Signs and Wonders God Wrought in the Ministry for Forty Years/Chapter 30

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4374699Signs and Wonders God Wrought in the Ministry for Forty Years — Chapter 30Maria Woodworth-Etter



(Reprinted from “Word and Witness,” from report of Elder F. F. Bosworth.)

Dallas, Tex., Aug. 11, 1912.
It has been about two weeks since our dear Sister Etter joined us in the meeting, and we give glory to God for the way he has used her every night in preaching and demonstrating the wonderful gospel of the Son of God.

The interest and power increases every night. Last night there were thousands of people in and around the tent. Sinners look on and weep, as they see the sick and afflicted healed by the power of God every night. Among those healed last night, before the great audience, was a mute, 36 years old, born deaf and dumb. He came from Oklahoma, and was instantly healed in the first meeting he attended last night. Sinners wept when they saw he could hear and shout praises to God.

Yesterday morning a wonderful miracle was wrought on a fifteen-year-old orphan boy—Emmett Martin. His right arm was paralyzed when he was one year old so that he has never been able to raise that arm above his head or to open and shut his hand. His other arm was in splints and in a sling, badly injured by falling off the street car a week ago. The bandages and splints were ' removed and the arm instantly and perfectly healed; and then when Sister Etter in the name of Jesus commanded him to stretch forth the paralyzed arm it was also instantly healed! He raised both hands above his head and clapped them together and shouted praises to God. He was gloriously saved at the same time, and was in the meeting again last night and testified before the great audience.

An invalid lady from Mesquite, Texas, was carried into the tent the other night. Had been an invalid four years with rheumatism all over her body; could not comb her own hair or raise her arms.

The lame, the blind, the deaf and dumb, the palsied, the paralytic, cancers, those suffering from operations, and others dying with incurable diseases have been wonderfully converted and healed by the power of God. Sinners are converted and flock to Jesus for salvation; and Christians are baptized with the Holy Ghost.

I wish all the saints in the pentecostal movement had a copy of Sister Etter’s book. It is such a help to faith! There has been no such record written since the “Acts of the Apostles” recording such continuous victories by the Lord im our day over sin and sickness, as this book.

The Acts of the Holy Ghost in Dallas

(Reprinted from the Daily Times Herald.)

At the apostolic meeting, hundreds of people are being healed —acres of people are at the tent every night. We don’t have to believe what the papers have said about Mrs. Etter in California, Iowa, or Indiana; but go to the tent, see with your own eyes, and hear with your own ears the mighty works of God. People are coming from Oklahoma, Arkansas and Georgia to be healed.

Elmer Hooper, 36 years old, from McAlester, Okla., born deaf and dumb, healed instantly.

Mrs. Chelve Mallock, 3112 Boulevard St., Dallas, Texas, last stage of consumption, perfectly healed.

Come on, “Bud,” don’t stand back on your old graveyard “theology” and miss the blessing. God is in Dallas working miracles. Everybody is coming, everybody praising God. Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Campbellites and Catholics. If you stand off one hundred yards in the edge of the crowd you might suppose that John the Baptist had been resurrected, or John Bunyan, or John Knox, or John Calvin, or John Wesley, and the crowd had old time religion.

More About the Revival in Dallas Texas

(Extracts reprinted from The Bridegroom’s Messenger, Vol 5, No. 120.)

God is still wonderfully displaying his power in Dallas, Texas, bearing witness to the preaching of the gospel “both with signs and wonders, and divers miracles and gifts in the Holy Ghost.” Throngs pack the large tent at every service, many of them coming from other states. Already great numbers of people have come from 100 to 2,000 miles, bringing their sick and afflicted. Letters are pouring in from all parts of the United States and Canada, as many as forty in a single day, inquiring about the meeting, and requesting prayer for healing.

A man came several hundred miles, suffering with three broken ribs, caused by a fall. As impossible as it may seem, when hands were laid upon him and the prayer of faith was offered, immediately the soreness left, and the broken ribs, the ends of which had turned inward, came into place and knitted together spontaneously, and although a few minutes before he flinched from pain when Sister Etter laid her hands upon his side, after healing he could pound upon these ribs with his hands—the healing was perfect. He was also a backslider and was wonderfully reclaimed.

A full-blooded Choctow Indian woman came from Oklahoma, a great sufferer for thirty-eight years with a running sore on her foot, caused by a cow stepping on it when she was sixteen years of age. It was a mass of proud flesh, and the odor was almost unbearable. Was kept awake at nights and could not bear the weight of the covers on this foot. By the laying on of hands, God instantly took away all pain, and the foot in now healing up.

Last Sunday, Brother Bosworth baptized thirty-nine more in water and the power of God was present in a mighty way. A great crowd witnessed the scene.

More than one hundred and twenty-five have received the baptism in the Holy Spirit during the past two months, eight received the baptism on last Saturday night, twelve one Sunday. There have been as many as fifty baptised in the Holy Spirit in one week, many receiving it in their homes. For two months the mighty power and presence of God has been present in these services in a marvellous way.

Increasing Wonders of God in Dallas, Texas

The meetings are increasing in interest and power, and the people are coming from many states. A man got here yesterday morning, coming from Indianapolis, Ind., on purpose to attend this meeting. Another from the Pacific coast, some from Illinois, Michigan, and other states. Many drive forty and fifty miles: and they were here yesterday from Galveston, Houston, and many other towns in Texas.

On August 12th three men brought a man dying with consumption and fistula, two hundred miles in a baggage car on a cot. He came from Mercury, Texas, and looked like a dead man when they carried him into the tent on the cot. He was in the very last stages of tuberculosis, and nothing much but bones. When prayed for, the power came and he jumped from the cot and ran up and down before the people, praising God. He returned home sitting up like other passengers, and is gaining four pounds a week, and the fistula was healed over the next morning, and never had to be dressed again. The country was stirred, and about twenty-five more have come from that vicinity. Night before last a delegation from that county came with two deaf and dumb mutes. One was thirty-four years old and the other a beautiful looking young lady of seventeen years. God opened the ears of both. The young lady was saved and healed at the same time, and is very happy. They were both at our home this morning, and I played on the organ for them. Many others have been healed of deafness.

Yesterday was the most wonderful day I ever saw in this work. God came with the melting and slaying power. Twenty-one were struck down like Paul by the power of God, and lay from one to ten hours. They had wonderful visions of heaven and of Jesus and all came out with shining faces and filled with the love of God. Twelve of these received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time. Never saw such power displayed. It looked like a battlefield to see them fall and lie as dead God said, “The slain of the Lord shall be many.” Sinners look on and weep as they see the wonderful works of God.

A woman seventy-five years old suffering with rheumatism twenty years, was brought two hundred miles, and was healed in the first service. She came through the healing of the consumptive above referred to.

A boy totally deaf from birth was brought a his father from Martinsburg, Texas. God healed him perfectly, and his parents have written back to us that his hearing is perfect, and he is learning to talk.

A woman from Palmer, Texas, was healed of pellegra and filled with the Spirit at the same time. She was) given up by the physicians. She is still here in the meeting and is well. A man from Blueridge, Texas, sixty miles from Dallas, had suffered ten years with cancer all over one side of his face and neck. Suffered so he had to be taken from the meeting. Could not talk on account of the awful suffering from moving his jaw. When Sister Etter prayed for him the power came and he was healed. The pain and all the burning and stiffness left instantly, and he could turn his head in any direction without pain. He got up on the altar and preached to the people. His friends told me yesterday that the cancer was healing up and he is getting well.

The night before last a Catholic lady came into the meeting for the first time. She was deaf in both ears and could not hear a sound as the choir sang. She was instantly healed and could hear an ordinary conversation. Saturday night a lady was brought from Beaumont, Texas, dying with tumor. The doctors said she would not. live forty-eight hours. She was instantly saved, healed and baptized in the Spirit, and leaped and praised God before the people. Sinners look on and weep, and then make their way to the altar.

I said that Sunday was the most wonderful day I had ever seen. Last night was still more wonderful. No tongue or pen could describe that meeting. Three deaf and dumb mutes, fifty-four, thirty-four, and seventeen years old, all strangers to each other, hugged, kissed, wept and shouted for about a half hour, because God had opened all their ears, gave them their voices, and saved them all. The great audience looked on and wept, and as many as could crowd into the vacant space at the front of the platform sought God for salvation, healing and the baptism. Many were struck down by the power of God and had wonderful visions of Jesus, and many received the baptism in the Holy Ghost as at Pentecost. Some are stricken down in their homes. I wish you could see how these deaf and dumb mutes looked at the choir, making signs to each other that they enjoyed the singing and the instruments. The delegation that came with the deaf and dumb mutes returned with them this morning, saying that they were going to bring another mute, and perhaps some other afflicted ones. A preacher last night that came with them got up and told how he had known the deaf and dumb young lady from birth and loved her as his own daughter. (Reprinted from The Latter Rain Evangel of Chicago, U.S.A., October, 1912.)

God is truly working in a wonderful way in Dallas, Texas, in the meetings conducted by Mrs. Woodworth-Etter and the pastor. During the first week in September about fifty were baptized in the Holy Spirit, besides many bright conversions and miraculous healings.

We quote the following from a private letter received from an eye-witness under date of August 22nd:

“There are about five thousand people in attendance every night and on Sunday nights many more. The sick and afflicted are coming from all parts of Texas, and some have come from Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana. They are coming on trains, covered wagons, and every way they can. Oh, the pitiful sights! How they make my heart ache! Sometimes it is more than I can bear when I see as many as four or five in one service nearly eaten up with cancer or consumption and given up by all earthly aid, and as a last resort they come to the Lord.

“The first night I was here, there were four brought in on cots in a dying condition, several in roller chairs and many afflicted who were able to walk. I saw two on cots get up and walk when prayed with. Some who were thought to be dying have jumped right over the end of their cots, leaping and walking and shouting all over the tent after the prayer of faith was offered. I will mention one or two remarkable cases:

A woman here in Dallas, dying from a double affliction of cancer of the stomach and tuberculosis of the lungs, a living skeleton, given up by all the best physicians of this city, was brought to the meeting on a cot and thought she would die before Sister Etter could get around to her. When prayed with she was healed instantly of both afflictions, arose from the cot and shouted and praised the Lord. She is coming to the meeting every night and tesifying. She is still very thin, but the disease is killed and she is gaining every day.

“A boy, brought from Beaumont, Texas, several hundred miles away, suffering from epileptic insanity, was healed instantly and a few days afterwards a business man from that city, coming to the meetings in Dallas, testified that the boy was sound and well. A little waif, a newsboy on the streets of Dallas, strolled into the meeting with one arm paralyzed and the other broken from jumping off a street car a few days previous. Oh, how deserted and pitiful and dirty and forlorn he looked! It says in the Word when our father and mother forsake us, then the Lord will take us up, and He truly did that little fellow. Sister Etter laid her hands upon him and prayed, and he was instantly healed. With the arm that had been paralyzed he began to tear off the splints and bandages from the broken arm without any one telling him. He threw both hands towards heaven, raised them high and shouted: and praised God, and I have seen him in the services nearly every night since. He testifies before that large multitude and has two perfectly well arms to show what the mighty power of God can do.

We also give the following clipping from the Dallas Daily Times-Herald of September 7, 1912:

“Hundreds in Dallas and all over Texas and many other states have already been healed in this meeting of all manner of diseases and afflictions by the power of God, in answer to ‘the prayer of faith.’ Many have been brought over one thousand miles and have been wonderfully saved and healed. The lame, the blind, many deaf and dumb, the palsied, the paralytic, consumptives, those suffering with cancers, tumors, fistulas, pellagra, operations, many with epilepsy, and invalids for years are praising God for healing for soul and body.

“Perhaps never before was there such a scene as that witnessed by the great audience Monday night, when three deaf and dumb mutes, fifty-four, thirty-four and seventeen years old, all strangers to each other, hugged, kissed, wept, shouted and praised God for perhaps twenty minutes, because He had opened all their ears, gave them their voices and saved their souls. Sinners look on and weep and make their way to the altar. Sunday, God came in slaying power and twenty-one, like Saul, were struck down by the power of God and lay from one to eleven hours. They had wonderful visions of heaven and of Jesus and all got up with shining faces, filled with the love of God. The tent looked like a battlefield for ‘the slain of the Lord were many.’ This power has continued all the week and sinners have been struck down in their homes several miles from the tent. Hundreds in Dallas have been filled with the Holy Ghost as at Pentecost. Perhaps in no other place in the world is God so wonderfully displaying His power at the present time.”

Mrs. Clay E. Martin, one of the deaf mutes who was healed, gives a written testimony as follows:

“T am now fifty-four years old. My father and mother were first cousins. * * * Myself and two sisters were born totally deaf and dumb. I was born at Jonesville, Lee County, Virginia, educated at Staunton, Virginia, under Prof. J. J. Covell. I was teacher in Prof. Van Nostrand’s deaf and dumb school at Austin, Texas, at the time my uncle, Ben. D. Martin, was state senator under Governor Coke. On Wednesday, July 31, 1912, I went to the wonderful meeting in the large tent at the corner of Parry and Fletcher streets. When Sister Etter put her finger in my mouth at the root of my tongue and then in my ears, commanding the ‘deaf and dumb spirit’ to come out, God instantly opened my ears and gave me my voice. * * * Oh, it seems so wonderful to hear everything.”


Wonders of God in Dallas, Texas

During this revival hundreds have been saved and healed. The blind have seen, the deaf have heard, the dumb have spoken; broken limbs have been restored, incurable diseases like cancer, consumption and pellagra have been healed. The word of God has gone forth in power, and the Lord has confirmed it with “signs following.”

About twelve hundred have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost as on the day of Pentecost, each one speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. During our month’s stay here we have seen the dear Lord mightily manifest His healing power at different times. A brother came down from Missouri, very far gone with consumption. He had taken to his bed because he was so weak, but the Lord told him to come to Dallas and he would heal him. As Sister Etter laid hands on him, rebuking the disease in the name of Jesus, it went at once and the brother was able to give an overflowing testimony the next day.

A sister came down from St. Paul who had been an invalid for two years, ever since the birth of her baby. She had all kinds of internal trouble; but the prayer of faith by Sister Etter put everything right, and the Lord raised her up from the couch on which she lay. She ran up and down the tabernacle praising the Lord. In her testimony she said that previously she had been so ill that it was only with difficulty she could move from her bed: from a chair in her room. She stayed a little while longer in Dallas, during which she became strengthened in spirit; soul and body, and the Lord baptised her with the Holy Ghost. She writes from St. Paul telling how well she is.

Another sister came down with the worst case of goitre we have ever seen. She had been under many physicians and a specialist, and her case was pronounced incurable. When her mother decided to bring her to Dallas, the doctor said the train journey would probably kill her. On the first night she came Sister Etter called on the name of Jesus and the disease was cured. (We notice that in almost every case Sister Etter dealt with the disease as if she was dealing with the devil himself.) At once the sister was delivered, the pain left, and she was able to exercise her swollen neck. It seemed as though the swelling subsided considerably at once, although the swelling had not all gone before she left Dallas, she is able to give a very blessed testimony. For the first time in a long time she was able to sleep peacefully, she was able to walk 32 blocks to and from the meetings every day, whereas before she came she could not walk more than two blocks, and that with difficulty.

At another time a man who looked as though he was dying, suffering internally with appendicitis, came into the meeting, the Lord not only healed his body, but saved his soul. Salvation means the double cure, and really means WHOLENESS and you cannot limit it to the part of the being, as we have often done in past times.

Sister Etter has gone to San Antonio, starting meetings there the first of January. We hear the Lord is blessedly confirming His word with signs following. Her farewell service took place on the last Sunday of the old year, and was one of the most blessed services we have ever attended. Many times while giving her message, she was so overcome with emotion she had to stop. Especially pathetic was her farewell to Bros. Bosworth and Birdsall, “these two dear boys,” as this mother in Israel called them. She appealed to all to stand by them. The power of God seemed especially on this dear sister that night, and as she laid hands on sick ones and seekers, they one and all seemed to come mightly under the power of God, becoming prostrated before the Lord.

Yours in the boundless love of Jesus.

Stanley H. Frodsham

Note.—Bro. Frodsham was an editor from Bournemouth, England, visiting the meeting in Dallas—Author.


The Mighty Power of God at Dallas, Texas

(By Carrie Judd Montgomery, Editor Triumphs of Faith, Oakland, California.)

My husband and myself are just leaving Dallas, Texas, after a most interesting time at the meetings which are being held here in this city at the large Tabernacle (recently built to take place of the tent). Mrs. Etter has been there five months holding meetings, and will remain until the first of the year, when she goes to San Antonio, Texas, for a series of meetings.

Mrs. Etter is an old-time friend of ours. When we first knew her she was in the midst of a very remarkable revival work on the Pacific coast, where many thousands were saved, and many were healed. We were delighted to meet each other again, after the lapse of many years. She extended to us a most loving welcome, and gave us seats on the platform by her side.

We have already published reports of these Dallas meetings, which we knew were reliable, but it has been a joy to attend them for ourselves, and to witness the mighty power of God convicting and converting sinners, healing sick bodies, and baptising saints with the Holy Ghost. We could only make it possible to remain for a few days, but in that length of time we saw much that we shall never forget. As we entered the Tabernacle on Saturday evening, we saw a crowd of rejoicing ones at the front, and we learned later that a deaf and dumb man, about sixty years of age, had just been saved and instantly healed by the power of God through Mrs. Etter’s command of faith, as she bade the deaf and dumb demons to depart in Jesus’ name. Another man who had been healed of deafness was pointed out to us, and as he was singing a hymn in unison with the others. with eyes closed, it was evident how well he could hear. We saw one lady who had been stone deaf, but after prayer was offered, the ears which had seemed dead began to have life in. them, and she could hear loud sounds near her. Some people are healed at once, and others gradually, but Mrs. Etter feels that if they have been receptive as she has prayed “the prayer of faith” for them, that they have only to hold on in faith and continue to praise God on the authority of His Word, and the symptoms will surely pass away. There really are so many healings day by day, that only the more remarkable ones attract attention.

Mrs. Etter’s greatest concern is to have people “get right with God” in their souls, and then she tells them they will be healed. When they come to her with more desire for physical healing than for the spiritual healing, she refuses to pray for the healing of their bodies until their souls come into right relations with God. This undoubtedly is one great reason of her success, and another reason is that she believes in working for the unifying of all the members of the body of Christ, and therefore she does not preach mere theories, but holds up a living Christ, receiving all who are honest in their hearts and purposes towards Him, even if they do not yet see the truth just as she teaches it. She also avoids laying’ stress upon certain words or expressions, with which the enemy is trying to cause divisions in the body of Christ. Therefore there is no contention or strife in these meetings, but love and unity.

It is interesting to note that Mrs. Etter teaches healing in the Atonement (in the same way that we are taught by the Holy Spirit Himself many years ago). She also encourages all the saints to press on for more power from God to do the miraculous works which Jesus said believers should do in His name.

Mrs. Etter is one that speaks with no uncertain sound, and we have never seen any one else rebuke disease and demons with such Heaven-sent authority, and power. It brought a new wave of spiritual joy to our heart to hear the way in which these “cruel demons” were ordered to depart. Perhaps it is needless to say here that when people get their eyes on the instrument that God uses, instead of upon Himself, they do not receive healing. While on the other hand, those whose gaze of faith is upon the Saviour alone often receive healing, through the application in faith of the anointed handkerchiefs or tracts sent out from these meetings. Some periodicals have ridiculed this means of reaching the sick, but God is wonderfully using them just the same, and as He wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul (see Acts xix:11, 12) He is doing the same now for those who trust Him, for so many of God’s children are sick everywhere that the need is most urgent and the unbelief is so great that often in isolated places those suffering saints cannot get one near at hand to offer for them “the prayer of faith.”

Mrs. Etter preaches the gospel in great simplicity and power, backing up all her remarks by quotations from the Word of God. The altar services are very remarkable, as saints and sinners gather around in deep earnestness seeking God for their individual needs. The power of God falls upon them, and it is wonderful to note the changes that come over the faces of the seeking ones, as the light dawns upon their souls. The power of God often prostrates them, and even little children are seen “under the power;” apparently unconscious to all but God, and with their little faces shining like angels.

There were people present from many different states in the Union.

The night we left there were three remarkable cases of healing; one of goitre, one of cancer, and one of deafness. The lady with goitre was suffering very much with the choking or suffocating sensation occasioned by it. Mrs. Etter commanded the enemy to depart, in Jesus’ name, and soon we saw her turning her head freely from side to side, while the swelling seemed mostly, if not entirely gone. The pain and swelling of the man’s cancer was also taken away in a few minutes.

It is stated that about three hundred and fifty have received the Pentecostal baptism, with the sign of speaking with new tongues.

There is usually a great solemnity in the meetings, and the faces of the people are very earnest. With the exception of the altar service, where many are often praising or praying at once, the meetings are conducted very quietly. All tendency to wildfire or fanaticism is entirely discountenanced.

Perhaps the explanation for the solemnity of these meetings is that there is continual teaching about the soon coming of the Lord for His Bride, and exhortations to get ready. One dear brother, Rev. H. C. Mears, who has preached the gospel for over forty years, came to fight the work, but became convinced that it was of God; he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the sign of tongues, and afterwards God gave him the most wonderful visions of Heaven, and of what the Lord is preparing for His people, and also visions of the coming of the Lord. It is most inspiring to listen to the revelations of the coming of the Lord which have been vouchsafed to this dear brother. His spirit is so loving and gentle, he reminds us of what the Lord Jesus said about Nathaniel, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile,”


“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10.19.

At a recent meeting at the time just after the call for all needing prayer to come to the altar had been made, Sister Etter had been praying for many round the altar and God wonderfully healed them all, and as she was praying for a lady there was a scorpion laying two inches away from her hand.

She saw it and went to knock it off and it stung her. The pain seemed to run all through her and go to her heart. The finger got red, and the Lord showed her it was a fatal and poisonous sting, and nothing but the Lord could help her. A brother killed it, and several of the saints saw it, and went right to praying. She claimed the promise that we should have power over serpents, and all fear left her.

The people were waiting for her to heal them. She hung on to the Lord, and His promises, and the pain began to stop and she went right on praying for the sick, and nothing was left but the mark of the sting. The hurt was perfectly healed.

Bro. S. B. Finley says:—‘While attending these meetings I have a number of times seen the most beautiful flashes of light, like lightning, with some of the most brilliant colors, including most beautiful purple. There were great waves of light resting over different ones in the meeting.

One night there appeared a light like a white star and a two-edged sword going out from Sister Woodworth-Etter’s mouth. hile she was preaching and there were like flames of fire in rainbow colors around her, at the same time. Another night there appeared a very large white cross. It stood before me in the skies as I was about to go to church, and many white roads leading up to it.

The prophet Joel (Chap. 2, verse 28) speaks of these signs following God’s people (also see Acts 2, 4-5).

A brother came to these meetings who had been a holiness preacher for eight years past; he had been fighting this work for about three years; finally the Lord showed him he had to make a final decision, and he decided to walk in the Light. He, his wife, and four sons, and daughter, and her husband, all received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, since they attended these meetings. The power of God often comes on two of the sons, and while prostrated under that power, they have glorious visions of the Eternal world. One son was healed of a swelling in the head. After he was prayed for it ran off and away, and has not hurt him any more. The power of God comes upon them also in their own home; the Spirit of God speaks through them in other tongues, and they have visions.

One woman had a tumor in her face and jaw for many years, was in an awful state, could hardly take any nourishment. She came back and testified that it had all disappeared and the side of her face was straight like the other.

A man brought his wife on the way home to die, given up by all the doctors. She had cancer of the mouth, and she was saved and healed. At once the swelling all went down and the soreness went, and she had the perfect use of her mouth. She came back the next day to testify that she was healed.


Report by the Pastor, Elder F. F. Bosworth

Having, during the past five years, read and re-read volumes 1 and 4 of “The Life, Work and Experience of Mrs. M. B. Woodworth-Etter,” recording the wonderful Acts of the Holy Ghost in her evangelistic meetings during the past thirty-five. years, we became very anxious for her to come and help us in the work at Dallas, Texas, where for many months we had been conducting Pentecostal meetings every night, during which time there had been a continual revival, many being saved, healed and baptized in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4. Feeling that it was God’s plan for her to come, we wrote her concerning it, and in April, 1912, I visited her meeting, then being conducted in Indianapolis, Ind. During the three days’ visit I witnessed some wonderful healing by the power of God, and met personally many who were wonderfully healed by the laying on of hands. Brother and Sister Etter also felt that God was leading to Dallas, so they came and began labor with us July 25th, 1912.

Throngs packed the large tent from the first, two or three thousand often standing around the tent. Great numbers of the sick and afflicted came, and were brought, on cots and in different ways, reminding us of the scenes described in the Gospels, when our Lord was upon earth.

Night after night, as soon as the invitation was given, all the available space around the fifty foot altar would be filled with so many suffering with diseases and afflictions and others seeking salvation and the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, that it was difficult to get in and out among the seekers. For several weeks there have been too many to be prayed for, for healing, and some each night have had to go away disappointed, and come again.

There were so many sick, that there was always a rush for the altar as soon as the invitation was given. Many have been wonderfully healed before the service began, and sometimes there has been no preaching—nothing but the altar service.

A hundred seekers often come to the altar at one time. Many have been saved and healed at the same time and have got up shouting and clapping their hands. Many who were not saved came to be healed. After listening to the Gospel they have realized that their souls were in a worse condition than their bodies and have dropped the matter of being healed until they made their peace with God.

The news of victory went out, and hundreds have already come from all over the United States, many bringing their sick hundreds of miles, some on cots in the baggage cars. Twenty states have been represented in a single service, coming on purpose to attend the meetings. Many ministers have come and gone and have received greater faith and power for the service of God. Many members of churches have come for healing and God has shown them that they had never been born of the Spirit.

In almost every service for nearly three months, the slaying power so common in the day of Finney, Jonathan Edwards, etc., has been manifested, often “The slain of the Lord” covering nearly all the altar space in the front of the tent. Many most wonderful visions and revelations, throwing light on the coming of the Lord, etc., have been given to those thus slain by the power of God. Many have seen balls of fire and lights in and around the tent (Acts 2, 3 and 26, 13). Some of these have been sinners. Jesus has appeared to many in the meetings, and many have at different times seen a great host of angels just above the audience.

In one service, several at the same time saw and heard the awful explosion of the mine near Constantinople, and screamed out at the same time; so this, and a number of awful battles in Turkey, and other calamities, have been seen and told in the meeting, before it appeared in the daily papers.

We praise God for bearing witness to the Gospel, not only with signs and wonders and divers miracles, but also with gifts of the Holy Ghost.

In accordance with Acts 19:12, handkerchiefs have been anointed and sent to the sick in all parts of the United States and Canada, and many have been wonderfully healed at the time the handkerchief was applied to their body. Others have been saved and healed while reading the reports of the meeting in the religious papers.

Besides great numbers being wonderfully saved and healed, about three hundred more have received the Baptism in the Holy Ghost during the last three months, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Over one hundred of this number were from other states and towns. A number of these were ministers. We have just lately moved into our new large frame tabernacle, seating one thousand people, and Sunday hundreds were turned away, unable to get into the building. During the past few days people have come from the Atlantic to the Pacific to attend the meetings. We see no reason why still greater victories should not be given during the months to come. There has been a continuous revival here ever since February 2nd, 1911.

I have heard many preachers who could very eloquently point out what Christianity should be, and the wonderful possibilities of faith, but I know of none who, during the whole period of their ministry have had the faith to so wonderfully demonstrate the truth of Christ’s declaration that “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also,” thus, “By manifestation of the truth commending herself to every man’s conscience in the sight of God,”

Although the revival here has continued every night for many months, the interest and power continues. Last night, hundreds were turned away, unable to get into the new tabernacle, which seats a thousand people.

Sister Etter is always seeking, and is continually urging the saints to seek more of God. Concerning the doctrine which she preaches, nothing needs to be said, for, as it was in the first century, God Himself bears witness “Both with signs and wonders and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost.”

Joyfully expecting to meet the readers of this book in the clouds, when mortality shall put on immortality, and we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and in our glorified bodies shall be forever with the Lord and with the redeemed, I am,
Your brother in Christ,
F. F. Bosworth.


A minister of the gospel, who has been in the Lord’s work for eleven years past, writes :—

We have met with most of the leaders of the Apostolic Faith Movement, but never before met with anyone so deep in wisdom and in the knowledge of the things of God as Mrs. Woodworth-Etter.

Never have we seen the power of God manifested to such an extent as in these meetings. Her preaching is always in the demonstration of the Spirit, and in power.

One can sit and feast on the strong meat of the Kingdom, which she, a servant of Jesus, is giving to the Household of Faith here.

At one meeting at the time of the altar call she laid hands on and prayed for God to baptize some seekers with the Holy Ghost, and three in succession so prayed for fell and lay prostrate under the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, and received the baptism. It is noticed that after she has prayed for certain ones and laid hands on them the power of the Holy Ghost comes upon them, and they speak in other tongues as the Spirit of God gives them utterance.

She has a quick and accurate perception of the needs of the seekers, and can help and lead them into the Kingdom in a few minutes, where it would take most other workers hours, and then probably without attaining the same results.

We have met with numbers of people from various cities that have been saved and healed in her meetings, and also independent, unbiased witnesses who confirm our conclusion, that she knows God, and the workings of His Spirit better than anyone that we have ever met.

As to her capability and qualification to take charge and lead a meeting: after her thirty-five years of active evangelical work under the direct tuition, supervision, and guidance of God Himself, she stands unequalled in that respect as far as the writer and his colleagues have been able to ascertain.

We have excellent grounds for believing that, like Daniel, she is “Greatly beloved” of our Heavenly Father; that like John the Beloved, she constantly leans on Jesus’ bosom.

At times while the meeting is going on the Spirit of God will come down in an exceptional manner and envelop her like a cloud; she at such times is transformed in appearance, the fashion of her countenance changes, and standing motionless for several minutes, with the light of Heaven streaming radiant in her face, she sees the unseen and invisible Lord, and the angelic hosts and other spiritual things within the veil, which are hidden to others. Like when the high priest entered into the Holy of Holies, she leaves the congregation waiting till she returns in spirit and ministers once more to them.

At such times the fear of God, and strong conviction falls noticeably on the whole congregation, for they cannot but understand the Manifestation of the Spirit, and they act more reverently even than at other times, because of the more vivid realization that God is present in their midst, when seeing the visible operation of His Spirit in this way.


In January, 1904, I heard that Mrs, M. B. Woodworth-Etter and her husband were going to hold Divine Healing meetings in St. Louis, and I, went to their first meeting with a friend. The mode of conducting the meeting, and some of the doctrines taught, were entirely new to me, but I knew at first sight that it was all of God, and that they were servants of God.

I helped in the meetings, two meetings each day, for more than six months. I saw miracles of healing; many prostrated under the mighty outpourings of God’s Spirit from heaven; saw them lay with the light of Heaven on their faces, happier and more divine looking than anyone that I had ever seen. I saw them rise up after awhile, with their faces shining, full of praises to God, and heard them tell of the glories of the eternal world which they had just seen. I saw the visible manifestation of God’s presence in many supernatural ways constantly.

The first time that I ever heard the Spirit speak in other tongues was in a meeting she was holding in Moline. A sister who had been used of God to do important evangelistic work said, referring to the tongues, she would believe after she had heard. Sister Etter told her she would be speaking in other tongues that very day, and in the afternoon the Spirit came on her in the meeting, and she commenced to sing in other tongues, with a very powerful voice. The singing was solemn, sad, and impressive. I never heard anything more so; it reminded me of the lamentation of the women at the Cross of Jesus, and of Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. We afterwards learned there was an earthquake taking place at that very time at Kingston, Jamaica, which the Lord showed to another sister in the meeting.

From there I went to Muscatine; found there an assembly which had been meeting ever since Sister Etter had held her last meetings in that city. Brothers and sisters were there who had been healed at that time, and they had been well ever since; and others who had through her teaching been firmly established in the deep things of God. I told them of how God was pouring out His Spirit elsewhere and speaking through some in other tongues and exhorted and taught them.

A short time after the Spirit came on an aged brother, and he began to speak in other tongues, this made the others hungry, and most of them commenced to seek for the same manifestation, and all received after various intervals, except one or two.

The Spirit did not speak through me till October, 1908, when He spake for about an hour and a half, and sang two songs through me. All glory and praise to God forever. The Lord always backs up her preaching with the visible signs of His presence, which shows that Jesus is working with her, confirming the preaching with the signs accompanying and following.

She has the “power” of the Holy Ghost, or the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying of hands and prayer; so often I have seen it especially at. St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Dallas. Just lately out of ten whom she prayed for in succession the Spirit came on them in such power that they all fell prostrate and lay around the altar.

Of Brother Etter, I have seldom met a brother so entirely free from insincerity at all times. He speaks the truth in his heart, without guile or hypocrisy, and is ever ready to ratify and endorse his wife’s preaching; he is equipped in every way for the work which God has called him to.

I know of no one God has so highly honored. I look to see her occupy a high position in the Kingdom of our Lord in Heaven, and I have lived in their home for months at a time.

While I was in the work in England I got so hungry to be in their meetings again, that having received an invitation from them to come and again help in the meetings, I came clear across the Atlantic ocean direct to their meetings, and have been working with them since.

Yours, trusting alone in the Atoning Blood and Merits of Jesus, Evangelist.
W. J. Mortlock, England.


“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter, 4, 12 and 13.)

Jesus said they hated him without a cause. The real children of God are clothed with light and power; with the Holy Ghost from heaven, sent from the Eternal Throne of God. The world does not: know us, because it did not know him, so the devil brings all his forces into the battle against Jesus and his saints; but He that is in us, is greater than all that are against us; and the Lord will fight our battles, if he has to bring down all, the Armies of Heaven. When the prophet was surrounded by the enemies of the Lord, his servant was frightened, because he was sure his master would be killed. The prophet of God, however, was calm; he looked up to God, and said, “Open the young man’s eyes.” His eyes were opened, and he looked around, and saw the Armies of the Lord, with Horses and Chariots of Fire: all the Artillery of Heaven surrounding and protecting one little prophet of God.

They said to Paul, “This sect is everywhere spoken against.” (Acts 28, 22.) The gospel preached by the Holy Ghost, with signs, stirs the devil, and his hosts in these last days. They lay pits and traps to catch us, as they did to our Saviour, at the time when they were going to throw him over the hill, to destroy him; but he slipped away. The devil hates me with perfect hatred, and has tried many times, and in many ways, to kill and destroy me. I only escaped by the ever present, watchful, loving care of my Lord. He said, “Fear not, I am with you.” It means everything to know that God is with us.

I have been in many places where my life was not worth a straw, but I always stood firm. I have been in the greatest dangers, but bless and praise His Holy Name, He always came, with the Hosts of Heaven, and in such a way that the fear of God fell on them, whether it was one, or a howling mob. Sometimes they could not move; sometimes they fell like drunken men; others: ran, and they were glad to escape with their lives and liberty. In all these trials God got the victory, for all knew that the Lord was with me, and with us, and fighting His own battles.

California Meetings

California is a great place for wickedness, and for men and women to hide from the law. In the great crowds that attended our meetings, they told me there were murderers there, and all kinds of other outlaws; they mixed through the crowds, with concealed weapons, ready to kill, or fight at the least thing that did not suit them. The brothers built a high board fence around the back of the pulpit, where I stood; they did not tell me why, but they were afraid I would be shot while preaching.

Some were saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost, and some of their friends objecting to this, let the devil take charge of them; they sent a letter, with a sketch of a skull and cross-bones; also one of a heart with a dagger stuck through it, and the blood dripping down, and the writers just gave me so long a time to take my crowd, and to get out, or they would tear down our tents and kill us all.

For awhile I trembled, and did not know what to do. We had been having three: meetings a day, for many weeks, and I was prostrated with the steady work, the responsibility of the meetings, and worry, never knowing when a mob would come, and rush in on us; or some coward would slip in on us at night; for we all slept in our little tents. We had six small tents, not affording much protection.

I called a few of the brethren, that had power and influence, and showed them the letters. They gave the matter into the hands of the police, and the police watched for them. About two a. m., a wild mob slipped up, and they were surrounding our tents, ready to kill us all, and destroy the tents. They thought they had it all their way, but before they knew anything more, the police had them surrounded.

I did not know what plans had been laid but felt so sure the Lord would protect us that the helpers and I went to our tents, and went to bed, and were asleep when the mob came. Oh! we can be calm, and praise the Lord amidst the tempest.

At another time for some reason, some of the drunken police got mad at some of the workers, and they hated us all. It was dark and rainy, and they gathered up a mob, and were going to tear down the tent, and mob us all. They left part of their number outside some distance from the tent; the rest came in, and were to give the sign for those outside to rush in on the tent.

I did not know what plans had been laid, but felt secure. The brothers kept their plans from me; they were prepared to protect me, and to die if necessary.

A lot of big, burly police came running in with their rain coats on, and their billies hid under their coats. Some sat down where they entered, some scattered; others stood. I was frightened, for I knew and felt we were in danger, they looked so mad and mean as if they would tear us in pieces.

The Spirit of the Lord came on me, I stepped up on the altar, and stood looking at them, then began talking as the Spirit gave utterance. I began to walk slowly down the long altar that led down amongst them, talking as the Spirit gave utterance, with power. The Holy Ghost had control of my whole body, arms, hands, and feet. They could see and feel the awful presence of God in their midst. They knew that I, of myself, would not dare to defy or stand before them, or talk to them in such a way. The fear of God fell on them, they were afraid of me. I felt like as though I had turned to be a giant, and believed that if they had moved towards us, that God would have smitten them dead. They stood as if they were paralysed, and did not give the signal to those that were outside, but went out solemnly. Oh! praise the Lord for victory, through Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. We never had any more trouble. There is none like our God to deliver. “Touch not Mine Anointed and do My Prophets no harm.” (Psalm 105, 15.)


Awful judgments have fallen upon those that laid hands upon the Ark. Under the Law it was instant death to those that touched the Ark, or layed their hands on it. When anyone wilfully lays his hands on the Holy Ghost Work of God to-day, it is spiritual death to that man or woman. Take Michal (David's wife), as a warning. She was smitten with barrenness to the day of her death. David was dancing in the Spirit before the Ark, and she despised him for so doing. Sometimes it is instant death. Many places where we have held meetings, it has come to be a common saying, “Just watch that man, and see what will happen’ to him.” Sometimes in a few days, or often in a year or two, they will write, telling me of some awful judgments that have befallen on those who sinned after this manner. Many times it put the fear of God on those who knew, and noticed these things.

Many editors and preachers who failed to take warning of God’s dealings with Uzzah and Michal have gone down in disgrace. Many that had large congregations, and large salaries, have had to leave in disgrace, on account of some sin or the congregation broke up, and his people left him. Many editors have gone to ruin, have got into trouble, have gone to drinking, become insane, or committed suicide. Offences must come, but Woe to the man through whom they come. (Luke 17, 1.)

During one of the meetings, a man had a crowd around him, and was making sport of the Works of God, and saying awful things about me, and the Power. All at once he fell to the ground, a helpless man, stricken with paralysis; his face was drawn, his tongue out, his eyes rolling, and he was in that condition till he died, which he did in a short time.

The fear of God was on all that saw him, knowing that it was the swift judgments of God.

“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43, 2.)

Kansas Meeting

We held several meetings in Kansas, near the Oklahoma line, out on the prairies, at a place some distance from a small town. The Power of the Lord came down like a cyclone. Men and women fell in their homes, and in other places in and around the meeting. Many of the rich, and of the best people, including the farmers around, were converted. There was a church college in the town, and some of the members got condemned and mad.

A lady who had been at the meeting went to the Methodist church on a Sunday, and fell prostrate under the Power of the Holy Ghost; they tried to bring her out from under that Power. They poured cold water on her, and did everything they could to bring her out.

When she would come out a little they would persecute her for going to our meeting, and she would go back under. the Power; she continued that way all day and night. They got so convicted and enraged. they could have killed me. They called the authorities together to see if I had broken the law in any way so that they could find a flaw to catch me, and then they sent the sheriff. and others to where I was boarding, to arrest me; but I told them according to law they could not, and in the Name of the Lord: I would not go, and they could not take me. They went away cursing and said they would get me yet. They also said that I must go with them to the girl’s house, and bring her out of the spell that I had put her in; they said she was crazy and that her father would kill me.

I told them if they would let her alone, she would soon come out; that I had no power to hurt her, nor to take her out from under that Power. They were also working among the cow-boys, getting them enraged; telling them I was driving people crazy. We heard their threats, and knew they were gathering a mob, and we had no place to go; I told them to stand with me in the Name of the Lord. “I said that our God would fight our battles. We would trust him to reach out his hand in some way, and put the fear of God upon them. Those attending the meeting said they would die if necessary, but would never run, nor surrender. We knew our only hope was in God. Those who had made themselves my enemies expected to kill or take me a prisoner; the brethren knew that I was the one they were after, and they counselled together, and decided they would protect me if they had to fight with chairs, or anything they could get.

They came as we expected, and were told that we were all nervous and trembling. We heard the shouts as they were coming down the roads on horseback, firing pistols as they came. They had on rough clothes, and big hats. I said, “Be brave;” we commenced singing, and they came and surrounded the tent. Then they would get together in bunches, and would act wild, as if they were going to rush in on us. We sang and prayed, and the dear ones tried to keep me in the middle of them, and hide and protect me as much as they could. I commenced talking, and they saw the power of the Lord was on me in a wonderful manner. I was in the Spirit, and all fear was gone. I talked to them like as to little children, and they began to settle down, and a stillness was coming over them.

They had us surrounded so that we could not getaway or get out. To my left I saw the man that came that day to arrest; me, with a couple of others. The Lord led me out on the platform, right out to those men. I reached out my hand to them, and smiled. The leader said, “We saw you to-day.” I said, “Yes, I think you did; I am glad to see you here,” and I was, for all fear was gone, and I saw that I had won the victory. I continued, “I hope you will like the meeting so well that you will come again.” They could have pierced me through with a knife, or have dragged: me off, but that the hand of God was on them. They could not move. I shook hands with some more of the others, and then went back to the pulpit, and talked and cried.

I saw there was a company led on by the father of the girl; their great hats were pulled over their faces, waiting for the crowd to leave. They said, “You must go with us, and take the girl out of that spell. I looked to Jesus a moment. before answering them. I felt the power of God on me, and I marched out right up to the father, reached out my hand, and spoke so kindly that he was surprised. He stood still and looked at me, and the rest were looking on at us. “He began to tremble, the power of God fell on them, and the lion was tamed. I asked him if he hadn’t been cross to her, and abused her for coming to the meeting, and for being under the power; he said that he had. “Did she not talk to you, and want you to be a better man.” He said, “Yes, she did.” “Then you abused her and she went under the power of God again?” Every time he said, “Yes.” I said, “Do you not know it is your fault that she stays that way? Do you not think that if you will go home, and listen to what she tells you, that she will soon be all right?” He broke down, and said, “I know she is right; I ought to listen to her; she is all right, and so are you.” “Then you go right home and tell her she can serve the Lord.”

They all shook hands, and I showed the congregation that we could all breathe easier, and that henceforth we would all be stronger in the Lord. He surely fought our battle. We had no more trouble, and the meeting continued with great success. Praise God for his wonderful presence and power in every time of need.

In other places I have been in great dangers; many times not knowing when I would be shot down, either in the pulpit, or going to and from the meetings. Many times I have been followed and eaves-dropped. Often bands of wicked men came in to kill, or to tear up the meetings. Their looks and very appearance are sufficient to terrify, but I said I would never run, nor compromise. The Lord would always put His mighty power on me, so that He took all fear away, and made me like a giant. He always stood by me in every way. If in any way they had tried to shoot, or kill me, he would have struck them dead, and I sometimes told them so.

The Power of the Lord was on me, something like it was on. Jesus, when he drove out the mighty men, the money changers in the Temple, with a little cord whip, or rope. There was nothing to make them afraid, but the awful presence of God. The fear of God always made them leave, and the same is true to-day; sometimes they fall like dead men. The Lord always pointed these people out to me when they were in the crowd, and showed me our danger. Dear reader, we are now in the dark days, many who read these lines will have to go through great danger, and persecutions, also hard trials, but be true to God, stand for his word, and honor, and glorify his name, and He will protect and deliver. We can have the faith that we will live until Jesus comes. Claim the promise that He will shield us from all dangers, from all the arrows of the enemy, and from the pestilence; that no plague shall come near you. The promises contained in the ninety-first Psalm are for all of God’s true children in these last days. Oh! Glory to His Name that liveth forever and ever, who is able to deliver his children out of all their troubles. Then why fear when trouble comes? We must have trials to perfect us for our future home.


While holding meetings in California the Lord showed me that great destruction and an earthquake were coming.

Soon after the papers were ablaze with the pictures of the awful earthquake and holocaust in San Francisco, and the surrounding country. I had told them God always sends mercy before judgment. I told them that they rejected mercy, and that they would be visited next with destruction and judgment. The earthquake soon followed and the fear of God came on those that remembered the prophecy. Both prophecies were fulfilled in a week, and I lived to walk over the ruins.

A woman that had been baptized with the Holy Ghost, and healed of a broken leg, saw and told the people about the awful storm that was coming. Her prophecy was fulfilled, just two weeks from the day she said it would come.

While holding meetings in Louisville, Kentucky, the Lord was visiting the city in great mercy and power; but so many rejected the Spirit, and went over to hardness of heart. The Lord showed a Sister there of the storm which was coming and which shortly afterwards struck the city, and did much damage to property, and in which many lives were lost,

This same Sister saw the destruction of the SS. “Titanic.” She saw the vessel go down, ten or more days before it sank, with its hundreds of souls on board. She saw it sink out of sight. She saw them first lower the lifeboats, and saw them helping the passengers down into the boats, saw the men drag a man who was hid in a lifeboat out and kill him, and throw him into the sea. She was much excited at seeing the awful disaster, and her husband was frightened by her cries, so vividly did she see the disaster.


1 In David’s town, God bless you,
   Behold an infant cried;
It was the world’s Redeemer,
   Salvation drawing nigh.


   In the light! In the light!
We are walking in the light of the Lord.

2 King Jesus came from heaven,
   Lost sinners to redeem,
The Spirit is my witness;
   I’ve plunged the healing stream.

3 He baptized me with power,
   And with the Holy Ghost:
Like He did His apostles
   On the day of Pentecost.

4 My soul is filled with glory,
   Good Lord I’m bound to shout,
The cleansing blood of Jesus
   Has ruled the devil out.

5. Sinner your soul is darkness,
   Your heart is black with sin,
While Jesus’ hands are bleeding,
   He knocks oh let Him in.

6 The moment you accept Him
   Your darkness will be light;
He'll tune your heart for singing
   To walk within the light.