Signs and Wonders God Wrought in the Ministry for Forty Years/Chapter 7

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On arriving at Monroeville, Allen County, Indiana, we called on Brother M., the pastor in charge, and commenced meeting that evening in the Methodist Episcopal Church, November, 1883. The church, with a few exceptions, was dead. There had not been a revival in the town for years, to amount to anything, and nearly everyone predicted a failure. They had not had a mourner's bench for nine or ten years. At the close of the next day's meeting I asked the sexton to set the musical instrument back, and bring up to the front the poor despised mourner's bench. He laughed, and said he would. When the people saw the mourners' bench they said it would be a good joke on me; that we would have no use for it. While preaching that night I shouted victory and told them to clear the altar—for the house was crowded— and called for seekers. They began crowding to the altar, and continued to do so for three weeks, day and night.

The church had become so formal, its members walking so inconsistently, that many of the best men and women had become almost skeptical. I felt that it would require a great display of the power of God to convince them of the reality of experimental religion. God has said: "Whatsoever you desire for the glory of God, I will do it." Believing in his promise, for three nights I prayed for God to display his power in his own way, to show the people that God was working. I prayed with all earnestness, believing he would answer my prayer.

The third day one of the aged sisters fell prostrate and became cold and rigid, as if dead, with no signs of life excepting the beating of her pulse. We laid her on the pulpit sofa. She remained there the rest of the day, and during the evening meeting two other ladies fell over in the same way. The people were very much excited. We told the audience if they would come quietly they could pass around and see them. Some were afraid to touch them. Several of the brethren and sisters stayed, and sang and prayed all night with them. The next day six others fell over; one young lady was over-powered while standing, her eyes wide open. A sweet smile was on her face. It was lighted up with the glory of God, and she looked like an angel. She stood that way about two hours. They then carried her home, with five others. As they carried them out, one after the other, without any signs of life, the people became frightened and some ran from the church. I had never seen the like. Oh, how my faith was strengthened! I felt God had sent this in answer to my prayer.

One night I was pleading with sinners to accept the invitation to be present at the Marriage Supper of God’s Only Begotten Son. I felt-that death was very near. I told them some one was refusing for the last time; the coffin and winding-sheet were near. Oh, how I pleaded with them to accept while there wads mercy. One old man was so convicted he could not stand it. He would not yield. He left the house, cursing the Methodist church. He thought to run away from God. But swift judgment was on his track. In going out of town the train ran over him and killed him. The next morning before seven o’clock they told me he was in his winding-sheet and ready for the coffin. It caused a wonderful excitement. Some said I prayed for God to kill him, and that they would not have me to pray for them for fifty dollars. Others said I mesmerized the people, and many were afraid to come to the church. I told the congregation they need not stay away; we could pray for them at their homes, and God would answer our prayers and make them so sin-sick that they would be glad to come to church and beg for mercy. Praise God! He was working in his own way. Conviction took hold of the people.

Reformation fire began to spread, till many were brightly converted. About two hundred came out in a good experience in that meeting, and about one hundred united with the Methodist Episcopal Church.

The prophet said: "The time is coming when if a man dream a dream, or see a vision, he will be ashamed to tell it." That day is here. It requires a great deal of the grace of God to tell these things, the world is so filled with unbelief. But Jesus said it should be so: "People should wax worse and worse." "There should be a falling away in the churches." "False teachers should arise having the form of godliness, but denying the power; from such turn away."

As I plead with sinners, how my heart goes out to them in love and pity, knowing that the same message will seal the destiny of some for Eternal Life and some for Eternal Damnation. It is a terrible thing to procrastinate till the Spirit leaves us to our doom, till we become past feeling, given over to hardness of heart. “As I live saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?” Life is set before you without money and without price, but it will avail you nothing unless you accept him as your personal Savior. The devils believe and tremble on account of the punishment that awaits them.


The last lovely morning,
All blooming and fair,
Is fast onward fleeting
And soon will appear.

While the mighty, mighty, mighty trump
Sounds, come, come away:—
Oh! let us be ready to hail the glad day.

And when that bright morning
In splendor shall dawn,
Our tears shall cease flowing,
Our sorrows be gone.

The Bridegroom from glory
To earth: shall descend;
Ten thousand bright angels
Around him attend.

The graves will be opened,
The dead shall rise,
And with the Redeemer,
Mount up to the skies.

The saints then immortal
In glory shall reign—
The bride with the Bridegroom
Forever remain.