Soult to officer commanding the grand parc, Charleroi, 16 June 1815

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Soult to officer commanding the grand parc, Charleroi, 16 June (1815)
Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia

French original, and a software translation into English.


2300281Soult to officer commanding the grand parc, Charleroi, 16 June1815Marshal Soult, Duke of Dalmatia
Charleroi, le 16 Juin 1815 Charleroi, 16 June 1815
Le parc de réserve doit entrer en arrière de Charleroi sous la protection du corps de M.le Comte de Lobau. The reserve park must enter behind Charleroi under the protection of the corps of the Count of Lobau.
Duc de Dalmatie Duc de Dalmatie