Talk:Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Boucher, John (1777-1818)

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Reprint version


BOUCHER, JOHN (1777-1818), divine, was born in 1777. graduated B.A. at St. John's, Oxford, 23 May 1799; was elected fellow of Magdalen at the same time; took holy orders in 1801, and proceeded M.A. on 29 April 1802. At this time he became rector of Shaftesbury, and in 1804 he was vicar of Kirk Newton, near Wooler, Northumberland, where he died on 12 Nov. 1818, at Kirk Newton (Wilson, Churches of Lindisfarne, p. 73). A posthumous volume of 'Sermons' was dedicated to Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham (2nd ed. 1821).

[Preface to Sermons.]

J. H.