Songs of the Cowboys (1921)/Nigger Lasses

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4594148Songs of the Cowboys — Nigger Lasses1921N. Howard Thorp


By N. Howard Thorp

He ca-su-ied[1] wid me, most ruinous,
Till ma haid jest popped de ceilin’,
Ma stummick got tangled up wid my feet
Till it done lost all feelin’;
Ma old black nose commenced ter bleed,
Everything went round;
When I waked up in a hour er two,
I was spraddled on de ground!

En I was jest a-hummin’, —

Oh, dere ain’t no horse what can’t be rode,
Dat’s what de white folks say!
En dere ain’t a man what can’t be throwed,
OH, MAH! —
  I finds it jest dat way!

Den dey cotched dat horse too quick to suit,
En brought him back ter me,
En I hobbled my stirrups en wrapped my rowels,
En I hollered, “Turn him free!”
Den he bent en he twisted, en he bowed en he moaned,
En done der grand grape-vine;
I waked up a-straddle of er cactus bush,
But dis song I had in mind, —

Oh, dere ain’t no horse what can’t be rode,
Dat’s what de white folks say!
En dere ain’t a man what can’t be throwed,
OH, MAH! —
  I finds it jest dat way!

Den I grabs dat bronc en I piles aboard,
Says I, “Ole horse, good-bye!
I’se got yo’ number sure dis time,
I doan care what yer try!”
Bout den he gimme de ole sun-fish,
Rail-fence, en do-se-do;
En it broke my heart fer us ter part,
But I had ter let him go —

Oh, dere ain’t no horse what can’t be rode,
Dat’s what de white folks say!
En dere ain’t a man what can’t be throwed,
OH, MAH! —
  I finds it jest dat way!

  1. Ca-su-ied, southern Texas word for bucking.