Talk:1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Avalon

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It is interesting to note that the Urantia Book refers to the local universe named Avalon which is one of the neighboring universe to Nebadon.The other nearby local universes are named as Henselon, Sanselon, Portalon, Wolvering, Fanoving, and Alvoring.(The Urantia Book 32:2.12) Earth or Urantia is one of the 3.8 Million odd planets of Nebadon where intelligent life exists.

The Urantia Book in Paper 66 para 2.7 mentions about a team of highly skilled volunteer commission visiting earth for the purpose of transplanting life plasm on a group of special corps of extra terrestrial origin so that they can adapt to work on earth as guides to the evolving human beings of earth, some 2 million years ago.

From the revealed knowledge that is presented in the Urantia Book, it appears that the local universe of Avalon is much more advanced than Earth's own local universe, namely, Nebadon in matters relating to material life and material sciences.

The legends of Avalon that we have could perhaps have some connection with this and need further research.

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