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Left aligns text with a <div>

{{left|here is left-aligned text with a 5em offset|offset=5em}}
here is left-aligned text with a 5em offset

If any text is placed before or after the template, it will simply wrap to another line without any offset:

{{left|here is left-aligned text<br>with a 5em offset for both these lines,|offset=5em}} but not this one right here, {{left|and here is more left-aligned text|offset=5em}}
here is left-aligned text
with a 5em offset for both these lines,

but not this one right here,

and here is more left-aligned text

Where the block of text to be formatted extends over a page-break {{left/s}} and {{left/e}} should be used. {{left/s}} accepts the offset parameter.

Body of first page:

here is left-aligned text



Header (of second page):


Body of second page:

with a 5em offset

See also
