Talk:Palestine Exploration Fund - Quarterly Statement for 1894/Table of Contents

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Articles indexed by authors iii
Illustrations vi
General Index vii
Notes and News, January 1894 1
Letters from Herr Baurath von Schick
I. Tabitha's Tomb and St. Peter's Church at Jaffa 13
II. Excavations by the Augustinian Brethren on Mount Zion 15
III. Notes of Changes in Jerusalem Buildings, &c. 19
Notes by the Rev. J. E. Hanauer.
Notes on the Skull Hill, &c. 21
Orders of Holy Men in Palestine 22
On the Fall of Rain at Jerusalem in the 32 years from 1861 to 1892 39
Meteorological Report from Jerusalem for 1884 44
Une Tablette Palestinienne Cunéiforme 47
The Jews under Rome 47
I. Government 48
II. Employment 49
III. Dealings with Gentiles 52
IV. Religion 54
V. Language 56
VI. Writing 60
VII. Music 61
VIII. Time 61
IX. Women 62
X. Dress 64
XI. Food 64
XII. Buildings and Tombs 65
XIII. Agriculture 67
XIV. Fauna and Flora 68
XV. Geography 72
XVI. History 78
XVII. Alphabet 80
Notes on the Quarterly Statement, October 1893 81
The City Sehlala 82
Circle and Serpent Antiquities 83
Jerusalem, the Recent Pilgrimage to 101
Ruins of Church at Jacob's Well 108
A Lebanon Cliff Castle 113
Marble Fragment from Jebail 118
The Sidon Sarcophagi 120
Birth, Marriage, and Death among the Fellahin of Palestine 127
Meteorological Report from Jerusalem for 1885 144
Note on the New German Church in the Muristan, and the Discovery of an Ancient Wall 146
Note on the Winged Figure in Baron Ustinoff's Collection 147
Notes on the Winged Figure at Jaffa, on Bether, &c. 148
Jerusalem Topography 150
Cana and Megiddo in Tutian's Diatessaron 151
A Bronze Medal from Jaulan 152
Notes and News, July 1894 153
Excavations at Jerusalem (1st Report) 169
Notes on the Plain of Jericho 175
The Jerusalem Cross 183
Remarks on facsimile of Metal Mouse in the Collection of Baron Ustinoff at Jaffa 189
Land Tenure in Palestine 191
A Hittite Monument 199
Note on the Marble Fragment from Jebail 200
Greek Inscriptions in Western Palestine 201
Notes on Tell el Hesy 203
Notes on Herr von Schick's paper on the Jerusalem Cross 205
Notes on the Quarterly Statement, April 207
Notes on the on Stone and Pottery Masks found in Palestine 209
Legend of Il Hakim 210
On the Depth and Temperature of the Lake of Tiberias 211
On the Depth and Temperature of the Lake of Tiberias 220
On the Hæmatite Weight from Samaria 220
On the Hæmatite Weight from Samaria 221
On the Hæmatite Weight from Samaria 222
On the Haematite Weight Purchased at Samaria 225
On the Hæmatite Weight from Samaria 225
Excavations at Jerusalem (2nd Report) 243
Discovery of a Beautiful Mosaic Pavement North of Jerusalem 257
Discovery of a Beautiful Mosaic Pavement North of Jerusalem 257
Jerusalem Notes 261
Meteorological Report from Jerusalem for 1886 266
The Siloam and Later Palestinian Inscriptions 269
The Birth of Abu-Zaid 277
Ancient Jerusalem 282
On the Hæmatite Weight from Samaria 284
On the Ancient Hæmatite Weight from Samaria 284
On the Hæmatite Weight Purchased at Samaria 284
Jewish Pilgrims to Palestine 288
Note on the Swastica 300
Notes on Mr. Davis' Paper 301
A Correction 301
Notes on the Quarterly Statement, July 302

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