saw the last prophecies fulfilled before my eyes. Chariots rushing over the tops of the high buildings, the cars flying through the air, and stations all around the city built in the air. Looking down from these stations you see the street cars jostling one against the other. Every place you look you can ear the voice of God speaking in tones of thunder: “Prepare for judgment; the angel will soon stand with one foot on the land, the other on the sea, and swear that delay shall be no longer.”

Leaving New York we returned: by way of Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. After leaving these places, we went to Shippensburg and attended the eldership of the “Church of God.” On Sabbath they all insisted that I should preach. It was quite a cross, as my work had been in revivals, and I was very: tired after my long journey. They being all strangers to me, I knew it was more needful that God should be with me. The house was filled to the galleries; and the church-yard was filled. There were many-ministers present. I talked for one hour from the following words, found in I. Cor. xvi. 22: “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.”

From there we went home with Elder M. to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and commenced meetings at that place, with a few hours notice. I stayed three weeks at this place and had a glorious meeting. Many aged ones were converted, one eighty-two Years old; also many of the best citizens. And the whole church choir was brought into the fold. When I came away T left five revivals in the city, all having glorious success. Three weeks before I went to this city a stranger. I had never been in the place before, nor held a meeting in the State. The first the people knew of my coming was the ringing of the church bell. The Church of God where I held the revival was in a very bad condition. They had had everything to discourage the few that were left.

One woman was saved at the wash tub. She shouted all over the house. A Catholic was struck down in a machine shop where several hundred men were at work. They thought he was dead, or dying. They did everything they could to bring him to, but all their efforts failed. He lay several hours, then sprang to his feet shouting the praise of God. The fear of God fell upon the men who saw him. They had to acknowledge that it was the power of God.

From Chambersburg we went to Huntington, Indiana, stopped at New Bethel and held a few meetings in Trinity Chapel.

From there we went to Columbia City, Indiana, where I organized a Church of God eight months previous when I was there. I found the church on fire for God. They have since put up a fine church edifice.

From Columbia City we went to Butler, Indiana, where I had a hard battle to fight for my Master, but glorious victory crowned my labors. I organized a Church of God of one hundred members. Nine years have passed since and the fire is still burning that spread in all directions at that time when hundreds were brought to Christ.

At the close of this meeting we started to visit my old home in Ohio, after an absence of three years. It was a great pleasure to meet all the loved ones again, especially my aged mother, and hear her say, as I kissed her at parting: “I will meet you in heaven.” My prayers have been answered; my mother was converted. At the age of seventy she found her Saviour.

On our way, returning from my home in Ohio, we stopped at Cleveland, Ohio. Some of the brethren heard I was in the city, and made an announcement for me for one meeting in the Mission Church of that city. I went, and the interest was so great that I continued for some time. Moody was in the city; people had been looking for him for over two months. Every one was prepared to go. We had large crowds. The interest increased. Power of the Lord was never so manifested in the city before. One business man was stricken down at his home. He sent to our meeting for some of the workers to come and pray for him. He seemed like a dying man, but he soon came out shouting and went to his place of business. At our next meeting he said he had gone away from our meeting, calling me everything but a lady, and told how God had stricken him down and showed him the pit of hell, and what an awful thing it was to fight against the power and work of God.

A student from one of the Cleveland colleges spoke lightly of the power of God at one of our meetings, and as he was going out of the door he was stricken down and had to be carried to his home. One of the wealthiest ladies of the city fell in a trance in the back part of the church. Every eye was on her. When she came to, she was converted. She got up and walked through the aisle, and told what God had done; then she got down and went to work with the seekers.


One of the city ministers spoke lightly of the power in one of our meetings; that night he went to his church to preach, but God had shut his mouth. He could not preach. He shut the Bible. His mouth was closed. He came back to our meeting the next day to make confession. He said God had brought him down through a wonderful experience, and he wanted to warn the people not to fight the power of God in those meetings. He said he believed God would smite them down, and spoke of the time when Saul’s daughter made sport of David for shouting and dancing before the Ark of God. God smote her with barrenness.