Table of Government Orders

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Table of Government Orders 1671-1990
United Kingdom

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1360272Table of Government Orders 1671-1990United Kingdom


Covering the general instruments to 31 December 1990



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1. This Table lists two categories of general legislative instruments:

(a) those which are delegated (or "subordinate" or "secondary") legislation, being made under statutory powers; and
(b) certain instruments made under the royal prerogative which, though primary legislation, have been included in official editions of delegated legislation.

Publication of the former category, though not the latter, has been regulated by statute since the late nineteenth century.

2. Instruments made under statutory powers between the beginning of 1894 and the end of 1947 were, with some exceptions, classed as statutory rules and orders, and were subject to the provisions of the Rules Publication Act 1893 and Regulations made under it. Those made after 1947 have been classed as statutory instruments, being regulated by the Statutory Instruments Act 1946 and the Statutory Instruments Regulations 1947. Under both Acts, such instruments have been numbered consecutively in annual series. Prerogative or other unnumbered instruments are, in this Table, listed chronologically after numbered instruments of the same year.

3. The Table gives, for an instrument listed, the following information:

(1) as a heading to the first column, the year in which the instrument was made;
(2) the serial number of the instrument in that year or, if it was not numbered, the date upon which it was made;
(3) the title of the instrument, or subject matter if it has no title, printed in bold type if the instrument or any part of it is in force, and in italics if it is wholly revoked, spent or otherwise without effect, but omitting in either case the year in which it was made (see (1) above);
(4) if the instrument was made before 1961, a volume and page reference in brackets, showing where its text may be found (see paragraph 4 below);
(5) if the instrument is wholly or partly in force (and so in bold type), short particulars of any amendment, modification, etc. effected after 1948 (but not of those effected earlier, since the revised text of instruments made before 1949 was included in Statutory Rules and Orders and Statutory Instruments Revised to December 31, 1948);
(6) if the instrument is no longer in force (and so in italics), short particulars of the revoking provision, or of any reason why it has ceased to have effect (e.g. "spent", "superseded", "expired").

Other information provided by the Table is described below.

4. Before 1961 statutory rules and orders and statutory instruments were arranged in the annual and revised editions according to subject matter. To assist the user in finding the text of such an instrument, the Table gives in brackets a volume and page reference in one of the following forms:


Example Meaning
(p. 21) Page 21 of the annual edition for the year shown in bold type in the first column.
(Rev. 1889 V p. 38) Page 38 of Volume V of Statutory Rules and Orders Revised [1889].

5. The entry in brackets after an instrument may consist of the word "Noted" followed by a reference to a revised edition. This signifies that an amendment, effected by that instrument, has been incorporated in the instrument which is printed in that edition at the page shown. The notes to the latter instrument often include a reference to the annual edition containing the former instrument.

6. The abbreviation "dep." (for "dependent") is used to signify that an instrument which applies to an overseas territory is now dependent, for any continuing operation it may have, upon the law of that territory. Such instruments are shown in italic type.

7. Most instruments of the following categories are omitted from this Table:

(a) Orders etc. made under the Defence Regulations or other emergency legislation, such as Emergency Powers Acts or Supplies and Services Acts;
(b) instruments which were revoked or ceased to have effect before 1949 (i.e. before the closing date of the 1948 revised edition);
(c) instruments which are classified as local, being in the nature of local, personal or private Acts.

8. The Table of Government Orders is prepared and published under the authority of the Statute Law Committee. It is produced annually, and supplemented during the year by a noter-up. Any suggestion or other communication relating to the work should be addressed to The Editor, Statutory Publications Office, America House, 6 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BP.

9. Copies of local instruments issued recently by HMSO may be obtained from that Office (see addresses on reverse of title page). Copies of local instruments unobtainable from HMSO (from 1922 onwards) may be obtained at prevailing prices either from the Statutory Publications Office, America House, 6 Spring Gardens, London SW1A 2BP, or (up to 1980) from the Head of Search Department, Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1LR, or the British Library, Official Publications and Social Sciences Service, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG.

There are, unfortunately, gaps in these collections, notably for the years 1942, 1950, 1951 and up to no. 940 of 1952.


List of Abbreviations

(Also used are some conventional abbreviations and others the meaning of which will appear from the context)

A.S. ... ... ... Act of Sederunt.
Act of Adj. ... ... Act of Adjournal.
addnl. ... ... ... additional.
am., amdg., amdt. ... amended, amending, amendment.
Appx. ... ... ... Appendix.
art(s). ... ... ... article(s).
Assoscn(s). ... ... Associaation(s).
Authy., Authies. ... Authority(ies).
aux. ... ... ... auxiliary.
Bd(s). ... ... ... Board(s).
c. cc. ... ... ... chapter(s).
C.A.M. ... ... Church Assembly Measure(s).
Commn(s). ... ... Commission(s).
Commr(s). ... ... Commissioner(s).
C.L.P. ... ... ... Common Law Procedure.
cont. ... ... ... continued.
Ct(s). ... ... ... Court(s).
Ctee(s). ... ... Committee(s).
defn(s). ... ... definition(s).
dep. ... ... ... dependent (see Introduction, para. 6).
Dept(s). ... ... Department(s).
E. ... ... ... England.
E. and W. ... ... England and Wales.
exc. ... ... ... except.
excl. ... ... ... excluded.
ext. ... ... ... extension, extended.
gen. ... ... ... general.
G.B. ... ... ... Great Britain.
G.L.C. ... ... ... Greater London Council.
Govt. ... ... ... Government.
H.M. ... ... ... Her Majesty.
H. of C. ... ... House of Commons.
Instrt(s). ... ... Instrument(s).
I. ... ... ... Ireland.
Is. ... ... ... Island(s).
L.C.C. ... ... London County Council.
L.P. ... ... ... Letters Patent.
Min. ... ... ... Minister, Ministry.
misc. ... ... ... miscellaneous.
mod. ... ... ... modification, modified.
N.I. ... ... ... Northern Ireland.
opn. ... ... ... operation.
O. ... ... ... Order(s).
O. in C. ... ... Order(s) in Council.
O. of C. ... ... Order(s) of Council.
p., pp. ... ... ... page(s).
P.O. ... ... ... Post Office.
para(s). ... ... paragraph(s).
Proclam. ... ... Proclamation.
prosp. ... ... ... prospectively.
prov. ... ... ... provisional, proviso.
Provn(s). ... ... Provision(s).


pt(s). ... ... ... part(s).
reg(s). ... ... ... regulation(s).
retrosp. ... ... retrospectively.
R. ... ... ... Royal.
r. ... ... ... repealed, revoked.
Rev. 1889 ... ... S.R. & O. Revised (First Edition).
Rev. 1903 ... ... S.R. & O. Revised (Second Edition).
Rev. ... ... ... S.R. & O. and S.I. Revised (Third Edition, 1948).
revn. ... ... ... revocation.
St. ... ... ... Saint.
Secy. ... ... ... Secretary.
s., ss. ... ... ... section(s).
sch(s). ... ... ... schedule(s).
susp. ... ... ... suspended.
transfd. ... ... transferred.
Treas. ... ... ... Treasury.
U.K. ... ... ... United Kingdom.
W. ... ... ... Wales.


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