So Let It Be

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So Let It Be
by Frances Sargent Osgood

First published in the Broadway Journal on April 5, 1845 under the pseudonym "Violet Vane". It was addressed to Edgar Allan Poe.

186300So Let It BeFrances Sargent Osgood

Perhaps you think it right and just,
  Since you are bound by nearer ties,
To greet me with that careless tone,
  With those serene and silent eyes.

So let it be! I only know,
  If I were in your place to-night,
I would not grieve your spirit so,
  For all God's worlds of life and light!

I could not turn, as you have done,
  From every memory of the past;
I would not fling, from soul and brow,
  The shade that Feeling should have cast.

Oh! think how it must deepen all
  The pangs of wild remorse and pride,
To feel that, you can coldly see
  The grief, I vainly strive to hide!

The fair, fond girl, who at your side,
  Within your soul's dear light, doth live,
Could hardly have the heart to chide
  The ray that Friendship well might give.

But if you deem it right and just
  Blessed as you are in your glad lot,
To greet me with that heartless tone,
  So let it be! I blame you not!