Soult general order not to render honours, 16 June 1815

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Soult general order not to render honours, 16 June (1815)
Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia

French original, and a software translation into English. Morning of 16 June 1815 sources:

2300282Soult general order not to render honours, 16 June1815Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia
Charleroi, le 16 Juin 1815 Charleroi, 16 June 1815
Le maréchal Duc de Dalmatie, major général, à tous les généraux en chef de l'armée du Nord. Ordre de ne point rendre d'honneurs à l'Empereur quand il se trouve aux avant-postes. Marshal Duc de Dalmatia, major-general, to all the chief generals of the army of the north. Orders no render of honours to the Emperor when he is visiting the outposts.
Duc de Dalmatie Duke of Dalmatia