Talk:The Path of the King

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Information about this edition
Edition: George H. Doran company, New York, 1921
Source: Project Gutenberg and Internet Archive
Level of progress:
Proofreaders: theBroom


  • ise instead of ize such as in realise,
  • ence, instead of ense as in offence
  • [chapt 2..firstfruits is one word]
  • [chapter 4. Soldan of Egypt is correct}
  • travelled is correct with 2 l's
  • defence is correct ... practise is correct
  • chapter 6, He, drawer!" is correct, the He is accented.
  • chapter 7, instalment is the way it's spelled in the book.
  • Tchut in chapt 9 is correct
  • tittuped in chapt 11 is correct
  • accompt-book chapt 11 is correct
  • offences is correct throughout the book
  • O-hio in chapter 12 is correct
  • Her husband, Tom Linkhorn, thought she mending, Chapt 13 is correct (no was in the line.)
  • sensible ob it 14 is correct