Southern Historical Society Papers/Volume 02/July/Official Memoranda of Battles, &c., in the year 1864

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Southern Historical Society Papers: Volume 2, Number 1 (1876)
the Office of the Confederate Adjutant-General
Official Memoranda of Battles, &c., in the year 1864

Southern Historical Society Papers, July 1876

1223621Southern Historical Society Papers: Volume 2, Number 1 — Official Memoranda of Battles, &c., in the year 18641876the Office of the Confederate Adjutant-General

Memorandum of Information as to Battles, &c., in the Year 1864, Called for by the Honorable Secretary of War.

[The following paper, prepared originally in the office of the Confederate Adjutant-General, although only a rough draft, will be of interest, as showing how the results of the campaign of 1864 appeared to the Confederate authorities.]


February 20—Battle of Ocean Pond, Florida. Enemy 12,000 strong; defeated with loss of 2,000 killed and wounded, 300 prisoners, 5 pieces artillery, 1,600 small arms, and 130,000 rounds of ammunition. Confederate loss about 200.

February 2 and 3—Operations against Newbern, North Carolina. No attack on the town was made, but the enemy lost 100 killed and wounded, 311 prisoners, 2 pieces of artillery, 2 flags, and a large quantity of clothing and camp equipage. Commander Wood captured and burned the enemy's gun-boat "Underwriter," of 6 guns. Confederate loss 55.

February 22—Whitemarsh Island, Georgia. Enemy repulsed with loss of 30 killed and wounded and 102 prisoners. Confederate loss 7.

March—Cavalry battles in North Mississippi. General Forrest drove back the enemy, inflicting on them a loss of 4,500. Confederate loss 1,200. Sherman retreated.

March 30—Paducah occupied by General Forrest. Enemy lost 300 prisoners.

April 12—Fort Pillow captured by General Forrest. Federals lost 700 killed and wounded and 300 prisoners. Confederate loss 75.

April 20—Plymouth, North Carolina, captured by General Hoke. Enemy lost 2,500 prisoners, 30 pieces of artillery, 100,000 pounds meat, 1,000 barrels flour, 3 gun-boats and a transport. Confederate loss 350.

April and May—Battles of Mansfield, Pleasant Hill, Clentersville, Poison Spring, Marks' Mill and Jenkins' Ferry, in Trans-Mississippi region. Only a brief synopsis has been received from General Kirby Smith, showing the proximate result to have been: Enemy's loss 8,000 killed and wounded, 6,000 prisoners, 34 pieces artillery, 1,200 wagons, 1 gunboat and 3 transports. Confederate loss estimated at 4,500. Trans-Mississippi almost entirely delivered.

May   Battle of New Market, Virginia. Seigel defeated, with loss of 1,200 killed, wounded and prisoners. Confederate loss about 400. No official report.

May 4 to May 16—Battles below Petersburg, including battle of Drewry's Bluff (May 16), in which General Beauregard defeated the enemy decisively. Official report sent to Secretary of War 18th June, 1864.

June 10—Battle of Fishomingo Creek, Mississippi. General Forrest defeated the enemy, numbering 10,252. Their loss was 2,000 killed and wounded, 2,000 prisoners, 250 wagons, 18 pieces artillery, 5,000 stand small arms, 500,000 rounds of ammunition, and all their baggage and supplies. Confederate loss 493. The whole Confederate force engaged was 3,500.

June 12—Battle near Trevilian's depot, in which General Hampton defeated double his force under Sheridan, inflicting a loss of 1,200 killed, wounded and prisoners. Confederate loss 400.

July 2 to 11—John and James Islands. Enemy repulsed with a loss of 700. Confederate loss 35.

July   Battle of Monocacy, in Maryland. General Early defeated enemy under General Wallace.

September 16—General Hampton, at Sycamore Church, captured 2,486 head of cattle, with rout of Gregg's cavalry, taking 300 prisoners and a number of horses.

September and October—Recent operations of General Forrest in Tennessee, resulting in the capture of three towns and 3,200 prisoners.

May 5 to August 1—Battles between forces under General Lee and the enemy under General Grant, viz: Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Po River, Jericho Bridge, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. In none of these battles were the Confederates defeated or forced from the field. No official reports have been returned. The losses on both sides cannot be accurately stated, but a recent statement of a Federal general (Naglee) has been published, which states that General Grant's losses in killed, wounded, prisoners and missing, amounted to 150,000 men. The Confederate loss probably amounted to 30,000.

August to October 14—Battles at Reams' Station, Staunton River Bridge, Davis' Farm or Weldon Railroad, Fort Gilmer and the Darbytown road, in which the enemy have probably lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, 10,000. Confederate loss probably 3,500.

October—Price's success in Missouri. General Early reported successes in Valley, between Fisher's Hill and Strasburg, and near Thornton Gap. In addition to the foregoing, a large number of cavalry successes have been achieved by Forrest, Hampton, Wheeler, Morgan and Rosser, and brilliant partisan operations performed by Lieutenant-Colonel Mosby, resulting in the capture of many prisoners and much property from the enemy.

May to September—Battles between the Army of Tennessee, under General Johnston and General Hood, and the enemy, under General Sherman. These battles did not assume the form of general engagements. No official reports have been received. The Federal loss has been estimated at 50,000, the Confederate at 20,000.


July 14—Battle of Harrisburg, Mississippi. Enemy attacked in entrenchments. Confederates repulsed with loss of 999 killed, wounded and missing. Enemy's loss probably 500. General Buford in command.

May 9—Cloyd's Farm. Confederates driven from the field. Afterwards, the enemy's forces, under Crook and Averill, were repulsed and compelled to abandon their advance. Enemy's loss 800; Confederate 538.

August 21—Weldon Railroad. Enemy succeeded in holding the road. Loss on each side about 2,000.

August 5 to September—Loss of Confederate steamers in Mobile Bay. Evacuation of Fort Powell and surrender of Forts Gaines and Morgan. Confederate loss about 800.

July—Battle north of Waynesboro', Virginia. Confederates under General William E. Jones defeated. Enemy's loss about 800; Confederate 800. No official report.

August to September—Battle of Jonesboro' and fall of Atlanta. Loss on each side about 3,000.

July—Battle near Winchester. General Early defeated. Confederate loss about 3,500; enemy's supposed to be 5,000.

September 24—Confederates driven from Fisher's Hill. Loss, 17 pieces of artillery; very little fighting.

September 29—Fort Harrison, below Richmond, captured. Confederate loss about 200.

October 2—Altoona, Georgia, attacked. Confederates repulsed.

October 9—General Rosser's cavalry defeated in Valley. Loss, 400 killed, wounded and missing, and 5 pieces of artillery.

In many of the foregoing cases no official reports have been received. The information is, therefore, furnished from the best sources at present accessible. The number of battle flags captured has been large, but at present cannot be stated with any accuracy. From the accounts which seem most entitled to credit the following estimates of results are given:

Confederate successes 37
Federal successes 13
Indecisive engagements 5
——— 55
Loss of enemy in killed and wounded 226,630
Loss of enemy in prisoners 38,613
——— 265,243
Loss of Confederates in killed and wounded 52,946
Loss of Confederates in prisoners 14,500
——— 67,446