Template:DFD entry/doc

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Construct a table for the Index:Dictionary of the Foochow Dialect.pdf

  • 1 Foochow pron.
  • 2 Radical, or empty
  • 3 Character(s)
  • 4 Bopomofo pronunciation
  • 5 文 or 俗
  • first first row of radical: indent the first cell


{{DFD entry/s}}
{{DFD entry | first=y | càng | 山 | 一二 | ㄔㄢ | | a high inaccessible peak or cliff }}
{{DFD entry | càng-ngàng | | 一二 | | 文 | a high craggy summit }}
{{DFD entry/e}}
càng 一二 ㄔㄢ a high inaccessible peak or cliff
càng-ngàng 一二 a high craggy summit

See also
