Template:NYT ext link/doc

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This template generates various types of links to the New York Times web site.



In its simplest form the template takes a URI and a link name and displays the link with description appended:


{{NYT ext link|http://www.nytimes.com/|Homepage}}

Homepage at The New York Times

If you would like to simply make a link without the description you can add "inline=true", which will also work with the other parameters described below.


{{NYT ext link|http://www.nytimes.com/|Homepage|inline=true}}



This template can mimic Wikipedia:Template:NYTtopic if passed a topic path through "topic=". The description is changed appropriately. If you use "topic=" you must specify the link name with "linkname=".


{{NYT ext link|topic=people/r/susan_e_rice/index.html|linkname=Susan E. Rice}}

Susan E. Rice collected news and commentary at The New York Times


This template can generate a link to the NYT archive site if passed an archive ID through "archive=". The archive ID usually appears after "res=" in the URI:


If you use "topic=" you must specify the link name with "linkname=".


{{NYT ext link|archiveid=FB0D17FD3C55137A93C2AA178ED85F438585F9|linkname=The State Department's Record of Dulles' News Conference}}

The State Department's Record of Dulles' News Conference at The New York Times


  • {{{1}}} or uri - The page URI to link to.
  • {{{2}}} or linkname - The link name or link title. Defaults to the current Wikisource page name.
  • inline - If true, display the link alone without any following text. Value can be "true" or "false"; defaults to "false".
  • topic - See Topic page link above. No value by default.
  • archiveid - See Archive page link above. No value by default.
  • year - Optionally display a year in parentheses. No value by default.
  • author - Optionally display "by author" following the link. No value by default.