Sultan Bahoo The Life and Teachings/Deedar-e-Elahi (Vision of Allah)

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Ghaus-ul-Azam Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Razi Allah Anhu says:

"How can a person worship Allah, unless he knows and recognizes Him."

Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo Rehmat-ul-Allah Alayh says: "A person, who does not recognize Allah while addressing Him, is oblivious of the essence of worshipping Allah. The engrossment, depth and fear of Allah that is found in prayers (after having His Vision and Recognition) can never be found elsewhere. Only this is the reason why the prayers were made obligatory thirteen years after the apostleship of Hazrat Mohammad Sall'Allahu Alayhi Wa'alihi Wasallam. During this period, he Sall'Allahu Alayhi Wa'alihi Wasallam taught the intimate mystical knowledge of Marifat-e-Elahi (Gnosis of Allah) to his Companions. They were set to physical prayers, only after the completion of this spiritual knowledge, so that their prayers may not remain soulless."

In the Holy Quran, Allah says:

"I have not created humans and jinns except for my (true) prayers." (Al-Zariyat-56)

In the explanation of this verse Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas Razi Allah Anhu says:

"In this verse (for prayers) exactly and truly means (for my recognition). For sufis, ‘prayers’ in fact mean Marifat and Qurb-e-Elahi (Closeness to Allah), as the purpose of all the prayers is to have His qurb. For prayers, Allah had enough angels. He does not need fasts and prayers of man. What He really desires from His men is that they seek His Qurb, Visal and Marifat through these prayers."

"Verily, those who do not wish to meet (see) Allah and have liked the life of this material world, and are satisfied with it and are neglectful of our signs, will be punished by burning them and their earnings (of this world) in the extreme fire of Hell." (Surah Younus-7,8)

Sultan-ul-Arifeen has discussed the knowledge of Deedar-e-Elahi in all his books thoroughly. He says:

"The Seeker of Deedar-e-Elahi seeks nothing except Allah’s Deedar. So, he sees nothing except Allah. Drowned in his heart and soul, he sees Allah everywhere."

"The best pleasure is the pleasure of seeing the Eternal Beauty i.e. Deedar-e-Elahi. All the pleasures of this material world are inferior as compared to Deedar-e-Elahi because they are mortal and perishable." (Noor-ul-Huda)