Statutes in Force/Lists of Groups and Acts and Measures/Alphabetical Lists 1 January 1994

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Her Majesty's Stationery Office

(1) The words "[Page 1 ends here]" are not included in the original. (2) Page numbers are at the bottom of the page. (3) Groups 11, 18, 32, 56, 80, 91, 93, 94, 104, 117 to 120 and 125, and subgroups 26:10, 26:20, 26:29 and 26:31, are not included in the list.

ISBN 0-11-805871-1

1362612..../Her Majesty's Stationery Office


Official Revised Edition

Alphabetical Lists of Groups, Acts and Measures

up to 1st January 1994

published or to be published in this Edition


£14.20 net

[Page 1 ends here]

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List of Groups ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4

Alphabetical Lists of Acts and Measures

Acts of the Parliaments of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the
United Kingdom ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12
Church Assembly and General Synod Measures ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 145



Group and subgroup

1 Agency
2 Agriculture
1 General
2 Agricultural Credits and Loans
3 Agricultural Holdings
4 Crofters, Cottars and Small Landholders
5 Allotments, England and Wales
6 Allotments, Scotland
7 Agricultural Employment
8 Livestock
9 Plant Varieties and Seeds
10 Agricultural Marketing
11 Pests and Weeds
3 Ancient Monuments and Memorials
4 Animals
1 Dogs
2 Horses
3 Game
4 Diseases
5 Protection
6 Miscellaneous
5 Arbitration
6 Architects
7 Armed Forces
1 Navy, Army and Air Force
2 Reserve and Auxilliary Forces
3 Visiting Forces
4 Disposal of Property on Death
5 Pay, Pensions and Finance
8 Atomic Energy and Radioactive Substances
9 Aviation
10 Banking and Currency
12 Betting, Gaming and Lotteries
1 General
2 Betting and Gaming Duties
13 Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
14 Bills of Sale, England and Wales
15 Building
16 Building Societies
17 Burial and Cremation
1 Burial, England and Wales
2 Burial, Scotland
3 Cremation
19 Charities
20 Children and Young Persons



Group and subgroup

21 Church of England
1 General
2 Ecclesiastical Courts
3 Bishoprics
4 Benefices
5 Clergy
6 Lay Officers
7 Church Services
8 Administration of Property
9 Records
10 Vestries
22 Church of Scotland
23 Church in Wales
24 Coast Protection and Flooding
25 Commons, England and Wales
26 Commonwealth and Other Territories
1 General
2 Aden
3 Anguilla
4 Australia
5 Bangladesh
6 The Bahamas
7 Barbados
7A Belize
8 Bermuda
9 Botswana
9A Brunei and Maldives
11 Canada
12 Cyprus
13 Fiji
14 The Gambia
15 Ghana
16 Guyana
16A Hong Kong
17 India
18 Jamaica
19 Kenya
19A Kiribati
21 Lesotho
22 Malawi
23 Malaysia
24 Malta G.C.
25 Mauritius
25A Namibia
26 Papua New Guinea, Western Samoa and Nauru



Group and subgroup

26A New Hebrides
27 New Zealand
28 Nigeria
30 Pakistan
32 Republic of Ireland
33 Rhodesia and Nyasaland
34 Saint Helena
35 Seychelles
36 Sierra Leone
37 Singapore
37A Solomon Islands
38 South Africa
39 Zimbabwe
40 Sri Lanka
41 Swaziland
42 Tanzania
43 Tonga
44 Trinidad and Tobago
44A Tuvalu
45 Uganda
46 West Indies
47 Zambia
27 Companies
28 Compulsory Acquisition
1 General, England and Wales
2 General, Scotland
3 Defence Purposes
29 Constitutional Law
1 General
2 Wales
3 Northern Ireland
4 Isle of Man and Channel Islands
5 European Communities
6 The Crown
7 Crown Land
8 Royal Forests
9 Crown Private Estates
10 Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster
11 Civil List
30 Contract
31 Conveyancing and Registration of Writs, Scotland
1 Conveyancing, General
2 Execution of Writs
3 Registration of Writs
33 Coroners, England and Wales



Group and subgroup

34 County Courts, England and Wales
35 Courts, House of Lords and Privy Council
1 House of Lords
2 Privy Council
36 Courts, Scotland
1 Court of Session
2 High Court of Justiciary
3 Sheriff Courts
4 District Courts
5 Lyon Court
37 Courts: Supreme Court, England and Wales
38 Courts: Supreme Court, Northern Ireland
39 Criminal Law
1 General
2 Public Safety and Order
3 Public Administration and Justice
4 Offences against the Person
5 Sexual Offences and Obscenity
6 Offences against Property
7 Forgery and Counterfeiting
8 Piracy and Slave Trade
39A Crown Proceedings
40 Customs and Excise
1 Customs and Excise Duties
2 Value Added Tax and Car Tax
3 Import and Export Controls
41 Education
1 General, England and Wales
2 General, Scotland
3 Universities, England and Wales
4 Universities, Scotland
5 Land and Buildings
6 Arrangements with Other Countries
7 General, Northern Ireland
42 Elections
43 Employment
1 General
2 Wages
3 Health and Safety
4 Children and Young Persons
5 Trade Unions and Industrial Relations
44 Energy
1 Electricity
2 Gas
3 General



Group and subgroup

45 Enforcement
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
3 External Judgements
45A Entertainment
46 Environment
1 Countryside
2 Parks and Gardens
3 Caravan Sites
4 Pollution Prevention
47 Evidence
48 Extradition
49 Family Law
1 Marriage, England and Wales and Abroad
2 Marriage, Scotland
3 Matrimonial Proceedings
4 Domicile and Jurisdiction
5 Family Property, England and Wales
6 Family Property, Scotland
7 Legitimacy, Affiliation and Age of Majority, England and Wales
8 Legitimacy and Age of Majority, Scotland
9 Guardianship, England and Wales and Northern Ireland
10 Guardianship and Aliment, Scotland
11 Adoption
50 Fire Services
51 Firearms and Explosives
1 Firearms
2 Explosives
52 Fisheries
1 Sea Fish
2 Freshwater Fish and Salmon
3 Seals and Whales
53 Food
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
54 Forestry
55 Friendly and Other Societies
1 Friendly Societies
2 Industrial Assurance
3 Industrial and Provident Societies
4 Loan Societies
57 Government Departments and Public Offices
58 Harbours, Docks and Piers
59 Highways, England and Wales
60 Hire-Purchase and Consumer Credit
60A Hotels and Refreshment Houses



Group and subgroup

61 Housing
62 Immigration
63 Income, Corporation and Capital Gains Taxes
1 Income and Corporation Taxes
2 Capital Gains Tax
64 Industrial Development
65 Inheritance Tax
66 Insolvency, Bankruptcy and Winding Up
67 Insurance
67A Intellectual Property
68 International Relations
1 Privileges and Immunities
2 International Agreements
68A Intoxicating Liquor
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
69 Investment
70 Iron and Steel
71 Judicial Remuneration and Pensions
1 Remuneration
2 Pensions
72 Juries
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
73 Land Drainage
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
73A Land Purchase, Northern Ireland
74 Land Tenure, Scotland
1 General
2 Entails
75 Landlord and Tenant
1 General, England and Wales
2 General, Scotland
3 Rent Control, England and Wales
4 Rent Control, Scotland
76 Lawyers and Notaries
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
77 Legal Aid
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
78 Libraries, Museums and Galleries
79 Limitation of Actions: England and Wales
81 Local Government
1 General, England and Wales



Group and subgroup

2 General, Scotland
3 Social Services
4 Miscellaneous
82 Magistrates, England and Wales
83 Medical and Related Professions
1 General
2 Vetinary Surgeons
84 Medicines, Poisons and Drugs
85 Mental Health
86 Mines and Minerals
87 Nationality
88 Overseas Development
89 Parliament
90 Partnerships and Business Names
92 Peerages and Honours
95 Police
96 Posts and Telecommunications
97 Prescription and Limitation, Scotland
98 Property, England and Wales
1 Property and Conveyancing
2 Registration
3 Settled Land
4 Trusts
5 Tithe
99 Public Finance and Economic Controls
1 Government Finance and Accounting
2 International Financial Arrangments
3 National Debt
4 Loans to Public Authorities
5 Fees
6 Economic Controls
7 Miscellaneous
100 Public Health
1 General, England, Wales and Northern Ireland
2 General, Scotland
3 Miscellaneous
101 Public Records
101A Public Service Pensions
1 Public Service
2 Miscellaneous
3 Pensions Increase
102 Railways, Canals and Pipe-lines
103 Rating
1 England and Wales
2 Scotland
105 Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
106 Rights of the Subject
1 General
2 Religious Toleration



Group and subgroup

107 Road Traffic
1 General
2 Vehicle Excise Duty
108 Roads and Bridges, Scotland
109 Sale of Goods
1 Sale of Goods
2 Sale by Auction
110 Savings Banks
111 Shipping
112 Slaughter of Animals
113 Social Security and Health Services
1 Social Security
2 National Health Service
3 Miscellaneous
114 Stamp Duty
115 Statutes and Statutory Instruments
1 Statutes
2 Statutory Instruments
116 Succession
1 Administration of Estates, England and Wales
2 Confirmation, Scotland
3 Commonwealth Grants
4 Administration by Consular Officers
5 Wills
121 Time
122 Tort and Delict
1 Defamation
2 Property
3 General
123 Town and Country Planning
1 Planning, England and Wales
2 Planning, Scotland
3 Town Development, England and Wales
4 Town Development, Scotland
124 Trade
1 General
2 Markets and Fairs
3 Shops
4 Regulation of Trades and Trading
126 Transport
127 Tribunals and Inquiries
128 Trusts and Liferents, Scotland
129 War and Emergency
1 Civil Defence
2 Emergency
3 Enemy Trading and Property
4 Prize
5 War Damage
130 Water
131 Weights and Measures


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