Talk:The Philosophy of Law

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Information about this edition
Edition: The Philosophy of Law. Tr. William Hastie. Edinburgh: Clark, 1887.
Source: OCR
Contributor(s): Ingram
Level of progress:
Notes: First part of Metaphysik der Sitten.
Proofreaders: Ingram

Editory Explanations on the Prefatory Explanations


This is my first experience with a book that has "Prefatory Explanations" instead of a quotidian "Preface", so I consulted Kant's original 1797 edition; cf. HERE (thank you University of Michigan—Go fighting Wolverines!). Kant wrote a "Vorrede" (freely translated as "Preface") not "einleitende Erklärungen". So what is Hastie doing? It seems he split the original Vorrede/Preface into the "Prefatory Explanations" and the appended essay "Kant's Vindication of his Philosophical Style". Finding it infelicitous to place the bulk of a preface at the end of a book, I reunited what Hastie rent asunder. I have replaced Hastie's "Prefatory Explanations" with the simple, but complete, preface. I think this is more faithful to Kant's original intent (which I prefer over the editor's creativity).

Ingram 07:10, 20 June 2008 (UTC)Reply