Six Love Songs (1830-1840)/Haud awa frae me, Donald

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Six Love Songs (1830–1840)
Haud awa frae me, Donald

Dated from external and internal evidence.

3190084Six Love Songs — Haud awa frae me, Donald1830-1840

Hand awa frae me, Donald.

Haud awa, bide awa,
Haud awa frae me, Donald;
What care I for a’ your wealth,
An’ a’ that ye can gie, Donald ?

I wadna lea’ my Lowland lad
For a’ your gowd an’ gear, Donald;
Sae tak your plaid an o er the hill,
An’ stay nae langer here, Donald.
Haud awa, bide awa, &c.

My Jeamie is a gallant youth,
I lo’e but him alane, Donald,
And in bonny Scotland’s isle,
Like him there is nane, Donald.

Haud awa, bide awa,
Aaud awa frae me, Donald,
What care I for a’ your wealth,
An’ a’ that ye can gie, Donald?

He wears nae plaid nor tartan hose,
Nor garter at his knee, Donald,
But, oh! he wears a faithfu heart,
And love blinks in his e’e, Donald.

Sae haud awa, bide awa,
Come nae mair at e’en, Donald;
I wadna break my Jeamie’s heart,
To be a Highland queen, Donald.