Template:Criminal Code of Thailand/TOC

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Act Promulgating the Criminal Code, BE 2499 (1956)
Criminal Code
Division 1: General Provisions
Title 1: Provisions Applicable to General Offences
Chapter 1: Terminology
1 Terminology
(1) “Dishonestly”
(2) “Public way”
(3) “Public place”
(4) “Dwelling”
(5) “Weapon”
(6) “Forcible attack”
(7) “Document”
(8) “Official document”
(9) “Right document”
(10) “Signature”
(11) “Nighttime”
(12) “Immure”
(13) “Ransom”
(14) “Electronic card”
(15) “Passport”
Chapter 2: Application of Criminal Law
2 No punishment without law
3 Jurisdiction ratione temporis; lex mitior
4 Offences committed on the Thai territory
Division 3: Misdemeanours
367 Failing to give necessary information or giving false information to a public officer
368 Failing to observe a lawful order of a public officer
369 Damaging an official notice
370 Placing the public in fright or trouble by causing noise
371 Going armed in a public place, etc.
372 Disturbing the peace of a public place, etc.
373 Neglecting an insane person in one’s care
374 Failing to help another in a deadly danger
375 Obstructing a public gutter, water channel, etc.
376 Shooting a gun amongst a public gathering
377 Neglecting a fierce or violent animal in one’s care
378 Putting oneself in a state of drunkenness and comporting oneself with troublesomeness in a public place
379 Exhibiting a weapon in the course of a fight
380 Causing public water to be in a loathsome state
381 Maltreating or cruelly killing an animal
382 Imposing an animal with an extortionate or inappropriate work
383 Failing to give assistance required by a public officer for the sake of abating a public danger
384 Circulating false information
385 Blocking a public way
386 Impeding a public way
387 Installing any object in such a manner that it would drop or collapse and injure another in a public way
388 Indecent exposure
389 Causing a solid object to fall and injure another or property of another, etc.
390 Negligently injuring the person or mind of another
391 Nonserious forcible attack
392 Placing another in a state of fear or fright by threat
393 Affront; criminal libel
394 Bringing an animal into another’s agricultural area
395 Carelessly allowing an animal in one’s care to enter another’s agricultural area
396 Leaving in or near a public way the dead body of an animal
397 Treating another with insolence in a public place or in public, etc.
398 Maltreating a child, ill person or senile person