State of Tennessee Board of Respiratory Care Minutes/December 10, 2010

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State of Tennessee Board of Respiratory Care Minutes/December 10, 2010
1306620State of Tennessee Board of Respiratory Care Minutes/December 10, 20102010

Board of Respiratory Care Teleconference

December 10, 2010

DATE: December 10, 2010 TIME: 9:30 a.m. C.S.T LOCATION: Heritage Place, Metro Center

                                              Iris Conference Room 
                                              227 French Landing, 1st Floor 
                                              Nashville, TN  37243 

MEMBER(S) PRESENT: Candace Partee, RRT, Chair

                                              Teresa Hatcher, Consumer Member 
                                              Brian Cook, Hospital Administrator 
                                              Jeffrey McCartney, MD. 
                                              Delmar Mack, Ed.D. 


                                              Colleen Schabacker, RRT 
                                              Roger Major, RRT 

STAFF PRESENT: Marva Swann, Board Director

                                              Mary Webb, Board Administrator 
                                              Anthony Czerniak, Assistant General Counsel 

With a quorum being present, Ms. Partee, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m. C.S.T.

Necessity of Meeting Pursuant to T.C.A. 8-44-108 (b) (2), an electronic meeting was necessary because a physical quorum of the board was not possible and the board needed to be able to conduct a rulemaking hearing at their next scheduled meeting on February 10, 2011 regarding an amendment to Rule 1330-01-.24. Dr. Mack made a motion seconded by Dr McCartney affirming the necessity of holding an electronic meeting of the Board. The motion carried by roll call vote with all members voting to approve. Rule 1330-01.24 Amendment A discussion was held regarding proposed language to amend rule 1330-01.-24—Endorsement of Respiratory Therapist to Provide Polysomnographic Services. At the November 10, 2010 meeting the Board voted to increase the number of hours required under Rule 1330-01-.24 from 100 hundred hours in a sleep center or sleep lab for both a registered respiratory therapist Board of Respiratory Care Teleconference December 10, 2010 2 and a certified respiratory therapist to 252 hours for a registered respiratory therapist and 504 hours for a certified respiratory therapist. After discussion, Mr. Cook made a motion seconded by Ms. Hatcher to approve the proposed language to amend Rule 1330-01-.24 as presented. The motion carried by roll call vote with all members voting to approve. With there being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 a.m. These minutes were ratified at the May 9, 2011 meeting.