Surrender (Brownell)

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For works with similar titles, see Surrender.
Surrender (1893)
by Gertrude Hall Brownell

The text is taken from McClure's Magazine/Volume 1, Number 4, September 1893, p.308. The author's name appears as "Gertrude Hall".

134667SurrenderGertrude Hall Brownell

Then lead me, Friend. Here is my hand,
  Not in dumb resignation lent,
Because thee one cannot withstand—
  In love, Lord, with complete consent.

Lead—and I, not as one born blind
  Obeys in sheer necessity,
But one with muffled eyes designed,
  Will blindly trust myself to thee.

Lead.—Though the road thou mak'st me tread
  Bring sweat of anguish to my brow,
And on the flints my track be red,
  I will not murmur—it is thou.

Lead.—If we come to the cliff's crest,
  And I hear deep below—oh, deep!—
The torrent's roar, and "Leap!" thou sayst,
  I will not question—I will leap.