Surrey Archaeological Collections/Volume 1/List of Contributions to the Library and Museum

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Aubrey's History of Surrey. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1719.

Allen's History of Surrey. 2 vols. 8vo. Large paper. London, 1831.

Biden's History of Kingston. 8vo. Kingston, 1852.

Antiquarian Researches. By the Donor. 4to. 1848.

Steinman's History of Croydon. 1vol. 8vo. London, 1833.

Sammes' Britannia Antiqua Illustrata. 1 vol. Folio. 1676.

Transactions of the Palæontographical Society. 9 vols. 4to. London, 1848-1855.

Presented by William Roots, Esq., M.D., F.S.A.

Brayley and Britton's History of Surrey. 5 vols. 4to. Large paper. London, 1850.

Presented by the Subscriptions of Dr. Roots, Sudlow Roots, Esq., William Wilson, Esq., C. Bridger, Esq., and the Hon. Secretary.

The Monumental Brasses of England. By the Bev. Charles Boutell, M.A. Large paper. London, 1849.

Presented by the Author.

The Authorship of the Letters of Junius Elucidated. By John Britton, F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1848.

Appendix to Britton's Autobiography. 8vo. London, 1850.

Memoirs of Brayley, Bartlett, and Willson. By John Britton, Esq. 12mo. 1855.

Presented by the Author.

Collection of Acts of Parliament relating to Ewell and Epsom Turnpike Roads. 8vo. 1824.

Presented by R. Hesketh, Esq.

Catalogue of the Museum of London Antiquities, collected by Charles Roach Smith. Printed for Subscribers only. 8vo. London, 1854.

Collation of Topographical Works relating to the County of Surrey.

The History of Parish Registers in England. By J. S. Burn. 8vo. London, 1829.

Collections of the Sussex Archææological Society. Vol. II.

Reports of the Northampton, York, and Lincoln Architectural Societies. Vol. III.

Copse-Grove Hill. By the Rev. B. Broughton. 4to. London. 1829.

Robinson's Mickleham Church. Folio. Plates. 1834.

Presented by Charles Bridger, Esq.

Russell's History of Guildford. 8vo. Guildford, 1801.

Account of Richmond Palace. Folio.

Presented by Mr. John Gardner.

The Charters of Kingston-upon-Thames. By George Roots, of Lincoln's Inn. 8vo. London, 1797.

The Etymology of Southwark. By Ralph Lindsay, Esq., F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1839.

Presented by George Roots, Esq., F.S.A.

A Glance at the County of Surrey, and a Record of Farley Heath. By Martin Farquhar Tupper, Esq. 2 vols. 12mo. Guildford, 1849-1850.

Presented by the Author.

Strange and Wonderful News, being a True Account of the Great Harms done by the Violence of the late Thunder at Ashhurst in Kent, Bleachingley in Surrey, and at Kennington in the same County, &c. Small 4 to. London, 1674.

Presented by Frederick Hendricks, Esq.

Rocque's Map of Surrey. 1762. Large folio.

Strada's History of the Low-Countrey Warres, Englished by Sir R. Stapylton. London, 1667.

Travels in Muscovy, Persia, and the East Indies. By M. Cornelius Le Bruyn. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1737.

Parthenissa, that most fam'd Romance. Composed by the Lord Broghill. 1 vol. Folio. London, 1676.

Travels in France, Italy, &c, in the Years 1720, 21, and 22. By Edward Wright, Esq. 1 vol. Quarto. London, 1730.

Dugdale's New British Traveller. 1 vol. 4to.

Presented by the Committee of the late Chertsey Literary and Scientific Society.

Notes on some of the Antiquities of France, made in 1854. By Charles Roach Smith. 8vo. London, 1855.

Presented by the Author.

Observations upon certain Roman Roads and Towns in the South of Britain. By H. Lawes Long, Esq. 8vo. Farnham, 1836.

Presented by the Author.

History of the Art of Pottery in Liverpool. By Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. 8vo. Liverpool, 1855.

Catalogue of Works of Art illustrative of the Buonaparte Family, in the Collection of John Mather, Esq. By Joseph Mayer, F.S.A. 8vo. Liverpool, 1855.

Presented by the Author.

Suggestions for a more Perfect and Beautiful Period of Gothic Architecture, than any preceding. By W. Petit Griffith, F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1855.

Presented by the Author.

Account of a Gold Ring, acquired at Monte de Marsan by Lieut.-General Ainslie, &c. By Philip B. Ainslie, Esq. Dedicated to the Surrey Archæological Society.

Presented by the Author.

Remarks on the suggested Establishment of a National Order of Merit. By Robert Bigsby, LL.D. London, 1855.

Presented by the Author.

View of the British Authorities on English History. By William Bell, Ph. Dr.

Presented by the Author.

By-Laws of the Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames.

Presented by Frederick Gould, Esq., Mayor.

A Short Account of the Free Grammar School of Saint Olave's and Saint John's, Southwark. By G. R. Corner, Esq., F.S.A. 4to. London, 1851.

On the Custom of Borough English, as existing in the County of Sussex. By George R. Corner, Esq., F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1853.

Presented by the Author.

Notes of Antiquarian Researches in the Summer and Autumn of 1854. By John Yonge Akerman, Esq., Fellow and Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries. 4to. London, 1855.

Presented by the Author.

History and Antiquities of the Parochial Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. By the Rev. J. Nightingale. 4to. London, 1818.

Antiquities of Surrey. By N. Salmon, LL.B. 8vo. London, 1736.

Chertsey and its Neighbourhood. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. 8vo. 1854.

History and Antiquities of St. Saviour, Southwark. By J. Concannen, Jun., and A. Morgan. 8vo. London, 1795.

Memoirs of Edward Alleyn, Founder of Dulwich College. By J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1841.

Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at Court in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. By Peter Cunningham. 8vo. London, 1842.

Excursions in the County of Surrey. 8vo. London, 1821.

Presented by the Honorary Secretary.

Letters of Rusticus on the Natural History of Godalming. 8vo. London. 1849.

Presented by Mrs. Henry Ely.

Transactions of the Cambridge Camden Society. A Selection from the Papers read at the Ordinary Meetings in 1839-1841. 4to. Cambridge, 1841.

Eight Annual Reports of the Ecclesiological (late Cambridge Camden) Society, and Eight Numbers of the Ecclesiologist (from Feb. 1855 to April 1856).

Presented by the Ecclesiological Society.

Transactions of the Ossianic Society for the Years 1853 and 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1854-5.

Presented by the Society.

Sussex Archæological Collections. Vol. VI. 8vo. London, 1853.

Presented by the Sussex Archæological Society.

Transactions of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archæological Society for 1852. Vol. II. Part 1. And three parts of "Proceedings and Transactions," for January, March, and May, 1855.

Presented by the Society.

Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archæology. Vol. II. Nos. 1, 3, and 4.

Presented by the Institute.

Records of Buckinghamshire. Nos. 1 and 3.

Presented by the Bucks Archæological Society.

Reports and Papers of the Architectural Societies of Northampton, York, Lincoln, and Worcester; and of the Architectural and Archæological Society of Bedford, during the Year 1854. 8vo. London, 1855.

Presented by the Northampton Architectural Society.

Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological Society during the Year 1853. 8vo. Taunton, 1854.

Presented by the Society.

Proceedings of the Liverpool Architectural and Archæological Society. Vol. I. 1848 to 1850; and Vol. II. Part 1. 4to. Liverpool, 1852 and 1855.

Presented by the Society.

Annual Reports of the Warwickshire Archæological Society for 1855 and 1856.

Presented by the Society.

Catalogue of the Architectural Museum in Canon Row, Westminster. 4to. London, 1855.

Presented by the Council.


Bricks and Brick Buildings. By the Rev. Richard Gee, M.A.

Presented by the St. Alban's Architectural and Archæological Society.

The Proceedings of the Essex Archæological Society for the Years 1852, 1853, and 1854. Part 1. Vol. I. 8vo. 1855.

Presented by the Society.

A Plea for the Antiquity of Heraldry. By W. Smith Ellis, Esq. 8vo. London, 1853.

Presented by the Author.

An Account of the present deplorable state of the Ecclesiastical Courts of Record. By W. Downing Bruce, Esq., F.S.A. 8vo. London, 1854.

Presented by the Author.

A Letter on the Present Condition and Future Prospects of the Society of Antiquaries of London. Addressed to the Earl Stanhope, President. By the Rev. Henry Christmas, M.A., F.R.S. 8vo. London, 1855.

Presented by the Author.

Dulwich College, or a Model for Free Grammar School Reformation, in a letter to Lord Palmerston. 8vo. 1855.

Presented by S. Bannister, Esq.

Journal de l'lmprimerie et de la Libraire en Belgique. Nos. 1 to 9. 8vo. Brussels, 1855.

Presented by Messrs. Meline, Cans, and Co.

Inventorium Sepulchrale: an Account of some Antiquities dug up in the County of Kent. By the Rev. Bryan Faussett. Edited by Charles Roach Smith. Coloured Plates and numerous Woodcuts. 4to. London, 1856. Printed for Subscribers only.


A List of the Justices of the Peace in the County of Surrey, 1760. By Sir Peter Thompson. 4to.

Papers relating to Dulwich College. Folio.

Document relating to the expense of maintaining Richmond Lodge for the quarter ending Christmas, 1750.

Presented by Charles Bridger, Esq.

Copy of a Deed relating to the Grammar School at Chertsey. Extracts from the Patent Rolls of Edward the Fourth, relating to Chertsey.

Presented by the Committee of the late Chertsey Literary and Scientific Society.

An Autograph Letter of William Bray, Esq., addressed to the late R. Corner, Esq., and dated May, 1813.

George R. Corner, Esq., F.S.A.

Drawings, Photographs, Engravings, Rubbings.


The Old Church, Tooting. By H. P. Ashby, Esq., Member.

Presented by S. Herbert Elyard, Esq.

Archbishop Abbot's Monument, Guildford.

Presented by Mr. John Gardner.

Old Houses at Dorking.

Presented by Mr. John Cleghorn.

Ancient Fireplace at Croydon.

Presented by Mr. G. F. Masterman.

Pen-and-ink Sketch of Wall Painting, representing St. Thomas à Becket, discovered at Stoke d'Abernon Church.

Presented by Rev. F. P. Phillips.

Pencil Drawings by Miss Whitbourn, representing— 1. A Sacramental Flagon of the 16th Century, found near Godalming; 2. An Ancient Spoon found in the same locality; 3. Ancient British Coins found in various parts of Surrey. (Engraved and described, at page 69.)

Presented by R. Whitbourn, Jun., Esq., F.S.A.

Pen-and-ink Sketches of the Old Church, Chertsey, taken down in 1806, and of the Inscription upon the Curfew Bell.

Drawn and presented by Miss Bartrop.

Map of that portion of the Roman Road from Silchester to Staines which passes through Surrey; reduced from the General Map.

Drawn and presented by Colonel M'Dougall.


Views of the Castle and of St. Catherine's Chapel, Guildford; three Views of Ludlow Castle, and one of the Feathers Inn, Ludlow.

Executed and presented by Thomas J. Laing, Esq.

Two Views of the Excavations made on the Site of Chertsey Abbey, showing the stone coffins discovered there.

Two Views of Guildford Castle, and one of St. Catherine's Chapel.

Executed and presented by Captain Oakes.

Representation of an Earthenware Vase discovered at Coldharbour, Blechingly.

Presented by E. G. Pennington, Esq.

View of the Coronation Stone, Kingston-on-Thames.

Executed and presented by George Guyon, Esq.


A Collection of upwards of four hundred Views, Portraits, Maps, &c., illustrative of the County of Surrey. In a Portfolio.

Presented by Charles Bridger, Esq.

View of the interior of the Ancient Church of St. Saviour, Southwark. From a drawing by Miss Charlotte Weslake.

Presented by Miss Weslake.

Portrait of William Bray, Esq., F.S.A., the Surrey Historian. Painted and engraved by John Linnell.

View of Guildford in 1759, and a Large Map of ditto, 1739.

Views of the Crypt of Hythe Church, Kent, and of Greenstead Church, Essex.

Presented by Mr. John Gardner.

Five Views of Guildford.

Presented by Mr. John Nealds.

Portrait of Richard Clark, Esq., Chamberlain of London.

Presented by the Committee of Chertsey Literary and Scientific Society.

Five Lithographs of Woodwork in St. Mary's Church, Leicester; Font and Cover in St. Edward's Church, Cambridge; and Interior and Exterior Views of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Cambridge.

Presented by the Ecclesiological Society.


Thirty-four, mounted on linen: twenty-eight being from Churches in Surrey, four from London, one from Middlesex, and one from Lincolnshire.

Presented by Thomas R. Bartrop, Esq.

A Collection from various parts of England.

Presented by C. Bridger, Esq.

Two from Guildford.

Presented by Mr. John Nealds.

One from Isleworth.

Presented by the Rev. R. B. Byam.

Twenty Rubbings of Surrey Brasses. By Mr. Larby, of Godalming.


The following is a List of the valuable Antiquities presented to the Society by Joshua W. Butterworth, Esq., F.S.A., and which constitute the chief portion of our Collection:—

Three Light-coloured Lagenæ, with narrow necks and handles.

Two Roman Ampullæ and an Urn, found in Bermondsey.

Large Earthenware Amphora with two handles, the upper part covered with a bright-green glaze.

Four Small Pitcher-shaped Vessels, with narrow necks and handles.

Three Elegant Vessels with handles, and a Vase of Red Earth. Found in Queen Street, Cheapside.

Two Drinking- cups, with wide mouths and narrow feet, 6 inches high.

A Straight-sided Cup, fluted, and another of red clay.

Six Curious Drinking-cups, with handles at the feet, very narrow at the top and bottom.

A Mortarium (bearing the name of the maker, VIALLA), 13 inches in diameter: imperfect. Found in Trinity Lane. Two Pipes, fitting into each other by a socket, for conveying water. Found in Blackfriars.

A Hollow Flue-tile, 15 inches long, with scored pattern on two sides, for conveying heated air from the hypocaust to remote parts of a building.

Two Hollow Bricks, 7 inches long, square at one end, and round at the other, with a hole, used for heating buildings. Found in Duck's-foot Lane and London Wall.

Three Roman Bonding-tiles from Houses in London.

A Monile, or Necklace of 120 beads, used probably as an ornament for the neck of a horse. They are of opalized glass, and pentagonal.

Twelve Black and White Beads.

Fragments of Glass Vessels, Roman and Early English. Found in London.

Eight Bronze Lares, of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Cupids, and other Household Gods.

Fourteen Fibulæ; some of rare form.

Six Specimens of Tesselated Pavements of Red Tesseræ, an inch square, which usually form the border of the finer and more ornamental floors. Found in Huggin Lane and Foster Lane, London.

Six Specimens of Fresco Painting. From Roman buildings discovered in Old Fishstreet Hill, and the site of the Royal Exchange, London.

Eight Bellarmines of different sizes, one having the arms of Amsterdam.

A curious Wooden Jug or Mether, cut out of a solid piece.

Three Earthenware Pitchers.

Three Earthenware Jugs of the 16th Century.

Four fine Horns of the Indian Antelope, and Nine Stag-horns. Found in London.

A quantity of Leaden Cloth-marks, bearing the various devices of Merchants in London.

Five finely Irridescent Bottles of Various Forms. From St. Swithin's Lane, &c.

A small Silver Chain and Cross, enamelled, set with minute diamonds.

Two Bronze Heads from a Vase.

A Small Mask.

A Piece of Stamped Leather, bearing the word AMOR.

Impression in wax of the Seal of Abbot's Hospital, Guildford.

From Mr. George Russell, Master.

Impression in wax of the Seals of the Mayor and Corporation of Guildford.

Presented by F. H. Napper, Esq.

Urn of Grey Pottery, discovered in a bed of gravel several feet from the surface, in excavating for the Chelsea Waterworks, near Kingston.

A Bronze Brooch, circular in form, and bearing the following inscriptions: on one side, AVE MARIA GRACIA (PLENA); and on the other, IESUS NAZARENUS. Probably of 15th Century. Found at the same time and in the same locality as the Urn.

Presented by James Simpson, Jun., Esq.

Fragment of Timber from the Old Church of St. Mary's, Lambeth.

Presented by R. Raynham, Esq.

A Shilling and a Sixpence of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. Found near Godalming.

Presented by R. Whitbourn, Jun., Esq.

Two Vessels in Grey Pottery, supposed to have been used as wine-measures. Found in excavating ground adjoining the West side of the Angel Inn, High Street, Guildford.

Presented by J. R. Stedman, Esq.

The early Kings of England, after they became Earls of Anjou, had wine-stores in this town. Precepts to the Sheriffs of Surrey are still extant, directing that no wine should be sold within the Bailiwick of Surrey except from the King's Stores.

A Series of Eighty Facsimiles of Corporate, Abbatial, and other Seals relating to the County, including those of the Earls of Surrey.

Impression in wax of the Seal of Sir Thomas Bysshe, Knight, Lord of the Manor of Burstowe, Surrey, 1382, temp. Richard II.

Presented by the Honorary Secretary.

Nuremburg Counter. Found at Bagshot.

Presented by C. R. Cayley, Esq.

Stone Celt. Found at Coombe Hill, near Kingston.

Presented by Arthur Brown, Esq.

Terra-Cotta Ring. Found, with others, in Richmond Park.

Presented by Edward Jesse, Esq.

Seventeen Ancient English Coins. Found at various times between 1840 and 1852, on the site of the Archiepiscopal Palace, at Croydon.

Presented by S. Lee Rymer, Esq.

A Roman Brick from the Gaer, Brecknockshire.

Four Specimens of Fossils.

Key of Chertsey Abbey.

Stirrup and Horse-shoe worn by Marlborough's Cavalry, 1708.

Fragment of a Skull and Bone. Found at Newark Abbey.

A Shepherd's Leathern Bottle.

A New Zealand Shield.

Wooden Nut-Crackers from Almners Barns, Chertsey.

A Piece of "The Royal George" in the form of a Book.

A Stuffed Alligator.

Presented by the Committee of the late Chertsey Literary and Scientific Society.

Fragment of Bread taken from a Tomb in Alexandria, and supposed to be 2,000 years old.

Presented by Miss E. Webb.

Two Bronze Medals. Commemorative of William Roscoe, and of the opening of St. George's Hall, Liverpool.

Presented by Joseph Mayer, Esq., F.S.A.

A New Zealand Spear and a Malay Spear.

Presented by Mrs. Richard Webb.

Sixty-eight Fragments of Encaustic Tiles from Chertsey Abbey.

Fifty-four presented by S. C. Hall, Esq., F.S.A. five by Captain Oakes, and nine by William Hawkes, Esq.

Encaustic Tile from Weavers' Hall, Basinghall Street.

Presented by J. Wickham Flower, Esq.