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This template builds common fractions, using a fraction slash. It takes one, two or three parameters: the optional integer (may be signed), the optional numerator and the required denominator; in this order.

A+BC (integer, numerator and denominator)
A<s style="display:none">+</s><small><sup>B</sup>⁄<sub>C</sub></small>
AB (numerator and denominator)
1A (denominator only)

See also

  • {{frac}}, displays common fractions using a fraction slash, e.g. 160
  • {{mfrac}}, displays common fractions using LaTeX markup, e.g.
  • {{sfrac}} for horizontal fraction line, e.g. 1/60
  • {{sfrac nobar}}, displays common fractions without a fraction line, e.g. 1/60
  • {{dual line}}, displays two lines of text as an inline block
  • {{unifrac}}, displays the Unicode character for a fraction if it exists and otherwise delegates to {{frac}}, e.g. ⅝ but 160
  • {{frac13}}, displays ⅓
  • {{frac23}}, displays ⅔